Xbox Two
Xbox Two
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not Xbox 1.1
xbox deux
Its gonna be called the Xbox Won and proceed to announce literally everything you ever wanted.
>Xbox will announce they are leaving the console industry
Xbox One Double X
they're announcing that they're leaving the console market and that they're partnering with Nintendo for console games and focusing on their pc market.
I hate having all the conferences spread out over 4 days. We used to get one incredible day where you could build a fort, get comfy and watch them all back to back.
Now we have EA on Saturday, Bethesda and MS on Sunday, Ubisoft and Sony on Monday and then Nintendo on Tuesday
They are going to show something to make my One X worth it?
>last comment of the show
>Phil walks out center stage
>Thank you everyone for watching this years e3 coverage, Crackdown 3 has officially been released and is available to download immidietly from the Microsoft store on your xbox one or windows 10 PC. Gamestops across the country have all the inventory as wel. and of course, if your a game pass subscriber you now have access to crackdown 3"
Will it actually have games though?
actually it's going to be called the Xbox Jaun and will only be available in Mexico.
For the U.S., Major Nelson will proclaim, we have a console for you already, the Xbox One X.
Microsoft will be PC only from here on out.
You heard it here first
people still want that game??
looked shitty imo
no you dumbass
Xbox gaming is more profitable for MS than PC gaming
>They announce the xbone2
>Still no games
Phil will also announce that crackdown 3 still has destruction in multiplayer and its been getting perfected for the past 4 years, he'll also announce that it has a battleground mode to it as well, with destructable environments, vehicles and falling objects that can crush you.
and to end it all off, the 1 vs. 100 gameshow is back baby. Exclusively streamed over at
"The Xbox"
meh. not really. Sure they make money on licensing and all that. But if they had a choice they'd wish everyone would just buy everything on windows store
Think about it, they practically have a foot out the door already. They have a warchest of cash and literally invest peanuts into first party content.
See, you don't even know that it's called "Microsoft Store" now and that it's the same store for both Xbox consoles and Windows 10.
they dropped the ball when they named it xbox 360 instead of two
they should just go with XBOX [insert year] from now on and revision it every year
this, i'd actually be happy if they only care about making the console itself and nothing else
They better have a new console to show and about 10 good exclusives to make up for the shitshow that's been this generation. Fuck me what a mess they made of it.
who cares what it's called now. my point still stands
Why would you buy that?
it's fucking dead
Looking forward to the exclusive from SEGA. Hope it's a JSRF remake or even a brand new one. Rumors suggest it's Vanquish 2 though.
Will actually probably be the most interesting since there aren't anymore games for Xbox to show anymore from previous E3s, they have to show new things.
Also Phil has been buying studios left and right for the past 10 months and rumor on the street is he almost got Respawn from EA. Really curious what post-chopping block Xbox division looks like.
So they've been going full retard ever since the PS3 got a 1 generation head start on them.
>we can't call it the Xbox 2 because people will think it's inferior to the Playstation 3
At this point just give up and call it the Xbox 5, the 4th Xbox. I'd say just name it after the current console generation but Microsoft hates 9s. So much so in fact they skipped 9 and went straight from Windows 8 to Windows 10
this is the most likely name since it's completely confusing and retarded
>mfw it's VR garbage
he has?
what studios has he been buying left and right?
i'm not shit posting. i must have missed it; genuinely curious
news to me
This is one of the best videos they've ever done
Holy shit!
They're going to announce a game, and two years later, it won't be cancelled, forcing another company to be shut down thanks to microsoft, and instead it'll actually be released!
why does everyone think it will be a new console? they just release xbox one x a little while ago and the leadership at microsoft seems laughable considering the current state of xbox and windows 10 updates.
>not augmented reality headset
Who can even take Xbox serious anymore?
I think Phil Spencer is really an aspiring stand-up comic, his act is a sort of a surreal satire of E3 press conferences as a whole. His routine is going places, it gets more hilarious each year, last year I was in stitches
because Sup Forums is retarded
>Who can even take Xbox serious anymore?
I take it seriously as a Forza machine.
bill gates himself said he wants to game in 4k 60fps while driving around madagaskar gathering malaria mosquitos
and that requires a new piece of brick
i actually don't think they will ever release another console ever again, desu
>Home gaming
No & it's too expensive
They JUST released the Xbone X you fucking daft cunts. Next gen won't start until 2020.
It will be another shitty Nintendo Direct knock-off since MS has literally nothing to show and doesn't want to spend the money of a fancy conference like usual.
>Xbox event at E3
>everything we every wanted is announced
>Mech Assault 3
>Gears of War Prequel
>Grand Finale
>curtains pull to reveal Bonnie Ross of 343
>shes in medieval stocks
>Phil Spenser walks on stage with a massive serrated claymore
>"all Halo games after Halo 3 are no longer canon"
>"Bungie is taking control of the series."
>In a single movement, Bonnie Ross is beheaded on stage
>crowd cheers
after all this shit this caused i doubt MS ever wants to play with gimmick shit ever again
xbox(1 x 2) = Xbox Y
aww fuck yeah 1 vs 100!
its a console
The XQube
The X All
The XBox 1080
The XBox Sin Cos Tan or SCT for short
The X10 [Windows Edition]
The X CROSS Apple
Literally who?
