Why can't Zelda save herself?
Why can't Zelda save herself?
She doesn't have chozo dna infuzed into her body. Also zelda has always been a political figure, not a warrior.
>Millions of men also need to be rescued but that doesn't matter because this individual girl needs to be rescued and this is unacceptable for some reason
>eating popcorn like she's watching a movie instead of playing a game
Hmmmm, I wonder...
What kind of gamer likes "cinematic experiences", and when it comes to gameplay either just watches a playthrough on YouTube or wants a handholding interactive movie?
Or hates difficult gameplay?
Why has the market leaned so much towards this than in the past?
What's changed?
This comic came out when the trailer was first shown.
What videogames don't show you is that stupid ass brute force just cannot save the world. Link and samus could maybe slay a fucking giant dragon, but they know no shit about how to take care of a country
>Zelda crying is seen as a bad thing.
Hundreds of thousands of people and he own father just died cause she wasn't ready for the Calamity.
>She wasn't ready
In order to give Link, the man, a chance to save the day.
Zelda should have punched Ganon in the face.
thats probably the most based comic i;ve ever seen in my life
Assuming that's supposed to be Samus on the bottom parts.
>Other M
Need I say more?
Welcome to feminism
>Story made game
What did she mean by this?
This comic is dumb, but Samus > Zelda by a wide margin is true.
>Millions of men
Name 1(one) million men that need to be rescued in video games
Feminism wants it to be okay for men to be rescued too.
The men in Hyrule's planet
any game where the fate of the planet is at steak
>Feminism wants it to be okay for men to be rescued too.
Yeah sure its just on the bottom of the priority list.
kill yourself faggot
>Feminism wants
Not falling for this meme. There's not one feminism, there's multiple ones, and it's a highly fractured movement. At least learn about your own ideology
>she plays games for the story
>not for the adventure
>already made up her mind not to like the game..
Jesus Christ that comic gave me herpes.
>only well-drawn panel is obviously traced
If we can judge by the multiple kingdom's we've seen, the planet has a population if about 1000
So we can agree men are accurately represented in games being rescued so there's no reason to bring up feminism.
This just in: the sky is blue! Pointing out radicals and niches doesn't detract from the base idea: equality.
>I'm not going to fall for something!
Thanks for playing.
t-bone or rib-eye?
Its literally not but keep letting your butthurt tell you that.
>If we can judge by the multiple kingdom's we've seen, the planet has a population if about 1000
Hey you illiterate fuck, I said Hyrule's planet.
>base idea: equality.
No. The base idea is "women don't enjoy equal rights, do something." That's the ONLY unification feminism has and it has no mention of men anywhere. Stop with the "feminism cares about men" meme. Passive aggressive cunt
>literally spends 100 years using sealing magic on Ganon to prevent him from being able to fully manifest and ravage Hyrule more than he already has
>people seriously claim she's a damsel in distress
i hate women
Zelda saved the day, she stopped his power for 100 years, Link couldn't do shit unless that happened. He even died trying the first time
I hate everyone
Zelda's quest is one of wisdom which doesn't translate as easily into a video game as Link's quest of courage. Zelda isn't tasked with saving herself but is instead often responsible of sacrificing herself or otherwise searching to discover a means to help save the day. Link usually saves Zelda but Zelda usually saves Hyrule.
This. Link needs Zelda as much as she needs him. The whole point of the story is that they can only defeat him together so it's rather impressive that she was able to hold back Ganon for a fucking century all on her own.
>Triforce of wisdom
>Wisdom to know who to call when shit hits the fan.
>Triforce of courage.
>Courage to answer the call.
That aside don't both with this stuff, people will dig up the oldest shit in the book to recomplain about it no matter how much the horse has been turned into a fine slurry of blood, bone, and viscera.
Mario in Luigi’s Mansion.
Mario in Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon.
