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Are normies/consolefags really dumb and lazy enough to pay $69 for someone to do what amounts to 20 minutes of "work" that a 10 year old could accomplish?

can't they get in trouble for flatout lying?

t. poorfag

What work? Consoles update automatically when they're connected to the internet.

Guaranteed replies.

the console literally does everything for you, its an idiot proof as it could possibly be
these guys are just appealing to the technology fearmongering sensibilities of boomers buying presents for their grandchildren

>it takes him 20minutes to set up a ps4
You plug in the HDMI and power cables and create a psn account. 45 seconds max

God bless capitalism.

No. What are they lying about? They're promising a service and nothing on that ad is a lie about what they offer.

Its probbly for old ppl

20 minutes includes boot time, login, system updates and cloud save sync. But yeah, it's a pointless service that even the most braindead gamer could do on their own for free.

Sony redesigned the disc tray because console players were getting their tongues caught in it. What do you think?

You're not even worth the (You)

It preys on parents/grandparents who don't know any better. Your average chad thundercock buying his fifa machine knows this is just a rip off.

>gave him the (You) anyway
Dumb fuck.


It did actually take me quite a long time to get my account and everything else set up.

But then again, the majority of that time was spent finding a username that wasn't taken and wondering why the fuck a console needs Facebook integration.

>don't wait for hours like everyone else

Everyone else = Strayans?

australians dont use pounds you fucking dumbass mutt

I have 250 down 60 up usualy so idk what ur one about.

>Aus calling anyone else a mutt

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>paying money to have someone download the system update for you

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That's a Euro symbol you fucking mong.

Picture comes from Republic of Ireland.

I wish I could get in on this scam. Even just $40 for setting up consoles would be fucking easy money.

>Use this service
>My TV is contained in a room full of used needles, unwashed cumrags and a incestous family of rabid raccoons.
>the TV has faulty wiring
>wi-fi is 802.11-1997

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>system updates and cloud save sync
I wouldn't exactly call that work.

They don't come to your house and do it. They do it in the store.

If I lived I such a sorry state I would pay just to watch the guy fuck up endlessly and eventually sue when he breaks my shit.

Fuck, I'll let the racoons know.

>Company has a service where they install game consoles in your home

People can't really be this stupid to be that much for something so easy to set up.

>20 mins of work
System updates and software updates have gotten so bloated it might be 1-2 hrs. Not justifying it but I hate that updates are now 10gbs+


I know you're joking, but I used to work as a home shopping driver and the thing I'm missing from your checklist is the outdated IEEE network format.

They actually don't let them bring the shopping in any more, at one point a guy was held hostage in a kitchen with knives while they demanded the shop fix and refund missing items.

>Sit around and watch the download bar fill up while you jerk off
I wish I could get paid 69€ for that because I already do it for free.

>Want me to install your updates, bro?

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You stay away from me and my children Destiny

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a system update isn't absolutely necessary, is it? I bought my PS4 used so I'm not sure.

>Dont wait for ho
>Come try a bro!

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>supposed to be plug and play
>so much easier than PC they said
>required system update
>required install from cd
>day 1 patches
Now we have ps4 pro and xbox one x. A hardware update that requires buying a whole new console. Consoles have turned into Macs. It's pretty sad.

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Despite this, Jap niggers still release games only on consoles because of "muh nihongo honor". That's rich, coming from a country of sellouts.

>20 minutes

Oh no! You have to press one button! Totally like PC!

If they're americans, then yes.

>parents and old people will fall for this shit

Nothing will make me more sick than preying off of people who aren’t tech smart. They’re better off just reading the instruction boxes that come with the bloody units.

Destiny got a career now?

Good. Let the tech illiterate masses have their console toys. You don't want to share a platform with the sort of people that pay someone to install their system updates.

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>aussie calling anyone a mutt

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>Stores can't support this anymore due to it not making any money

Capitalism is why shitty practices are allowed to fail.

>tfw best buy i work at does this
>i get a bonus for each one i do since its literally 0 effort or resources
>mfw i do them fucking constantly

god i love stupid people

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>turn on playstation
>online mode has been disabled while console updates
>3 times a week
I'm having so much fun



I have seen people saying this about building PCs but unironically.

