>get memed by Sup Forums into buying this
>get told to skip the first 2 because they are garbage compared to 3 which is memed to be the best action game ever
>Play 3 for a while
>it's literal edgy teenager fantasy trash
Get memed by Sup Forums into buying this
Other urls found in this thread:
Welcome to Devil May Cry
>skip DMC
First game isn't garbage, just very clunky and obviously a precursor to later, better games. The soundtrack is arguably better than later entries, but it's only really worth playing for completion's sake.
2 is shit though.
devil may cry 5 fucking when
these games are more than a decade old at this point and the stuff they pioneered have been refined by others. DMCV is gonna be the real show stopper for however.
>he still believes DMCV will ever come out
i bet you're one of those faggots who thought MHW would flop. Prepare eat shit again faggot.
>Games literally sell themselves as 2cool4school badass action games about beating the shit out of demons.
Are you for fucking real OP?
just go play bayonetta or some other cuck shit on ur fisher price toy , DMC games are for real men only, nu-male cucks like you of course hate it.
So we all agree that DMC3 Nelo Angelo > DMC1 Nelo Angelo in terms of appearance, right? Because DMC1's Nelo Angelo has not aged well aesthetically. He looks like a twig.
>being this retarded
I feel sorry for your mother
So. Beowulf.
>it's literal edgy teenager fantasy trash
It's funny you say that when Dante spends the entire game getting shit on.
>Jukebox doesn't work until he breaks it
>destroys office by sneezing
>tries to kick down a door, ends up just looking like an idiot when he bounces off
>Arkham in his clown fetish suit mocks him throughout the entire game
>gets shot in the face by Lady when he tries to save her
>Vergil kicks his ass
>Immediately after unlocking his awesome super mode, gets eaten by a flying whale because he was trying too hard to look cool
>Comes out of said flying whale stinking like rotten meat, remains as such through the rest of the game
>Vergil cucks him out of Beowulf
>Arkham kicks his ass
>Explodes Lady's bike because he's trying too hard to be cool
>pic related
>Vergil's response to his big climactic speech before their final fight is laughing at it
>Loses his brother at the end
>cries like a bitch
Or Gilgamesh?
Definitely Gilgamesh.
Guessing you got rekt by the difficulty. Go play something easier hunny.
just launched it up, is anyone getting like a weird slow-mo effect on dmc3? my pc can handle it, its just incredibly slow- all the audio is off, and the movements are completely off.
OP here, I went to play the first one instead. It's actually more enjoyable even if it's almost as cheesy.
DMC 1 is the best game in the series, only autists disagree
DMC 2 is the best game in the series, only autists disagree
>get memed
"Meme" means "convince" now? When the fuck did newfags change the definition of "meme" to a catch-all filler word like some modern-day fucking equivalent of the Smurfs?
First game was originally suppose to be RE4, but during mid-development they realized it was a completely different game than RE
>measuring brain activity with a ventilator
>measuring IQ with medical equipment
The levels of irony in that image are incredible.
DMC1 was the only good one until 4 came along OP
3's only redeeming features are the cutscenes and Lady, everything else is shit
>giving crapcom money
What's the diference?
It's Bit pleb
Truth is, young Dante is even more of an edgy stereotype of "coolness" than Donte
It's becoming increasingly common as newfags buy into the "essential Sup Forumscore" bullshit.
People on Sup Forums like an action game. Newfags who don't like action games see all the hype surrounding that game, buy it, don't like it, and angrily post on Sup Forums about how it's shit. Repeat with every genre or niche game that's not aimed for a huge audience, but people think it's supposed to cater to them anyways.
I want a style switcher mod for DMC3.
Donte is just lame
3 is a prequel, it's meant to played after the first game.
anyone know where the edit files are to play higher than 1080p? I have no idea why they used this ancient resolution as the max
>meme: an idea that spreads from person to person within a culture
>I got an idea that spreads from person to person within a culture'd into buying a game
Tough choice. I always like things that use light as their element, but on the other hand, literal rocket gloves.
That's the point.
I have autism and I disagree.
Or "convinced", yes
Because of the meme.
>Being this much of a Faggot
>I got the idea that this game is good from other people on Sup Forums
It's a stupid way to say it, yeah, but what he's saying does still make sense.
I don't know, maybe a 12 years old finds him pretty cool.
I know for sure I went nuts for DMC3 Dante's edginess when I was 10
>OP is a faggot because he doesn't enjoy playing as a barechested teenager in tight pants
Play a game about an edgy teenager with fantasy powers
>It's an edgy teenager fantasy
Wow. Shocking.
But yeah, give 1 a try. Dante gets out of his teenage phase. 2 is still bad as he gets into his emo phase. 4 has the best Dante, but he steps down for a new protagonist who is also an edgy teenager.
Hey, he's wearing a holster.
