Vermintide 2

Just bought this, what the FUCK am I in for??

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Fun if you play with good players otherwise you will wipe on every level.
Also do forget to bully the elf

>play with bots
>don't wipe
>play with randos

such is the way of Vermintide 2

don't trust elfs

Been playing legend all day today. Managed to finish three maps with my m8s. The chests pretty much give you all orange items all the time.

>Dwarf host tries to tell people what to do
>downed all the time
>end up following other players and afraid to initiate fights

ai is good at dealing with mobs and specials, they suck shit at fighting bosses and not falling off fucking ledges.

Orange items are not worth the trouble, as you can promote any item to orange through crafting. You can farm veteran for components and outfit yourself in full orange gear by recycling trash. You play legend for shit other than regular equipment.

Hey pcbros, OP here. Seems to run really well on my gtx 980, and it's gorgeous to boot. However, I seem to have these small lines on the top and bottom of the screen, any idea how to get rid of them?

>I hear a gutter runner!
>It leaps across the whole ass map at you
>Markus pulls out his musket and skeet shoots the bitch and it ragdolls into the wall behind you

AI aimbot lmao, only balanced by the fact that they're also retarded.

A fun alternative to Left 4 Dead with warhammer bants

Arguably with better gore too, which I didn't think was possible. L4D2 was the staple for good gore for years

A rough anal gaping for the first hour or two until you start getting better gear since damage values are not scaled for starting players.

I got the same and looked a bit for a fix, never found one

Kinda seems like they're intended for whatever dumb reason

fuck rats

Is it worth playing with just two people? My bro and I want to play but don't really want to play with randos.

you cant lmao
the game is still pretty much in beta, so many bugs and other issues

2 buttons the game
Meh, it work for shooters because you have to aim, but for melee combat most of the time? it gets so boring sooo fast.

this isnt skyrim combat

>don't have fun challenging yourself
>just mindlessly grind

no thanks

Get ready for Burblespue Halescourge to fuck your virgin boypussy raw

It's better with randoms, user.

lines? can you take a screenshot?

everyone dies and the world is reset in the world of war craft universe.

light attack
medium attack
heavy attack
push stab

You will learn the usefulness of these when you play legendary and deeds

You'll still have a lot of fun, but I think the harder difficulties (beyond verteran) might be out of reach.

Bots have pretty terrible AI performance compared to average players.

This. You need to be kitted out as a bosskiller when you play with bots if you want to do Champion with them. Which is a bit of a pain.

>this isnt skyrim combat
Correct. Skyrim actually has directional power attacks, this shit has power attacks with directions that cannot be input manually, the just one after another in a fixed sequence, lmao. This shit is literally worse than Skyrim combat.

Yeah try playing legend and button mashing your way through, see how that works out

There is way more to it than that. Dodging attacks, reading the enemy animations, blocking, aiming for the head, positioning, etc. The combat is very engaging.

How to spot someone who's only played on recruit.

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You just outed yourself, you don't know how the combat in this game works.

>medium attack
No such thing. What you call a "medium attack" is just a partially charged "heavy attack" aka power attack.

No such thing, only blocks.

Sure give me a moment.
They're like thin creme colored lines at both the top and bottom of the screen. Almost like it's an intended effect, yet I find it distracting as fuck

I swear if my group wipes at that simple fucking three doors with runes on button matching puzzle ever again I am going to fucking reach down the internet and choke out whichever cunt randomly spams bricks

So you're saying you can input the direction of a power attack manually, shitter? Say "yes", I want to laugh at you with the rest of the people ITT.

is this the overwatch killer?

Blocking just before an attack I believe results in a "Parry" aka it throws them off balance like a stagger when you attack those shield twats multiple times

Here's the line issue I seem to be having

Attached: 20180313172428_1.jpg (1920x1080, 623K)

>want to do a power attack from left to right
>normal sequence of power attacks goes from top to bottom, left to right and right to left
>make one normal fast swing, charge a power attack, it goes left to right
There, you just learned how to manually input specific attacks, you stupid shitter.


Doesn't seem like it shows up in screen shots. It's as if im playing in windowed borderless. Wish I could figure it out, but this screenshot does no justice. Thanks anyways

>No parry
user, go load the game up and then block and HOLD left mouse to do a push and immediate counterattack. It's a thing.

I know. I never really knew it existed until someone told me about it. The characters seem to shout at you to parry certain enemies like the berserkers, so it seems to have its uses.

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I don't see any lines, are you experiencing screen tearing perhaps?

try pressing alt+enter to force the game to fullscreen, see if that helps.

>Playing games fullscreen

It just didn't show up in that screen shot. They sit at the very top and bottom of the screen, and they disappear in loading screens.

Some power attacks don't match the basic attack sequence though. For instance on my halberd, one or the swipes turns into a poke as a power attack.

you cant get rid of them

you two are blind

>to manually input specific attacks
Nope, you retarded dumbfuck mongoloid. What you did was play a specific sequence of attacks, you cannot input the direction of attack in this turd manually, shitstain.

>block and HOLD left mouse to do a push and immediate counterattack
That's not a "parry", you fucking retard, that's a regular light attack that is made right after a push with a smaller than normal delay.

normal attacks and power attacks share the same sequence, as do block attacks

on the halberd this is especially notable because you can do a block push attack into a light attack, which means you push the enemy away then hit it in the head with two quick overhead armor piercing smashes

if you're not willing to accept that you were wrong, then just leave the thread

Seems like it's an intended effect, it goes away in loading screens and during certain cutscenes, rather strange.

