What the fug.
What the fug
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>[ooooOOOOOooOOOOHHHHH intensifies]
Why is garret such an edgy faggot, lmao?
This is considered good level design to nostalgic fags
>when you find little big world
What about a single hallway indicates bad level design?
more like greedy cunt
I thought the level design was magical.
All of the game has good level design. Constantine's mansion is a mansion just like Bafford's or Ramirez, it just happens to include architecture that is fubar on purpose to disorient you. The game spends the first few levels getting you used to various things, and this is the first level that turns one of those aspects upside down. It's not the strangeness that makes the level design good, it's the fact that it's just as well designed as the rest, just strange.
>being a paranoid nostlagia spammer
I played the for the first time last year and it's one of the best games I've ever played. I'd go so far to saying that it's the most creative game I've ever played. The onyl bad thing about the game is the anti-climactic ending.
And it's in a hidden area accessible only by a secret switch that most people aren't going to find.
>it's a rats map filled with rat men
I miss the time when devs had fun making a game, thought you still get that with some good indie games.
Post FMkino.
That level and several other levels have nonsensical layout with DUDE WEIRD ABSTRACT shit everywhere
What game
>why doesn't the den of an avatar of chaos make more sense?
>Pcbro making fun of PS1 moving texture when they can't even have a straight fucking corridor
Would a hamster die from a fall of that height?
It would be extremely painful
Plus there's a bunch of missions in locations that have more sensible level design too.
>A rich cunt's mansion
>Mines + Prison complex
>Dilapidated city quarter
>Another cunt's mansion
Granted there's some twisting level design in those and especially in other levels like the catacombs and ancient ruins, but they work for the locations. Also because most areas are distinct and have good landmarks to work off of, it's much easier to navigate than say, some of Doom's more sprawling levels
I haven't played the game, but you sound like a cynical asshole
guinea pig
it's possible
they only live like 4 years so who gives a fuck lol
Join us... join us NOW!!!
Only cynical assholes like Thief, as they are to cynical too like newer better games like Splinter Cell
Think I'll post up some Thief fanart
Would you die if you fell from the height of your ceiling? Does an ant die when it falls off a table? All living beings are made of atoms, and the electromagnetic force that holds matter together is just as strong, whether you're big or small. An ant, a hamster, and a human all endure the same impact if you drop them from 7".
-Which is why The Little Big World in the level The Sword makes no sense because a person shouldn't die if he jumps off of a table. It's only couple of feet off the ground.
Hey, I liked SC:CT. It's one of the best stealth games ever made. I just really like Thief's atmosphere, sound design, ambient tracks, background lore and details, art and cutscene style, and the voice work.
is this bait?
>as they are to cynical too like
You almost had it
Yes, actually, an eight foot fall could kill a human if you landed the wrong way. And I was asking because I know some animals like cats can right themselves if they have enough time in the air. Are guinea pigs like cats? And, if yes, is the height of a ceiling enough time?
>preferring more open ended level design is cynicism
What do you think of Conviction?
Not to mention the level design, the options it gives you to approach a mission, the secrets, and despite how dated its stealth model is, most games don't take so many varying light and noise levels into account when making a stealth model
Ants and humans do not fall at the same speed. The impact is not the same.
>I don't want to make a thread about this
which SC game started on a train? was it PT?
guinea pigs are incomprehensibly stupid
they're born munted and I genuinely don't understand how they survived long enough to become pets
they're the lowest class of animal like cows
they exist to be eaten by better animals
a guinea pig cannot wipe it's own arse, and they blast some rheumy fuckin' shits sometimes. eventually they get sick and die.
their teeth grow endlessly and even in the wild they're unable to wear them down fast enough, eventually they can't eat and die
they also get allergies if you use straw bedding, and their piss is fuckin' caustic and just eats through anything
fucking xenomorph piss
fuckin guinea pigs are just foul little rat cunts
they're a failure of a species
genetic dead end fucks
that guinea pig did nothing when it was put on the ball and it would have done nothing when it was flung into the air
and when it smacked the fuckin ground it would have done nothing more than roll over and die
They actually do fall exactly the same speed from that distance. Their terminal velocity from much higher is completely different though because of the aerodynamics. An ant won't reach the same maximum speed dropping from an airplane than a human does, but it does reach the same exact impact speed as a human does when falling from the second floor.
>An ant, a hamster, and a human all endure the same impact if you drop them from 7".
that's not true, at all
Why doesn't Garret wear boots with padded soles?
Rose Cottage and Rowena's Curse are must-plays.
Nice, spooky atmosphere.
I remember seeing this years ago on TTLG's "Taffer Art" thread.
I remember drawing this on a different display and that's why it's so goddamn dark on my current one.
Well, wouldn't be worth it without a challenge
The Mage's Tower was absolute shit. The fucking Fire Tower was probably the worse of them all.
