Forgettable boss fights.
Forgettable boss fights
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there is a difference between bait threads and just straight out wanting to get banned user
Sundowner, Monsoon and Sam gets a lot of mentions, yet Mistral is ignored or forgotten.
Was your plan just to spark an excellent MGR thread?
not enough memes
At least she's not that one guy in the mech
>most memorable song in the game
>most forgettable boss
To be fair Khamsin had one of the best themes in the game.
That was hardest part in my no damage S rank playthrough. But fuck if it wasn't satisfying.
song was already used at metal ray which was pretty memorable
they just wanted an excuse to put the full lyrics into the game
How does the biggest jobber have the best theme in the game?
>blocks your S rank
it was hard for me too because I didn't know that you could parry until monsoon anyone else just completely miss vital game mechanics like those?
Imagine being Grad, the absolute fucking jobber, and thinking you have a shot at Sam.
>that webm
That's impressive.
how did Raiden know that Sam wasn't really a cyborg and was all human?
>Forgettable boss fights.
I can't remember any.
90% of DS2
Any boss that later becomes a standard enemy
A bunch of others that I've forgotten about because they're forgettable
you'll have to do better than that, everyone loved monsoon's boss fight
mgr thread?
Reminder the actual most forgettable boss fight is the Hammerhead desu.
bad, user, bad!
Mistral is forgotten because of the fact that the only threat in her boss fight is her Gekkos.
If the fight didn't feature the Dwarf Gekkos, and actually had her developed in to a threatening character with cool moves, guaranteed she'd be one of the fights that actually gets mentioned, after all, she's already best girl.
exo-suit. if he was a cyborg commando, he wouldn't be wearing the suit
The gut punch moment to the player in the Japanese player is the moment you stab Sam Through at the end of the fight. Because of the severe dismemberment of every other opponent, cyborgs are depicted as having white blood in Japan, so when Sam bleeds red it's supposed to immediately indicate he's flesh and blood on the whole.
That having been said, there are other subtle hints, e.g. Sundowner making those huge ass jumps but Sam needing the helicopter to come down low enough to get on in the prologue.
In the jap version he was the only one to bleed actual blood rather than the white cum blood cyborgs use, that's why he remarks on that after their duel
Sam is still technically a cyborg because of his arm though, just not a full-body one like others
Astorias had more challenge
What do you folks think the odds are the new arm made Sam weaker? Unless we say his DLC is non-canon, he does tons of shit that puts Raiden to shame.
>remember Monsoon fight out of nowhere recently
>boot up the game, select the chapter
>the game won't progress properly into stage 2 for some reason
Didn't even have the FOX Blade equipped.
Sam is weaker than Raiden in speed and strength,, he's just way, way more talented and better at baiting his opponents.
The arm probably didn't make him any weaker, it's just that over the course of the game between the added enhancements and the loss of Raiden's hesitation Sam's talent wasn't enough to bridge the sheer physical spec gap. That's also why Raiden can physically kill Armstrong when Sam couldn't, despite being a better combatant.
I wagered he was about the same.
The exo suit gave him a superhuman edge, and the cyborg arm simply replicated that.
If it had made him stronger or weaker, it likely would have thrown off his game.
>That's also why Raiden can physically kill Armstrong when Sam couldn't, despite being a better combatant.
To wit, Sam lost against Armstrong because he underestimated what Armstrong was bringing to the table.
moshi moshi, baito desu
from the same game I'd have to say the chaos demon thing in lost izalith before the lavaskip shortcut
Sundowner was the most forgettable for me of mgr
Sam just didn't get any flashy scenes like that in the game as the antagonist, his appearances mostly have him either bullying Raiden (physically and verbally), weaker cyborgs, or getting a blade in his gut. Plus Raiden gets an upgraded body so he's probably on par with Sam or better than he was during his fight with Ray and their first encounter. For all we know Sam did even more ridiculous shit during his time in Desperado (Wolf mentions working with him on three missions before)
>Struggles to saw Ray in half after 2 rounds of fighting him
>Easily bisects Ray as if he was a Mexican child
>Struggles to beat Grad and only does so just barely
>Kills Grad with a single kick
>Struggles against Armstrong and only manages to penetrate his flesh when he's worn out and weak
>Casually stomps Armstrong in to the ground and slices his arm clean off when he's still at nearly full power
Sam's clearly stronger, it's as simple as that.
He was the most memorable though. LORENTZ FORCE!
The whole point to the setup of that scene is that while Sam was talented, he was literally not fast enough for his plate to reach Armstrong's skin before his skin hardened without the use of quick draw, whereas Raiden was able to kill Armstrong without it.