Mario in Mario’s Missing
Mario in Mario 64 DS
Luigi in Mario 64 DS
Wario in Mario 64 DS
Toad in the original Super Mario Bros
Yoshi in Super Mario World
Baby Mario in Yoshi’s Island
Baby Donkey Kong in Yoshi’s Island DS
Baby Wario in Yoshi’s Island DS
Baby Baby Bowser in Yoshi’s Island DS
Baby Luigi in Yoshi’s Island
Lok in Jak and the Power of JuJu
The president in Bad Dudes
All 7 kings from Super Mario Bros. 3
Mr. Freeze in Batman Arkham City
Jim Gordon in Batman Arkham City
Various people who have been transformed into Monkeys in Looney Tunes: Back in Action
ignoring the feminism angle, the comic is still rendered null and void, considering that the reason zelda is crying in that pic is because hundreds of people in her kingdom have just been brutally murdered, including dear friends
Compassion and emotion are forbidden by feminism, only ugly/plain, unlikable, heartless bitches are acceptable.
nutrition isn't up to snuff
Where are all the female Lynels? Is it just a conservation of detail thing? There’s clearly masculine ones with big muscles and manly lion manes is where’s the female ones with shorter hair, mammaries, stronger attacks and duller coloring?
had to rescue adam hunter in streets of rage 2.
bastards wouldnt let me play as him
No, feminism wants women's gender roles to go away but also wants men's gender roles to be even more strict.
And where’s Ganon’s quest for true Power, that of teamwork, understanding, kindness, and leadership for an admirable cause? True power isn’t “punch better” or world domination, it’s the ability to achieve a high goal
31. Sly Cooper in Sly Cooper 2
32. “The” Murray in Sly Cooper 2
33. Han Solo in Lego Star Wars
34. Jim Gordon in Lego Batman
35. Koops’s dad in Paper Mario TTYD
36. Cooper in Grabbed by the Ghoulies (at the end)
37-40. Assorted male children in Grabbed by the Ghoulies
41. The monster kid from Undertale
42. Angel in some Xman game, probably, if he’s as big a bitch as he is in the comics
43. Your son in Heavy Rain
44. Your son in Obello
45. The King in Kid Cool
46. Male Damsels in Spelunky
47. Ying in Spelunky
48. The Commander in XCOM 2
49. UN official General Peter Van Doorn in XCOM
50. Dr. Marizuki in XCOM
51. Zhao in XCOM
52-65. Like half of the roster of Super Smash Bros. Brawl during th Subspace Emissary
I think she means the story made the game
Monster Kid has no confirmed gender same as Frisk and Chara
Also the ace hunters in Monster Hunter 4Ultimate
Power has nothing to do with admirability. Ganon gets immense power over the inhabitants of Hyrule and even nature itself. Ganon lacks the wisdom to care about a goal that doesn't meet his appetite for more
>Samus has pajamas with Metroids on them
AND she considers it her fault.
>samus design is so generic that she needs metroids on her clothes to be recognizable
She's a cockney slut
Who cares about Samus as a character, seriously
Deserved loyalty and charisma is the greatest power user
Varia suit samus is more fuckable then zero suit samus
This is why I hate it when people pitch games starring Zelda where she's just a reskin of Link. A game about Zelda where you actually had to use her wisdom to advance would be kino.
>im-fucking-plying Samus doesn’t get saved by THE BABY every fucking time
It was her fault though.
he was obviously able to manipulate people when he was Ganondorf in Ocarina. must have been pretty charsmatic
66. Medhiv in Hearthstone
67. Tweety multiple times in Looney Tunes Back in Action the Game
68. Dr. Neo Cortex in Crash bandicoot Twinsanity
69-109: Various scientists in PK Out of the Shadows
110: Bubba in Duck Tales the game
111: Shield Knight in Shovel Knight body swap mode
112: Gepetto in Pinocchio the game
113: Grandpa in various Yugioh games
114: Mokuba in various Yugioh games
That was only one game. I want to see more of the dashing king of the thieves Ganondorf and less of the generic doomsday dorf. I want to see him possibly as a good guy on the wrong side of the law free of Demise’s curse or something. Perhaps mentored by some Gerudo earth spirit like Link is by the Deku tree
Stop using Samus for your shitty politic-fueled banter. I bet you've never even finished one of her games.
>Why can't Zelda save herself?
