Vayne is back bitches

Vayne is back bitches.

I had a lot of fun during the beta tests. How is the community now?


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Did not expect him at all, but he looks like he'd be fun as hell to play and it's a great pick really.
>XII has one "hero" and two "villains" over the series now

H-hey guys Vayne is here!

Attached: dissidia-final-fantasy-nt-vayne-solidor.jpg (700x394, 56K)

Vayne looks great but not great enough for me to want to play nu-dissidia.

So, who's next?

This guy explained everything from the stream where they revealed him.
>that Ex Skill
All the rumours are mainly pointing at Locke.

Wow thanks square. Who even gives a shit? All they had to do was make dissidia 1&2 hd, nope. Heres your homo 3v3 gundam bullshit. Can square do ANYTHING right?

Wait, isn't his name vayne ferinus solidor?

seriously, am I misremembering or does his middle name change?

I have been called bad before. Many have said I do things that are not correct to do. I don't believe in talk such as this. I am nice man, with happy feelings. All of the time. First, a joke. What do you get when you cross an owl with a bungee cord?

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca

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That was Larsa's middle name.

I am a huge fan of the first two games. And I was also really pissed with this 3vs3 bullshit and character redesigns. But I played the beta and I was suprised how good it is. Do you even play it user? It's really good.

Emperor Mateus a beast

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He shitposted about it being Gundam when the only new similarity is it being team based, even though Gundam is 2v2. It wasn't worth a (You), but if he does reply to you he'll say at most he played one game in the beta and ragequit.

Your top characters?

>1 Kefka
>2 Golbez
>3 Emperor
>4 Garland
>5 Exdeath

He looks pretty fun even though I know nothing about the guy. Shame this means we might not get BUY MY SWORD

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>you will never KNOW THIS PAIN that he will not get in.

*yawn* Zzz
When are we gonna get non-humanoid villain in final fantasy?

Lightning main.

Hoping that Caius does not get in as her rival. I never liked him, and I'm glad the nips don't either.

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>he's a monk
B-but what about Tifa?

Garland, Jecht, Kain, Cecil, Golbez
Garland is the fuckin man

Attached: Garland_CG.png (1023x779, 554K)

>the nips don't either.
I know this is the case. But why exactly don't they like him, if you happen to know?

She's not coming this year. Better forget about it for now.

>tfw we won't TAKE YOUR LAST BREATH until he gets in
How the fuck would he play, though. He was based on the EX system, and seeing how that is pretty much gone, they would have to rework the fuck out of him

Attached: Gabranth_(Alt_1_EX_Mode).png (653x611, 194K)

The rest of the season pass better be great if they want my money

literally who

Ramza works almost exactly the same way. They don't have to rework him unless they wanted to, to differentiate him further from Ramza, and they could easily pull from his judge moveset even if they did.

They just don't like him. Couldn't tell you why.

One thing that might play a part is how he was advertised as essentially "Lightning's Sephiroth" but their conflict was so poorly portrayed in XIII-2. He was more of a rival to Noel and maybe Serah.

I dunno. Personally, I never took to XIII-2(Beyond gameplay) and Lightning Returns even though I actually enjoyed XIII.


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Daily reminder of why XII is shit:

>Dude what if we made literally half the cast be inconsequential to the story
>Dude what if we made multiple cutscenes where the main character has no idea what's going on and just stands in the background while people who matter speak
>Dude what if we made a character who's literally just a random girl off the street
>Dude what if we made a cast that barely says anything and almost never interacts with each other
>Dude what if we made a character with an interesting and nuanced backstory and then only let the player use him in one dungeon, at the end of which he dies
>Dude what if we made a villain who has zero emotional connection to the heroes and doesn't even meet them until the last ten minutes
>Dude what if we took a setting with a million interesting species and then only included humans and bunny humans as playable characters
>Dude what if we gave the narrator a comical Apu accent
>Dude what if we made a complicated political plot and then ruined it by turning it into standard ancient god shenanigans
>Dude what if we made a plot where the heroes have almost no impact on what happens until 95% of the way through the story, and they spend their time tromping from one ancient temple to the next
>Dude what if we took everything 100% seriously and had zero levity
>Dude what if we wrote all of the dialogue to sound like a Renaissance Fair
>Dude what if we we had no overworld and all travel was handled by a menu or floating teleport crystals
>Dude what if we made a battle system where you set everything up in advance so that you don't actually play the game
>Dude what if we made summons useless except for opening doors
>Dude what if instead of fun side quests we had only fetch/kill quests like in some generic MMO
>Dude what if instead of having fun side games like the motorcycle chase and Triple Triad we had nothing
>Dude what if we had really shitty music

>that feel when that was the first outfit/weapon combo I went out of my way to get

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What a coincidence, so did I. I hate Lightning Returns as a game, but I won't lie, it has nice costumes.
I also got lucky and got her Etro Knight outfit and weapon from treasure.