Because thieving has become so easy for him that its become boring and he wants a challenge which is why he wears tap shoes, just like how Lupin the 3rd likes being chased by Zenigata all the time.
It's only so loud from your perspective. The guards don't hear you too well until you're close.
well technically the kinetic energy that is released is different because of the different mass, but the mass that releases that kinetic energy and the volume that absorbs some of it regarding each object go pretty much hand in hand so in principle all of those objects do endure the same impact.
>dated its stealth model is
I properly played thief games super late and despite being a constantly complainer, the "invisible in shadows" mechanic didnt bother me at all, the game and FMs has too great of an atmosphere.
I fucking hate clacking though, also makes garret seem like an idiot to not know how to take a tumble and it triggers on what feels like literally anything.
Yeah, I don't hate TG or anything but I can understand where TTDP purists are coming from
Don't forget the soundtrack:
Thief: The Dark Project
Okay, that's fucking awesome user!
My first ironman ghosting attempt of the Mage Towers ended abruptly in the Fire Tower's treasure room when my hand fumbled on the keyboard, aligned with the wrong keys and I pressed Left instead of Backward. I took a step left into the lava puddle and died instantly. The entire mission until that part was perfect, with no knockouts, no detections and no saves. And it ended with clumsiness.
I took a long break from playing that mission but eventually I did finish it and I did record it too.
because he has tap-dancing lesson immediately after every mission and doesn't have time to change
>came for the porn
>stayed for the story
Yeah, that one is probably my favorite piece of fanart, showing off a lot from all three only three games. Whoever drew it did a great job
which porn piece in particular drew you to Thief, user?
I bet it was this
I just noticed this poor dude in Life of the Party. He's before the entrance to Angelwatch, right below the building with the drunk guard. Is the game implying he was drunk too and fell off?
Thief has one of the most atmospheric settings I've ever seen, it baffles me that no one could replicate it
>dishonored is just muh 18 century britton with whale oil powered generators
>retarded producers of Th4af copy it instead of taking their own setting which actually inspired dishonored in the first place
I think you got the wrong thread
good taste
I actually liked the rough idea behind Dishonored's world and the artstyle.
Yet, the story and gameplay did not manage to tie it together that well.
Stop, you're giving me a boner.
Best level tbqh
Last one.
My brother made this for me
Thanks bro
Three words:
Downwind Thieves' Guild
Are there any other non-game pieces of media that remind you a lot of thief?
That's what I always took from it.
Never forget.
First Cathedral level was much worse on Expert, fucking spent so much time looking for gold I honestly quit playing the game.
>Not Undercover
I love that sound it makes. I like to stop and just take in the atmosphere of that level, sends chills down my spine.
Oddly enough, I hadn't watched the original Bladerunner until a couple years ago and it gave me some of the same feelings. I guess it makes sense, being that they're both dark, noir-ish stories in fantasy worlds.
Particularly the parts where Rutger Hauer is chasing Ford around near the end, and the rooftop.
how can zombies be that close to civilization
you can even see lit rooms in the buildings
I snipped out bunch of loops from this to use as ambients in a mission youtube.com
Of all the dark ambient music I've heard this stuck out as the most Thiefy.
the impact damage scales massively based on your mass actually, there's a youtube video about it somewhere
4 u
What's the difference between the base Thief game and Thief: Gold? Which should I install?
that's kind of funny, because I always imagine Garret's hair kind of looks similar to Deckard's, short and choppy.
None of them did but there was a train level in CT
Thief Gold has 3 extra levels, but one of them is considered one of the worst in the series, one of them are considered one of the best, and the remaining one is sort of average.
I wish that instead of literally rehashing the first game they made a Dishonored game that's essentially a spiritual successor to Thief where you play as someone who uses their newly gained outsider magic to steal stuff so they can make money to keep living in their house.
Last level has you stealing from the Dunwall Tower where you can out-stealth Corvo and take a key from him you need to get the treasure you're after.
Biggest difference are that Thief Gold has three extra levels. Thieve's Guild, Mages Towers and Song of the Caverns. Common consensus is that Guild blows, Towers is ok, Cavers is fantastic.
But there's also some smaller differences and level edits. Changes to the Lost city level is the most noteworthy.
They also added for a Gold an enemy called the Fire Shadow, which is to give players infinite fire arrows so a level doesn't become unsolvable. They're also admittedly fucking spooky.
Go with Thief Gold. It adds some new levels and more story. If you don't like the levels for some reason you can use a patch to downgrade your game to the original Thief
There's actually more than a youtube video about it. There's something called a European high school education.
>They're also admittedly fucking spooky.
You're tellin' me
>Common consensus is that Guild blows
Eh, the idea is fantastic, the execution is what makes it so bad. No idea why the level designer was so stingy with hiding places and dark spots (even if you turn out lights) or why the AI seems more nervous than in other levels.