She literally defeats Ganon every game, in the end of botw she farts holy light out of her queefing vagina and one shots Ganon's true form. The only thing link does is help the common man and gather shit Zelda needs, he is straight up her assistant.
What the fuck more do you want?
Literally every game besides 2 and M.
I want a Zelda pregnant with a half-Gerudo half Goron Transwoman’s baby to do a front flip and one-inch punch a white male Ganon’s face
>europe shows the way by making powerful aloy the MC
>japan makes the MC a man AGAIN for the million time
no wonder their economy is crashing and their peple are not fucking and making babies,they are retarded
But fucking and making babies isn’t PC because trans people cannot do that
Reminds me of when the other language trailers dropped and we had threads judging the voice acting of Zelda's crying.
Hispanic > Italian > Japan.
I always thought it was the stand-in for the author wearing Metroid pajamas. Never even realized it was Samus.
Choose 2 cunt
because shes a woman and women are incompetent
World domination is a high goal that Ganon wants to achieve. You're just too fucking stupid to realize it.
TP Zelda
WW Zelda (Tetra)
SP Armor/Ghost Zelda
OoT Sheik
Those are the only Zeldas that did anything.
What’s the point of world domination if everyone sees you as evil and will continuously try to overthrow you
She did kinda saved herself by putting Link to sleep and heal while she single-handedly held back the calamity for a hundred years
Not to mention she also made preparations in the form of the divine beasts to further weaken Ganon so that Link would succeed
Zelda was never a fighter, she has the triforce of wisdom and so she planned and used Link to achieve her goals
yeah it would be cool, but the games generally take place after the damage is done, and they'll never make him a good guy. the closest I think we got was that his motivation in Wind Waker made him pretty sympathetic.
The king made the preparations of the Divine Beasts
is this webm real
I just think that there’s no way he would deserve the triforce of power, power of the gods themselves given to the good people that are Link, the fearless motherfucker, and Zelda the 4d chessmaster, unless he had some good underneath that hatred he’s plagued with
Yet she was the one who modified and trained the champions for them to master their divine beast
very real. they did have their share of good episodes. i liked the edge in some of them.
What's the point of a coup if Ganon has unbeatable power? Only reason Ganon loses is because there are two triforce pieces against him, when he is only one.
No she recruited them they were already modified Link helped them learn to pilot the beasts remember Daruk
Holy shit. Does he look like he wants to hold royal court? He's a demon.
Exactly so wouldn’t real power be trying to get those eternal opponents to join your cause and make it a good cause?
I mean in general not brain degenerated goo Ganon specifically. I mean Ganon-fucking-dorf. The smarter, more dangerous Ganon. Should try to marry into the royal family at least. Fuck Zelda’s older sister or something
The gods don't really get a say, the most they can do is make it hard for someone to obtain. Remember they flooded the whole world to stop it from happening because they couldn't refuse its use
t-bone, we're talking about men
I’m saying that wouldn’t the triforce itself pick someone at least good at the beginning with a lot of power in their heart because Wind Waker implies Ganondorf used to have good intentions
I seem to remember in memory #3 she mentions she needs to go to goron city to make adjustments on the beast to that Daruk can control it more easily
Never got to do any of the DLC so my info might be outdated
>Legend of Zelda: Zelda's Quest
>it's just a Zelda themed Layton game
heh fucking pussy crying because your dad died your kingdom was destroyed and it's all your fault because you failed to tap into your bloodline's power heh what a bad rep for women
She did her best and kept Ganon at bay for 100 years giving humanity a chance to survive when everything seemed doomed.
Samus destroys MUCH more then she saves.
Like she blows up planets and ruins Ecosystems, she has absolutely no moral highground here.
I swear I saw some fancomic once where the premise is that Ganondorf is the beloved King, having taken on Zelda as his adopted daughter after the King's passing (which he secretly orchestrated). When Link learns his destiny is to overthrow Ganondorf, he's against it because he's never seen him as anything but a kind and just king. Basically, what you said, but it happens before the story, with Dorf playing the long con.
I don't remember if the story was good on a moment to moment basis though, just the premise.
That’s exactly the kind of thing I want to see. The king of thieves doing some well thought out deception
It only gets fucking worse with this person.