What is your greatest vidya achievement

What is your greatest vidya achievement

I don't want no casuals browsin my Sup Forums

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Buying Skyrim 17 times.

I have extremly rare Ck2 achievements that less than 0,05% of players have and achieved them when o,01% of players had them

S ranking Armored Core: For Answer without guides.

Reaching Platinum License in Burnout Paradise within like a week and before any guides were written up online.

Being in the top twenty of the Burnout Revenge leaderboards back on OG Xbox Live.

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I beat Gears of War 3 on Insanity without dying

Maybe SL1 NG+7 in Dark Souls? Double S on Vergil 3 on hard in DMC3? A+'ing all light world stages in Super Meat Boy?
They're all kind of half-assed but such is the extent of my patience/skill.

World record on a track in Most Wanted.

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only 17?

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Sorry my lord. I'll go order another 40 copies for friends and family right away.

I concurred the goat tower

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I concur

I got to 98 clothcraft in ffxi.

To give context loremaster in wow took 1/80th of the time.

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I answer this question differently based on the audience. For the normies, I say that I have tripled the Guiness World Record in R-Type.

Was a once well-known Cosmic Break player

I beat MHFU by myself after getting spooked out of MH Tri because of Thalassophobia

I beat pic related without the timing guide

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I bet all three gears of war games
on insane difficulty
co op

100%ing Super Meat Boy I guess?

I beat MGS2 Substance on all difficulties. PC version, before anything resembling a fan patch existed.

i own nekopara on steam all 3,5 volumes
i have rl friends added in steam

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Vidmaster legendary

I beat Serious Sam FE on Hard when I was 14 I guess. Hard is supposedly harder than Serious since the ammo cap is lower meaning you're always scrambling for weapons.

Finished Aria in Necrodancer

I beat Megaman X4 without taking any damage.

HideofBeast is that you? I'm a big fan.

Ocarina of Time 3 hearts. Meh

>S ranking Armored Core: For Answer without guides
Did this with 03-AALIYAH external parts (because it's a beautiful design) and blades on a replay. That final old king mission took quite a few goes but it's one of those rushes that make you fall in love with vidya again

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I beat Ninja Gaiden 2 on my xbone 360 while my friends couldn't do it.

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Probably doing everything short of staff ghosts in F-Zero GX, or beating Hell in Cave Story.

I'm not good at videogames and I'm perfectly happy with completing them on normal.

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tfw we'll never get a good sequel

Played Dark Souls 1 on a laptop that could just barely run it, using only a keyboard and touchpad. No DSfix or any other similar mods/patches either.

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I invented gold swap scamming in UO and am indirectly the reason all MMOs have two step confirmation in trading.

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Same, master ninja mode?

finished dark souls 2 with a broken controller. 20 times.

I'm not really good at keeping track of these things, but I beat Classic mode in pic related recently and I've been dying to brag about it to someone.

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I bought and played Gothic 3 at release with no patches

got my hc necromancer to rank 2 in a popular d2 private server ladder until i died
that's probably the only really hard vidya thing i've ever done. i've done a few kind of hard things; i 100% a few video games with some nasty challenges, did some high end progression in mmos (not as much as other people though) and did some really nasty grindy stuff in mmos, but nothing super uncommon like my d2 ladder ranking.

I have never bought a videogame in my life

>What is your greatest vidya achievement
1CCed metal slug 3 on level 8 difficulty. Like shit was fun at first but god damn did my arm not get hella fucking tired mashing that fucking shoot button near the fucking ends cause god damn do some of them enemies just become fucking damage sponges at that high of difficultly.

Well, after being inspired by sinisterwon and runnerguy I decided to play my favorite game blindfolded. DMC3. I'm up to agni and rudra right now. Not very far, I know, but it's been a fun challenge, and I'll be beating it if it's the last thing I do.

I killed Covenant tank with plasma pistol once.

beat dark souls 2 unarmed with no armor or caestus and all DLC

Doesn't covenant of champions make your unarmed damage super high?

>I got a 9 kill streak with the hammer in Halo Reach multiplayer
>I got 100% of achievements in Duke Nukem Forever, which included that busted air hockey minigame
>I'm still the #1 ranked consumer of creamsicles in Kingdom of Loathing
Probably one of those.

I finished genocide mode in Undertale after playing the other routes. I cried afterwards.