Ramza stole his kit, hes gone for good.

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I only noticed she wear no pants in LR because of this game

built for thighsex

Reminder that Shiva has the best boss battle theme, Bahamoot's is a close second, and the rest aren't as good

But that's wrong, though.

He looks awesome. I wouldn't have added him, but after seeing how they handled him he is totally worth it. Plus, he is one of the only unarmored males in the game that doesn't look like a total faggot.

Too bad the game itself is beyond saving. The matchmaking is some of the worst I've ever seen and the devs are so slow to address issues or add content.

>responding to pasta

>I don't like Caius

Shit taste. Who else would get in? He literally spends an entire game fighting her while you piss around in the timeline.

Why do people keep parroting this? I'm convinced no one ever used Ramza or Gabranth for them to think this. They have virtually no similarities aside from EX Charging, and the payoff for Ramza is completely different than with Gabranth. Ramza is also a support orientated character whereas Gabranth was a passive character that had a Gorilla mode.



take yor last breath


Vayne isn't a villain, though.
I mean XII is shit, and the plot twist(s) are partially why, but is Square Enix retarded? Have they played their own horrible, demographics tested shitstains?
Whatever. I wouldn't play that crap either if I was them.

>Vayne isn't a villain
Jecht and Golbez aren't either

>Who else would get in?
Someone less shitty? He was created to be "Lightning's Sephiroth" and utterly failed to become it. Theres no real build up to their conflict. There is no personal connect to each other or any real reason to become invested in their conflict.

Give us Space Pope or Cid Raines. Hell, I'll take Jihl over Caius. Hes as bad as fucking Genesis.

>Dissidia is made by a team of interns who don't even play games
Well that explains the awful gameplay and "story"

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its been shit since the beginning then since those characters were in the handheld games

>uses flying swords
I don't even remember that part
I only remember his final form

Actually, Dissidia NT isn't even made by interns, it's made by some people on Tecmo-Koei, with some execs from Squenix giving them general direction I guess.

Ramza isn't just support. He can choose to buff his team or power himself up in pretty much the same gorilla mode way after charging. People say that because other people act like Gabranth would be impossible to add in the way he is purely because of that one mechanic, which was his main defining gimmick yet is still entirely possible in this game, with Ramza as proof.
Jecht and Golbez were added in the original games because they are the main antagonists of their respective game's protagonists. They clearly know a hell of a lot more about both FF and Dissidia than you do.

Did he have another part? I mean the prologue/opening, I guess.
Honestly Vayne is such a non-character. In a game filled with one-dimensional characters, he struggles to have even a half a dimension. Whatever the fuck that means.
Just Square Enix jerking themselves off, trying to pretend they didn't ruin XII's production, while marketing Zodiac Age.
If the Zodiac Age re-release didn't exist, Vayne wouldn't be anywhere near this game.

Kill yourself, limp dick nips @ SE.

Antagonist isn't synonymous with Villain.

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No it's not. Good thing that wasn't solely what motivated the character choices.

Time and improved graphics have been kind to Lightning.

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I want to hotdog her thighs

>>Dude what if instead of having fun side games like the motorcycle chase and Triple Triad we had nothing

What are "Hunts," for kill yourself you fucking faggot. Alex. *bing*

So the next DLC character from the old-half is another Villain?

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I don't think that's specifically what they're hinting at. Not just because of the rumours or that they wouldn't really know but there's not really any villains they could add from the first half. I mean, there's what, Xande and Zemus? That's being overly generous too.

iirc it was hinted that it was a male from the first half, nothing about a villain.
Rumors are it's Locke

The slowness of these releases is absolutely disgusting. This game is already near dead as it is.

>6th and final character NEXT YEAR in a game that’s already underperforming

Ashe a shit.