If you want to play online, typically you have to update the system and that's what most normies buy the console for.

This. It's 100% meant to exploit people buying consoles for their kids/grandkids.

>3 times a week
Stop lying. Theres literally only an update like once every 3 months.

>Paying 69 smackaroos to have someone plug a cord into the socket
nani the fuck

For old people, just getting it out of the box, connected to their tv, connected to their wifi and the system updated is a mystifying process. That's who it's aimed at, sweet little grandmas that just want their grandson to be able to play the minecrafts.

To be fair calibrating my TV was pretty difficult. Lots of differing opinions. Decided to just say FUCK it and stick to the standard "game" mode.

Attached: LG_Logo.jpg (2111x1149, 410K)

the grandson can do that, this is 100% made to scam people like when they sell you extended guarantees with laptops or antivirus licenses.

My mom asks me to do all the technology stuff. I don't ask for money, just stay for dinner.

Precisely, it's a total scam but she doesn't know any better. That sign said the console needs the update and if they're charging 70 eurobucks for it, it must be hard to do.

Attached: lovetech.jpg (432x674, 113K)


Also, nice.

Euros, ya mutt

>Communists will get mad at this

>you can't be mad at an outright scam unless you're a commie


>I fell for an outright scam and instead of being mad at myself I’m mad at the guy.

For gaming purposes the Game mode on LG TVs is the absolute objective best option, as it turns off all the postprocessing done by the set, eliminating screen lag. Shit's seriously a couple of hundred milliseconds of lag.

I don't think the average FIFA and COD only normie would fall for it though. This is confused parent tier.

An excellent Kornheiser.

>"sir, I just want the pink iPhone cable for my daughter, please stop rubbing my leg"

No, I'm mad at the "guy" for exploiting people that don't know better. That's generally old people and I think it's shitty to scam old folks just because they don't understand modern tech.

“If you can’t find an opportunity. Make one.”
Scummy as it is, the guy is making bank off the few old people still tech illiterate.

Harvey Norman is not a guy, fyi. It's a large chain. This is like Geek Squad @ Best Buy in the US, just racking some extra money in for a chain that already makes more than enough money by offering shitty tech support.

It's only 69euro, if you can't even afford that how are you going to get any games or play online?

I'm pretty sure even my grandmother would look at this and laugh at how dumb this is.

Who honestly buys this??

Lol, no. Buying stupid shit like this is how you become a poorfag.

My point still stands.

Grandmothers that aren't as tech literate as yours and believe what they read on signs.

>The guy is literally paid to plug a console, press X several times, then wait a couple minutes while browsing facebook for the update to install, then insert a disk and browse Facebook for more 20 minutes or less

Living the life

>pc autist this mad and believes consoles take work to set up

Eh, I'm fairly certain the lovetech team probably does all sorts of tech support things, not just this one thing. And you have to deal with the sort of people that would pay for this.
>"And when can my son can play Mario on his Xbox?"

>Good. Let the tech illiterate masses have their console toys. You don't want to share a platform with the sort of people that pay someone to install their system updates.

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Please keep playing with consoles forever.

I could pay for a brand new AAA game with 69 Euros and set the console up myself for free

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Please keep paying inflated prices for cards and playing early access indie garbage forever.

PC gamers are a minority and an afterthought for developers.

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When you buy a console you need to update, and then you need to download your games update. Total time depending on the game can take like an hour.

Why? The old people are happy that someone is solving something they consider a problem (even though you don't) and the guy is making honest money by offering a service no one's forced to buy.

>20 minutes of "work"
I remember when I first got my PS3 I spent all night downloading everything and setting it up, and then MGO took like literally over 4 hours to download. It was actually 1.5 days before I played anything. It was the most anticlimactic shit ever

I don't know how to explain to you it's shitty to take advantage of old people's ignorance. Note, I'm only saying it's shitty behavior, not that it's illegal or not making them money or whatever.

>Too poor to have someone else do it

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