i paid 300 dollars for pixels
I paid 300 dollars for pixels
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A fool and his money are easily parted. Nice thread
that's okay money isn't real either
No surprise, a drooling retard that pays an extraordinary amount of money for a virtual item is the same kind of person that doesn't know how to take a screenshot.
And you don't even know how to take a screenshot. Amazing.
>$900 for a jpeg waifu
>I paid x dollars for atoms
i paid 300 dollars for pixels
This argument could be applied very generally to electronic enertainment
Are you happy?
doesn't this apply to every video game in existence?
>sell twitch crate that I essentially got for free
>Get entire banana suit for $10 of my fake space dollars the week it came out
>everyone in lobby's walk up to me saying "HEY FAG, HOW MUCH YOU PAY FOR THAT?"
how do you rotate crosshair 45 degrees?
Technically since you can resell it, you didn't lose the 300 bucks
here's mine, it's $600+
ive spent gorillions on bluray animu imports
i too sold it when it was worth nothing a week alter it was at 30 bucks
i would have keep the money to get discount on "real" product though
i'm currently funding my vermintide 2 purchase by playing pubg
Capitalism preys on the retarded and I love it
t. poorfag
I masturbate to pixels get on my level
But dollars are also atoms
crash it
bump it
you are more retarded than druggies
poor people are poor because they can't manage their money. at least put that 600 into a low risk investment account
Fool, I could have bought two hookers and two bag of coke for that with enough for a pizza afterwards
Is not even fucking factory new
>implying a poorfag would ever save enough money to buy 300 dollarknife
and now the crates are worth next to nothing because retards dont know how the market should operate so they are inflating it.
>A fool and his money are easily parted.
It's "soon parted", you nigger. But yeah, OP is a retard.
well he could sell it and do the same still
I paid 300 dollars for a dust collector and an empty shelf.
>I paid atoms for pixels
it's both
Whats the atom to pixel exchange rate?
>finally get one of those knives
>get constant friend requests every time I try to play
how do people put up with this
i make my inventory private.
I like to actually use it though.
if they stopped buying a 2 liter of coke every day then yeah, they could
what do you mean, inspect it every 2 fucking seconds or try to use tf2 skills and try to trickstab?
well, nearly everyone on cs:go buys their own skins, knives and gamble on every fucking website they can find, so why not?
>haha, overwatch lootboxes are scams for retards
>lol i just bought a 300 dollar cs;go knife
never change, Sup Forums
Does it make you mad that people do stuff like this because it makes you mad that they have disposable income? Pipe up
>Got school suit crate
>People actually were desperate enough to pay me $300 cash for it.
Why? You can't even see yourself on this game.
>Pay money for a chance to get worthless pixels
>Pay money to get exactly what you want, resellable as a commodity in the future
wow great comparison spastic blizzdrone
i paid 300 dollars for soylent
I paid $150 for a bad dragon toy.
I paid about 50 dollars in money i'd made from pubg for a bunch of keys on csgo, ended up getting a case hardened knife, sold that fucker so fast. Only got about 80% proper value since I just wanted it in paypal money, but hey, it worked for me. I got to pay my bills and buy a new gpu.
I just never understood the appeal of cosmetics in games. I know that sounds silly considering I spent about $50 on them, but really I just wanted a stattrak item and stattraks for most guns are ridiculously expensive so I decided to gamble.
yes, movies and games make billions every year
>buy some tf2 keys at one point
>unbox unusual
>sell for 150 keys years later
>sell keys on the market and buy vidya
thanks gabe love ya
How is bitcoin any different?
Yah but dude
I bet you say girlfriends are a waste of money.
>liquid diet
enjoy your colon cancer
>You can't even see yourself on this game.
You can, if you're a shitter
>tfw you'll never pay 20k for virtual ships that will never be released
At least you'll get more backstabs with that than OP will with his knife
Do people who spend that much money on virtual items like that have no financial sense? Did their parents never teach them how to handle money?
They probably have enough money to not have to care about it.
Alternatively, no, their parents never did, and that's why they're poor.
They have a large expendable income by working an upper middle class job and having no family or friends. People without kids and a semi decent job have tons of money to spend on stupid shit.
Also, it's just my personal experience, but I make shitty youtube videos for csgo and when I got a fancy knife, views went up about ~80%, which is pretty big considering I was averaging 10k views a video before I got my fancy karambit. Maybe they're trying to be like those scammers that make those "****FREE CSGO CASE HARDENED KNIFE EASY TRICK CLICK CLICK YOU FUCKING STUPID CUNT CLICK GOD DAMN CLICK HERE NOW****" videos.
This is why I sold my festive gun in TF2.
Now a days I could get an unsual for that gun, but peace is priceless.
I've never played CSGO, but isn't a first person shooter? Why are the knives such a big deal, shouldn't gun skins or whatever be more popular, since you actually use guns?
it's just a symbol of wealth/status.
You can buy stuff with it or turn it into dollars, instead of steam meme money
Had a friend who was born with a trust fund to his name. He would have enough money to never have to work again and got a good amount ever X amount of months for the rest of his life.
He'd constantly spend it on really dumb shit, like really expensive stuff like outdoor pools, electronics like an apple smart watch, massive amounts of food, and other mundane shit. He'd never end up using any of the stuff he bought. The pool would sit outside and collect dirt and debris. The smart watch he'd use once and never again, and he'd always upgrade his phone every year. Once he bought a 30,000 brand new dodge charger, hated it, then returned it and bought an even more expensive car. This guy had the balls to tell me how to spend money and save it.
These type of people never learn, user. They're so fucking stupid and never knew the value of a dollar to begin with.
you can turn knives into bux as well
opskins for example
Now buy yourself a book on how to make screenshots
that float doesn't look $300 worthy, but i guess. Ive been out of the scene so long I don't even know what the skin is called.
I have a buddy who spent $3200 on league of legends over the course of high school.
How can you be this dumb? Have you never even read the lyrics to Evil Woman? I hope you don't consider yourself an ELO fan
I spent about $37,000 on maplestory since 04. Don't regret any of it. I still get 30-40 hours a week of actual enjoyment from it. I just wish other people could enjoy shit the way I enjoy maple.
girlfriends Are a waste of money
I did that
>tfw all that money just to get bored of it after riot starts making the game no fun allowed
Yes and so are $300 in game items
if you're gonna go a spending splurge, you might as well buy physical stuff instead. that way, if you lose interest you can either re-sell or just keep it in a closet until you start liking it again if you do.