You're also not factoring in that Sam's HF blade is way better on the cutting power. The only real litmus test is the comparison of when they each fight Armstrong with Sam's blade, where Raiden can kill Armstrong but Sam can't.
It's an unfair comparison though, because;
>Sam is smacking the shit out of Armstrong
>Armstrong panics and stabs his arm through Sam's while Sam is laughing
>Armstrong is smacking the shit out of Raiden
>Raiden tricks Armstrong in to picking him up, dusting him off, and extending a hand in friendship
When Armstrong finally truly fought Raiden, he was fighting with a broken heart, he never stood a chance.
Sam was overpowered by raidens sheer strengh, in a battle of skill sam would win easily, but raiden at the end of the day was another level
That sounds like dumb bullshit. Also, Raiden doesn't actually get a good attack in at that point because he doesn't have Sam's blade, and you're just making dumb excuses if you're saying Armstrong was "heartbroken"
Sam's the technically superior character. If he was as cyborg'd up as Raiden, he would have torn both him and Armstrong apart, but he wasn't. Your wanking that he was "stronger" isn't really true, he was just "better."
My friend finished the fucking game before he learned about parrying.
Raiden's a literal jobber, he just cheats using other peoples' gear to get free wins.
>Wahh I can't beat Sam he clowned me
>Oh here little baby Raiden, don't cry, have a new body
>Have this massive pair of scissors too
>Wow Raiden you beat Sam, you're truly the better man!
your friend is a liar, I learned to parry because monsoon's literally impossible without parries
>When Armstrong finally truly fought Raiden, he was fighting with a broken heart, he never stood a chance.
Name a more forgettable] last boss.
That's what I thought, he spammed EMP grenades until he won
Is this a joke? It was Mario Galaxy 12 years before Mario Galaxy.
Too easy, fought too early.
The stealth puzzle DLC boss that can be killed in like, 3 hits?
I never used those, well play'd, I guess
on my first run I just smashed attack against monsoon having no clue what to do and got attack windows. I finished the game the first time without knowing how to parry or dodge
>Complaining about 'using other peoples' gear' when you have a default weapon
You only have yourself to blame
Keep deflecting Jack, we all know you couldn't beat Sam in a fair fight.
She would be a highlight in any other game, but MGR is so full of top tier bosses that she falls into the background.
Is it frowned upon to use healing during boss fights?
Watch the dsp video and you'll be shocked at how bad you be at this game and still win.
What's funny is that her story, despite being pointless, is the best written narrative in the series as far as moment-to-moment beats go. Probably because it was written by the woman who makes the manga adaptations instead of being written by Nomura.
why would you bother when rations activate automatically?
Can we talk about the actual worst ending to a game coinciding with the final "boss" being fucking terrible?
on what difficulty tho
She doesn't really have a "that moment"
doesn't seem like a good watch desu senpai
>she gets off with every arm shoved into her
Mistral was walking sex
I haven't watched anything dsp, but I'm probably far worse than him.
I somehow managed to beat MGR with a 400ms reaction time on good days. I knew how to do shit, I just couldn't do it fast enough.
Thank god for the armor that lets you carry more healing items.
literally who?
Ever healing throughout an entire game should be frowned upon.
I miss when games used to score damage taken, health items used, etc., having rewards in the game that necessitate you to be fast, while also taking very little damage throughout were great for making you have to truly master a game.
He basically only does ninja run attacks, it's really, really bad.
Don't watch it.
>ywn be that chair
He's right though. I remember a cutscene about memes and not much else. Really bland game if you don't like metal and edgelord shit.
>ywn be one of mistral's gekkos
why even live?
I catch myself singing her dong under my breath all the time.
>if you don't like metal and edgelord shit
what the fuck is wrong with you then
Alright, I giggled.
I am alright with this.
maybe its having been to school and not typing like a small child
>her dong
Wasn't the last boss either Riku or Saix? I never played 358
She's a cyborg though so she probably weighs a lot, are you sure you want to risk it?
Best part of Monsoon pre-fight is the cat
>You will never be a Dwarf Gekko
>Mistral will never reward you for doing an exceptionally good job by allowing you to massage her glutes and quads
She was my favorite due to the song and her being the first real big fight besides the ray
Honestly I'm just glad the Crypt Keeper's voice actor is still getting work. He did an amazing job as Monsoon.
I could finally die with purpose
Oh yes.
>h-how dare they put v-violence into video games and blood pumping music to go with it. Where are the games for sophisticated, mature gamers such as me?!
Pl/a/tnum ca/n sa///ve meta/l/ gear//////////////////////
do people notice her hair gets messy during her final phase?
I'd actually play Survive if 10 minutes in it was shown to be a ruse and it suddenly went all Platinum.
wouldn't we all? whats your point