>The X CROSS Apple
The iXbox
After War Xbox One X
As an Xbot and a Mega64 fan I still found this funny, it's true too.
Fuck if I know. Until they start telling us what studios are working on what we don't know. Bunch of Verge/Frobes/Whatever articles went around after Phil got promoted senior management at Microsoft 10-11 months ago that he traveled for a minute and got a lot of video game studio deals to make games for the Microsoft platform, something in the ball park of 8-12 unannounced games. Hoping they keep trying to push Windows 10 store games too since I'm liking cross-play and plan to play with a PCfag friend on SoD2 in May.
We kind of know Fable IV/Reboot is one of them. Remedy is making some kind of 4 player co-op game probably akin to Destiny/Division, we have the new Ori game coming, Forza Horizon 4 Tokyo, and Crackdown.
So that leaves us about 5-7 games we don't know what they are that Microsoft got studios to jump on.
Exbox juan
I heard that they tried to buy Valve but Valve told them to fuck off.
Hey guys i got it
The NEW Xbox
They won't. They didn't touch VR like it was riddled with aids. Some serious shit went down behind closed doors after the Xbox One reveal fiasco, seriously that shit almost got the division sold off entirely. It pissed off a lot of investors and honestly caused Xbox to shirvel up to it's current pathetic state.
Which brings me to the reason why this E3 might be kind of excited as an Xbox fan, this is the year Phil finally gets to show us what he can do besides give us Halo Wars 2 and bring the Xbox One X into fruition.
because VR isn't
It's already a thing
>Xbox gaming is more profitable for MS than PC gaming
That's because the Windows store is shit and 95% of PC gamers only use Steam aside from when they're forced to use
The Windows Store launched mid 2015, Steam launched in 2003.
You can find VR headset for $200
MS's AR headset is $3000
Phil confirmed for wearing a sweater instead of a tshirt
When nintendo goes third party, daddy phil will make it so that their games are exclusive to the xbox brand.
>no new console
>phil's been saying they have money to actually spend now
>gonna be some sort of a game announced
>more than likely in a direct-ish format rather than pulling everyone out to a stage for fucking NOTHING like Sony have been doing with their PSX events
>probably a bigger focus on third parties than first party titles
>gonna see a lot of XBOX ONE X ENHANCED and TRUE 4K involved.
If anything, I just want a bigger push for backwards compatibility with the X. They're getting there but there's still a lot of titles missing. They've been doing well the last year now that Matrick's mess is cleared up, the S and X have breathed a bit of fresh air into the brand again.
So movies instead of tv?
This isn't Sony conference.
PC bro here, can anyone give me a reason to buy an Xbone over a PS4?
just fucking add it to the BC catalog already
you already belong to Microsoft Windows
I would prefer if they went Made the Xbox one Go.
A Switch rip off that is just a protable Xbone.
all your digital purchases are compatible, and it get all the backward compatibility.
Then even if we get an Xbox 2 on the future, there could still be a reason to make Xbox one games, because they would be compatible with the xbox 2, the xbox one and the xbox one go.
For PS4 pro/Xbox one X, depends on how much framerate and rendering resolution mean to you. One X and S are getting support for 1440p and Freesync in the spring patch.
For games, do you like weeb games? There's a few more on the PS4 but most big games are also on PC anyway.
They're going to talk about Sea of Theives and Forza
The XB One R
SoT is going to bomb and SoD2 will be good but isn't a AAA experience. 2017 was awful for Xbox. Is this E3 make or break for the brand?
>I would prefer if they went Made the Xbox one Go.
Already exist:
Sea of thieves will be released by the time of the E3. State of Decay also release before the E3 and will probably be talked in Inside Xbox May show
neither of them will bomb, they will both boost the Xbox Game pass
>Phil finally gets to show us what he can do besides give us Halo Wars 2 and bring the Xbox One X into fruition.
is he going to quit?
Xbox one x two x now with native 1440p 30fps gameplay
Unlike kinect WMR actually works
Reminder that these are the Big 3 E3 booth sizes this year
Funny that always get this answer "we already have pc, is the same"
because the point is having everything you have on the Xbone on the go, not getting just 3 games from the window store.
where is the backward compatibility and stuff
Former developers of Split Second I think.
Why would he quit when he got promoted recently?
Microsoft also has a Mixer Booth at the E3 which is bigger than their actual booth.
Also the size of booth doesn't mean anything. Half of Sony booth in the last E3 was about Desitny 2...
Why would he quit when he finally can make decisions beyond what snacks go in the breakroom vending machine? Seriously he had to get all the board members at Microsoft and put on a presentation just to get Armature studios to make Recore. He fucking hasn't been able to do shit until he got promoted last year.
Rumor is some kind of mech game may be in the works. Also possibly a Perfect Dark reboot.
Looks like Sony fucking Nintendo with Microsoft awkwardly watching
Does Microsoft still own Mechassault? Also no way we get a new mech game, that shit is dead in the west sadly. Titanfall barely made out as a series and EA is still just trying to build it up.
>Gamestops across the country have all the inventory as wel.
It would be leaked weeks to a month in advance, idiot.