Name something mechanically wrong with this game.
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Sometimes I get confused about which segment the Z-shaped blocks rotate around.
Not innovative
That's a pretty good point actually
Lack of consistency on the rotation mechanics between games
Everything about the SRS is cancer.
The pieces you get are random and the most points are from I block tetrises
>The pieces you get are random
Randomizers in most modern implementations deal with this pretty well
>and the most points are from I block tetrises
What's wrong with this?
I used to think Tetris was about matching colors, like Dr. Mario. I was terrible at Tetris. 0/10
All great games are "repetitive" also there was absolutely nothing like it when it came out
The problem is that if get less I blocks you'll likely get a lower score than someone who got more
But I didn't know that the pieces aren't completely random. How does it work?
>filling the screen and getting a major combo going
>But I didn't know that the pieces aren't completely random. How does it work?
Look up pseduo-random generation. It's RNG that fudges itself based on how often each result has come up to make sure things stay even on a smaller scale instead of needing a high number of rolls to even out.
Literally impossible now, it shuffles the 7 pieces each cycle so their order is random but you get all 7 pieces no matter what
The game rewards a style that relies on RNG. Namely, getting four line clears with the line piece. You can play the game "perfectly" but still be punished because a line piece just doesn't spawn. On a similar note, whilst keeping all the blocks stakced with no gaps between lines is a clear goal that is good to reward, it can be completely unfair when you are caught out of position (namely, getting either a 'squiggly' or a square with nowhere near to put it). Whilst one or two of these in a row is fair because it is recoverable from and you should probably have left room for those blocks in the first place, it is not fair when your "perfect" run is ruined by several pieces that do not fit anywhere in a row, this is a crucial lack of consistency. Addittionally, I've always remissed that there is never a game option to just have the speed not increase and enjoy an endless game instead of getting to a speed where it is seemingly impossible to keep going.
Z/S block. Checkmate.
T spins were a mistake.
man that takes me back
What's the difference between a T-spin single and a Mini T-spin single?
>implying t-spins are as bad as it can get
no O spin
When was the last time you played tetris, the 80s?
I think some games have that as an option
Also like another user said, you always know that every 7 pieces will be every piece in the game, so that reduces a lot of the RNG. If you can't do perfect runs, that's part of the challenge inherent in games
this doesn't even make sense
>On a similar note, whilst keeping all the blocks stakced with no gaps between lines is a clear goal that is good to reward, it can be completely unfair when you are caught out of position (namely, getting either a 'squiggly' or a square with nowhere near to put it).
If you stack properly, this doesn't happen.
It's not the game's fault, it's yours.
Rotation mechanics when the active piece is already touching the floor are opaque and unpredictable depending on the exact version. See picture, are you able to rotate it or not? Where does it go exactly when you rotate it? Who knows.
What the fuck.
i don't get complex t spins
blocks eventually speed up so much that they instafall
The graphics are too blocky.
>unpredictable depending on the exact version
I mean that sucks but that a difference in versions isn't a flaw.
No waifus
Shut your whore mouth, 2x2-chan is a pure maiden.
Early versions were aggressively stiff to play.
You had to hammer the left/right directions to move the piece due to a long hold-delay (how long you continue to press in one direction until it keeps moving), and an unforgiving lock down timer.
Tetris DX got the former right, but was too lax in the latter. Later titles introduced mechanics like hard drops, ghost pieces, held pieces, seeing up to 5 upcoming pieces, and revised random piece distribution systems, as well as T-spins. These together along with a zero-G system with fairly lax lock down timers really evolved the gameplay with mechanical depth past learning the ideal stacking and clearing process.
A fairly skilled player should be able to do a modern Tetris marathon run (150 lines) in under 5 minutes.
Square Chan is THICC!
They tried with Ess. They didn't try very hard.
What's a good tetris version? I guess there isn't much to add to tetris except other modes. Last one that I played was probably tetris ds
This thing got everything right so I ain't complaining. Also easily emulable. You may not like it, but this is what peak Tetris looks like.
Segments don't rotate. The entire piece does.
only two of the pieces are fappable
can you not read or what
It looks like texmaster but I have no clue what's going on there
Nullpomino. It's customizable as fuck, but you gotta read on how to do it.
The progression system is broken and bugs out on the 9th level.
The best way to play the game is to not get Tetris, but T-Spin all the time. Why call it Tetris then?
>T-Spins doubles give you the same amount of lines as a Tetris, but take more time to set up
>T-Triples take even more time to set up so they are inconvenient on a 40 line race as well
You say?
Puyo is pretty fun though
fever 2 > all else
tfw we'll never get to see ringo-chan in fever 1/2/15th's artstyle
>Being so good at the game you turn into cute loli (male)
I wish I was good at puyo
post lewd ringos
Tower of the Magician > Sun > Tsu(Saturn) > 15th/20th >>>> Fever 1/2 >>>> 7 and Post 7 Dungeon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
I want to DIDDLE Ringo