Top 1% Starcraft 2 player during it's launch. Number 2 in the world for Warlock @ Proving Grounds at WoD launch. Really not much else that's brag worthy.

The ring that you get from it does, though it's not much better than caestus.

I defeated Sean Paul in Def Jam FFNY story mode on hard without taking any damage.

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Lies that I beat Classic mode?
Need any tips?

Was in OTTER and played in most of the matches against -G- when they won the NA clan wars tournament in 2015. So among the top members of World of Tanks NA back then. Also was in a huge amount of battles in the Relic/Villain vs PETCO war. That was a lot of fun.

I won a Guilty Gear tournament.

I pursued and defeated Lu Bu at Hu Lao gate on a fresh un-levelled officer.

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i beat dark souls ON STREAM

All 7 gold symbols in Pokemon Emerald

- Beaten Pokemon White with only Snivy (and perma-fainted HM slaves) - no evolving, no grinding, that's for pussies.
- 100%'d Metroid Fusion in 1:47.
- Beaten I Wanna be the Guy in Very Hard
- Beaten Dark Souls with a Wii U controller

one of 18 people in the world to get world first immortal (no deaths) in the final raid of a forgotten MMO

Weird, I don't recall posting this, but obviously I did

I made a bunch of levels for Unreal Tournament 99.

I've beaten almost 500 games

Beat God Hand on Hard and beat No. 51 I wasn't smart enough to remember aoe uppercuts+kicks existed so I boxed the whole thing

I've played a couple thousand at least over the years
and completed maybe 80

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Beating an All Zones Run with Coda in Necrodancer
lmao jk I suck

Completed crash bandicoot 100%


I found the kitchen scene at my first playthrough in Wolf girl with you

i bought an AMD Ryzen

Cute gif, user.

I can consistently rank among top three best players in any fps game. Everything from Quake, UT, CS1.5 to CoDs, Bf, Halo, over to Arma, Squad, Insurgency, etc.

Woow what an interesting life you have there user! I bet you are very popular at parties and fun to talk to :*

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Beating Riven without a walkthrough

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Killed 9 guys with 1 USP mag on de_storm.

Few ideas off the top of my head

>Beat Mass Effect 2 on Insantiy as an adept
>Beat F-Zero GX's story mode
>Living Dex in Pokemon.

Same plus over 30 hours in sakura clicker

Staff ghost isnt even that hard user give it another go

Currently the only player to have beaten Ancient Domains of Mystery and Tales of Maj'Eyal on their highest difficulty settings

I beat Fallout New Vegas modded without it crashing

I can't even beat it unmodded without it crashing.

I held the record for PS Vita WipEout 2048 Sol track for some time when the game was released, lost it and then managed to get it back.

I beat Hexen 2... without any guides

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Platinum trophy in Omega Collection with a couple of phantom speed lap times in the top 30-60 range. I'm nowhere near as good as the top players but I'm still proud of some of my positions.

I finished Ys: Oath in Felghana on Inferno difficulty. Sadly I did this shortly after it got fan translated and not on the Steam release.

I think I've got about a 10% winrate in Demon. I lost track of that but it shouldn't be much lower.

I got all the petting 'cheevs in Nekopara.

I don't have any great achievements

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Do you actually need a guide? I couldn't even get past the first hub I couldn't find any more secret areas/passages and everything was dead. I assumed it was just me being a dumb kid

I really want to beat it, the later stuff looks cool

>Do you actually need a guide?
Clearly he doesn't because he beat it without one.

it's not really that bad, but there are some frustrating parts that took me a couple days of coming back to

Fuck it, then I'm gonna be that guy too

See you in a few weeks

Beat god of war 1 & 2 on all difficulties.

I was #1 on the Pokemon Showdown Monotype ladder for good while.

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I was number 1 on the Section 8 leaderboards until the servers were took offline, but I think it was more of the game wasn't too popular and I played it all day instead of actually being the bess.

this but 100% on all senran kagura games

get out, little man

Getting through Trails In The Sky SC Nightmare Mode without NG+. The prologue... the fucking prologue, which is 50% tutorial, is the hardest part, without question.

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Beating Story Mode of F-Zero GX on Very Hard, I guess.

I 1,000,000,000%ed Isaac.
Delirium is the least fun boss in the game.