So, to recap, the combat in this dogshit is actually worse than in Skyrim, because you cannot input the direction of power attacks manually and you can't power bash/push to stagger bigger enemies.

I accept that I'm wrong. I thought you had an actual brain, but you don't. I'm sorry I was wrong.

Don't fully charge a heavy attack, basically.

If it was an intended effect it would show up for everyone. I'm playing right now and i can't see any lines.

you can literally stagger every enemy in the game
fuck off retard lmao

I wouldnt say the gore is better, but the amount of gore and carnage on screen is. KF2 and L4d2 have much better dismemberment systems but VT2 has just volume

The ragdolls and animations are very good in VT2. Hitting enemies just feels right.

Which career should I be using for Victor? So far I've just stuck with Witch Hunter, but are the other two better?

>you can literally stagger every enemy in the game
Stagger a chaos spawn with a push, you shit-eating retard. You can only stagger larger enemies with Kruber's charge or a bomb.

Do I need to know the Warhammer setting to enjoy this? Is the first one still worth playing?

or a ranged headshot from any weapon
or a charged attack from siennas staff
even regural heavy attacks can stagger them

again, fuck off retard

just got my first red. how rare is this?

Attached: red.jpg (1920x1080, 583K)

>is the first one worth playing
If it is cheap, yeah.
>do I need to know Warhammer
No. Game does a good job at explaining most stuff. You can just google anything that you hear and think is interesting to find the details.

In other words, stagger them with powerful attacks just like you can do in Skyrim, lmao? This game is utter dogshit with a combat system more primitive than the one in Skyrim and you're a shit-eating retard. Case closed.

That's not a red you shit.

What is the best primary/secondary for Saltzpyre?

You are but a little baby

That's orange, baka.
Also, it's the worst trait.

You're right. I was looking at the icon and i assumed this was the ''red'' people were talking about. Either way, i'm going to feel bad when i need to replace this weapon.

Rapier and brace of pistols

Listen all you shitty sienna/dwarf in champ that hopped on the characters since there easy just because theres 4 enemies on the screen doesnt mean you have to pull out your ranged weapon and slap 40% of my life off.

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Flail and Repeater Crossbow.

As long as you are below level 5 expect to lose suddenly despite your best efforts.

If you lose because 1 or 2 players fall slightly behind and the team is split, it's not their fault. Always blame the person who runs off ahead. This is NOT L4D, you don't have to sprint from point to point and there is no run button for players on defense to catch up.

>First orange
>Level 16
>Also at 115 power gear already


>Wasting your ammo on slave rats
Please do not do this

I'm at 125-130 for the most part. Isn't that normal for my level? I have 15 chests saved up which i haven't opened yet.

Whats the best spec for him, BH?

>finish the final objective
>just have to get to the teleporter and escape
>everyone drops what they're doing, splits up, and tries to run through a horde
>we wipe with the end in sight
Those early recruit games were rough.

How hard is this game for people who didn't play 1? It's noticeably but the divide in skill is massive. I need to level Kruber up and only manage like 1/5 veteran runs since everyone keeps dieing as soon as a boss appears.

You won't, oranges aren't rare at all.


This is just fully false
What are you doing with these posts my man?

Why does my post game screen never load? I literally only see a black screen?/!?

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I am in the process of downloading this game, drop me your steam if you have the patience to deal with someone new, dedicated and ready!!!!

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Does crit power work? it doesn't affect my damage in the dummy.

I remember VT1 being more balanced. This whole "Hero power level" thing seems to affect gameplay a lot. Low levels can take up to 10 minutes of smacking to kill a boss regardless of skill.

I mean, there are things that make killing bosses faster like shade/beam staff/ some rifles/ maybe hagbane still, but it's just things like "block when the boss swings" "be aware of enemies that aren't only the boss" "don't get separated because alone 1 special with a disable will ruin you."

The average Sienna player under level 10 kills themselves 2 or 3 times per game. There should really be some sort of in game tutorial on her magic.

The real difficulty comes from randoms who refuse to acknowledge that there are 3 other people playing.

It might be an overexaggeration but I swear blind its always the elfs who do this the most.

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The Rapier has thrust, which bypasses armor, does not glance of enemies no matter what power level or difficulty, is fast as fuck and comes with pimp offhand pistol.
The repeater crossbow has piercing and can be kitted out with scrounger to proc off BH blessed shots for infinite, piercing, triple shots.
These two weapons are the superior ones.
Unless you maybe find a Falchion eith max atk spd bonus and the orange bonus for faster hits, none of them will come close to being as versatile and useful as the rapier.
The flail is still neat though. Only weapon in game with shield bypass, instead of break.

Are Flame Swords bad?

someone tell me why the fuck they set the dummies to 100x the damage again? how stupid can they be. for what reason

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I can't say for sure they're *bad* but they're hot garbage compared to the knife.
The knife is fucking good.

It's much harder than the first game, expect to wipe semi-frequently on easiest difficulty, especially if playing with randoms.


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So you don't have pointless decimal points seperating numbers that are going to be there anyway