>almost all the DLC characters are male
>most of the base cast is already male
>half of them look the same
This game is such a terrible representation of the franchise as a whole. So many generic bishounen swordsmen. If I wanted to play a game with these losers, I could play the games they were from. Give other characters a chance to shine. Vayne is a step in the right direction at least, but once the fags from XV come in it will all be ruined again. Same with Locke. 100% wasted slot

are people still pretending that they give a shit about the console version?

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Fucking terrible outfit. As expected of a Lightning player.

>So many generic bishounen swordsmen.
welcome to FF.

>it has nice costumes.
I find that hard to believe.

>So many generic bishounen swordsmen.
That's what happens when you make them the main characters 90% of the time.

>Hes as bad as fucking Genesis.
Oh, you're that guy.

>the main character in each party
>then surrounded by a bunch of unique and interesting characters
It really isn't FF, outside of FFXV. Many of the parties in FF are super colorful and unique. They just have a generic uninteresting protagonist. I'm still mad we wasted slots with losers like Onion Knight.

Its very believable

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>Many of the parties in FF are super colorful and unique.
Come on bro.

>still no Laguna

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Really? But it barely came out.

>This game is such a terrible representation of the franchise as a whole
But that's how FF is.
That it's not what you want to see doesn't mean that it's bad representation, you big baby.

What the hell were they thinking with that schedule?

Everything about the game is horrible, except the gameplay. The menus, the interface, the matchmaking, the single player, the method of unlocking content, the progression, the netcoding, etc... are all trash tier. It makes playing the game so unfun and almost all of the community already dropped the game because of it

I'm still not fully convinced, I fear.

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>hating on Onion Knight
No user, the fag is you.


I want to get Lightning pregnant

>Many of the parties in FF are super colorful and unique
Name some, then.

I bet if Caius got in, he'd be less played than Exdeath.

Attached: DFF2015_Exdeath.png (774x1000, 815K)

>Final Boss
>Can give you free heals if you rotate a white mask across your party
But why?

>playing characters based on popularity

>Not playing a character because you actually like that character

>not picking according to the hottest meta
You're just going to be left behind, user.

How can he get left behind, Dissidia already Dead.

You didn't even buy the game so why even pretend your opinion matters?

I honestly doubt it. It's pretty difficult to fuck up Caius' moveset to the same degree as Exdeath's.

>implying there won't be a Renaissance once Ardyn lands and he's the most developed character to promote his DLC
It's all according to plan.

Why is that faggot with a lisp so popular? How can anyone listen to that drivel

Yeah, but you act like thats the only reason. Hes not exactly a popular character, even from his own game. Theres even a much, much more popular character from his game.
Look at the two most played characters in the arcade, Sephiroth and Cloud. You can bet not everyone playing them plays them just because they are solid characters.

Caius similarly is also very, very unpopular over in Japan.

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I'm not downplaying the other reasons per se, but I do think that when you get into the lowest percentages the gameplay can easily swing ones above the others.

Also I must be crazy then, because I prefer Exdeath to Gilgamesh. He's my fourth favorite villain in the franchise. He's genre savvy, always trying to kill you when he appears. He's charismatic, bombastic and even has a laugh in his theme before Kefka.

>they really think this game is going to last until 2019
Meanwhile im already burnt out on the game. I don't even feel like going back and trying to finish the story mode.

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>there are people on Sup Forums retarded enough to think they care about the console version and aren't just supporting it by proxy with updates to the real version

I really hope you're not implying that his PSP moveset was a good thing.
Because he's one of the few people who does indepth analyses of the game, the characters and the Japanese streams and has been putting out good content for the entire lifespan of the game since it first came out in arcades. Try not being scared of accents.

I wouldn't say Exdeath is hated, not like Caius is. Just that he isn't popular overall.

Gilgamesh though is a massively popular character. Hes both a comedic character while also being a strong one. He also gets portrayed as Bartz's rival, even if its often onesided on Gil's part.

It's not an accent, it's lisp. He sounds like a 6 year old.

>I really hope you're not implying that his PSP moveset was a good thing.

I'm not. I'm just saying the present one is lackluster plus too precise and unthreatening for the game. Exdeath's stance gimmick serves only to harm him, by increasing the chance of being in the wrong one in a volatile situation. Basically when I look at Golbez' Twin Meteor, freezing globe or any of his normal projectiles really and then look at Exdeath throwing his puny close range air sword slash all I can think is "Why?"