>looks worse than the abysmal ubisoft port
Atleast it runs out of the box right?
Is the port finally playable or is it the same shit
>Le edgy
kill yourself redditcuck
He tries to be, but Dante's a stereotypical cool that appeals specifically to the kind of people the game was marketing towards. Donte's cool was just you run of the mill "Cool" that would appeal to a wider crowd, but be less interesting overall.
The difference is that old Dante comes off as a caricature, while Donte is painted as a more grounded, realistic person; which is what makes him such a douchebag.
Beowulf without question. So much more satisfying, it's like you are punching metal with metal.
I've never understood what the fuck Gilgamesh is even supposed to be. Is it some chainsaw boxer or just some steam gadget or what the hell is it even supposed to be?
>An almost immortal half naked white haired half demon dressed in a red coat with an effeminate face that looks like the wet dream of some asian emo teen girl and embodies the exaggerated stereotype of what was cool in japan during the 90s, spending his time fucking around, eating pizza without giving a fuck about the world even if he could change it with his godlike powers, killing demons, sexy vampires and monsters coming straight from the cover of a death metal album but only if paid so he can eat more pizza or if his brother is destroying the world
Why would you ever find such a character edgy
I hate capcom.
Before DmC was released, we spent a whole year shitposting every single day about Donte's edgynees.
You need to go back
>he takes seriously what is obviously meant to be silly and cheesy
>buy dmc3 for cheap cause Sup Forums seemed to think it was good
>this hilariously, impossibly cool dude starts saying cheesey shit and doing acrobatics
>game is fun as hell
>so is the first one
>so is 4
>spent a week waiting for this day
>pirate the collection
>play DMC3HD
>after the first level I realize I'm not even remotely enjoying it as I did back then
>close game, open DMC4SE, I left halfway through a Vergil must die run
>get an SSS within a minute
>no satisfaction whatsoever
I wish the guns didn't suck in every DMC.
>menu runs at 120000000 fps
>cant even open the options because speed is tied to fps so it goes back into the intro scene instantly
I wish you actually played a DMC then
They're extremely good in 1 and 2, meh in 3 and pretty okay in 4
calling something edgy for simply being cool because it's so overthetop is not the same as calling something edgy because of swearing/smoking/showing the fingers/and generally trying to look cool by acting as a douche
when the edgy term leaked out redditfags started overusing it for everything. Seems like you might be also one of them if you don't understand this
dmc2 and DmC are the only garbage ones. the rest are all top tier games
Was he right all along?
>this guy started out the review by saying he started on DmC
I mean
I tried it for an hour now and now I'm wondering if I'd enjoy more playing Nier or Bayonetta
No wonder he hated the rest, he'd already started with the best.
This but unironically
>gaming age
i'm guess his is 5 years
>buy a game that came out ages go
>get surprised when it has shit that was only cool ages ago
Stop being a faggot and just enjoy the action since it's still the best out there.
Nigger I started playing in '97 and I sure as hell don't suck Gothic 2's dick all day, fuck, I wouldn't touch it with a stick (if not because of pure nostalgia) and that was one of my childhood defining games
those are ''modern gamers''
I'm not surpised
Do I just skip 2?
dmc3 still completely holds up. I've only jumped into it a few years ago and easily spent over a hundred of hours playing the different difficulties and bloody palace.
1 worth a playthrough, it kind of shows it's age more than 3.
then again, the dude who wrote that review claims that these games were shit even back then, despite them being critically acclaimed 9/10+ games that literally spawned the whole character action genre.
>the same exact argument was made by "older gamers" on Sup Forums when DmC got announced
gothic2 played like a clunky mess even back then though.
If you finish 1 and 3 you can try 2 and see how horrible it is. I would recommend not touching it until then.
fucketh thou
Can anyone explain why DMC 2 was so shit? I played it, but I want to know if there was a particular reason for the drop in quality and then the immediate rise
>start playing DMC1 after not touching since the early millenium
>enter the castle
>this theme plays
I forgot how spooky/creepy the first one was.
>dualshock 4 isn't working for me
>can't be bothered to implement basic mouse support
>capcom's regional pricing
dodged a bullet
Both of y'all can suck my dick. Shotgun is fucking great to use, especially when jump canceling.
>it's literal edgy teenager fantasy trash
Did you miss the anime edgy teenager on the front cover?
I didn't even rag on the shotgun you fucking autist
is there a way to change the ingame resolution by fucking with ini files?
Bayonetta's the much better game, son't waste anymore time on this dead franchise.
>game speed is tied to fps
I've always wondered about this too
how the fuck could this new team make such an extremely weak game like dmc2, then do a complete 180° and make what might be the best action game of all time for the second try.
in the end dmc2 might be the best thing that happened to the series. If it wasn't for the complaints about this game they probably never wanted to push the complexity of the combat so much with the next games.