Rich single player game mode and storyline

>rich single player game mode and storyline
>incredibly fun
>atmospheric world with distinct music, colorful characters and landscapes
>high skill ceiling so there are good and bad players
>competitive capabilities and tournaments

Can you name another game that has all of these?

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Nope, Spla2oon is unironically the best game on the Switch. Only normalfaggots hate it at first glance.

Do you guys play ranked in Splatoon? I have 170 hours but I barely touched ranked or even salmon run

>>rich single player game mode and storyline

>rich single player game mode and storyline
yo nigga fuck you that shit was okay but underwhelming as fuck all around. Not say it was bad but shit just feels so lacking and disjointed.

I'm S+ in Splat zones, S in tower control, A in rainmaker and A- in clam blitz

>>rich single player game mode and storyline
Shorter than the first with reused boss fights and a much worse finale

>high skill ceiling so there are good and bad players
>competitive capabilities and tournaments
Bitch it's a peer2peer connection online FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. Don't be joking with me man. Shit is unplayable

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if you're not jumping straight into ranked at level 10 and never playing turf war ever again outside of splatfests, you're doing it wrong
and if you're not touching salmon run then i have to wonder if you've got some sort of extremely serious problem in your life that's somehow distracted you from the best wave defense mode in all of videogames

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>rich single player game mode and storyline
Kek, what a joke.
Splatoon 2's single player is just a tweaked version of Splatoon 1's single player mode with a worse final boss. Hope you guys enjoy paying $20 for the story mode that it shouldve launched with.

>Clam Blitz
What the fuck is this shit mode

i don't know, I like to listen to a podcast or a youtube video for a couple of hours and just play turf war

ranked and salmon run were always so boring to me because it could end with 0 points

convince me of ranked

>Hey guys let's make an online shooter where you can't voice chat
>But let's also add a mode where voice chat is pretty much required
Fuck you Nintendo

so... even salmon run, of all things, is boring because you could lose quickly sometimes?

learn to read minds

Nothing wrong with that. I used to play splatoon pretty seriously with friends over discord but now I kinda just do the same thing. It's my go to relaxing game while I browse the internet in between casual matches. You should try ranked though just for the variety of game modes.

>I'm bad at video games

>the best wave defense mode in all of videogames
can't be fucking serious

Not only that, but doesn't the 'server' update at something ridiculous like fifteen frames per second?

Ranked makes the game have a ton of replay value. The modes make you play differently and use different weapons since turf war rules aren't applied. Tower Control is the most frustrating since everyone picks blasters, the rest can be a good challenge. Turf War is just a fun mode, you don't really "lose" anything, you just get money. Salmon Run is fun, and you might just have had a bad string of people. I'm at the highest rank and haven't dropped once and play Freelance. I've only had one encounter of a faggot who decided to just kill himself the whole time.

Only when it's not Splat Zones.

Splat Zones is boring af.

Splat zones is the most balanced though

name a better one if you're so great

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It's the most challenging if anything. I can see them adding different modes like endless waves or you only have 3 lives the whole shift. This mode has a ton of potential.

>Ranked makes the game have a ton of replay value.
Because you get pissed off when you lose rank and try to get it back?

we can only perceive 12 fps and that degrades as we age so it doesn't matter

>Losing because the no one on your team knows how to use anything that isn't a splattershot
>best wave defense mode in all of videogames

I keep getting fucking saboteurs on my team. The last 5 matches have all had at least one guy standing around at the spawn doing nothing.

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carry harder

It's not tough to get to S rank anymore, unlike Splatoon 1 where it was almost impossble due to the Japs and overall lump of players going in and out of S+. I haven't once dropped down a rank and I don't even use the gyro controls, I've been using analog since day 1. It's not that hard, and if someone disconnects on your team, your rank won't go down or crack.

>It's not tough to get to S rank anymore
y-yeah, totally not hard at all haha ;_;

>I don't even use the gyro controls
whatever, more easy kills for me

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They hit fucking gold when they made Splatoon. I remember not being too amazed by the initial E3 2014 showing, but I decided I'd check out the Test Fire anyway.
Holy fuck I loved it. I made sure to wake up for every Test Fire afterwards, bought the game day 1, and put in a good 250 hours into it, which is insane for me. It's simply flat out fun as hell to play. The customization, zany weapons, lovable punk-esque inklings, and strange colorful world are all a bonus to that.

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>competitive splatoon

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>it's not tough to get to S rank anymore
225 hours in I'm still at A rank

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Splat1 was at 30, which was acceptable considering acceleration curves everywhere and complete lack of hitscan. Downgrade is unacceptable.

it was 25 with no ping based matchmaking so you'd have 300+ ping japs filling most of the game.

This. Learn which weapons play better in which role and adapt to that. Aerospray type work better offence, Brushes work better distracting, everything else focus on getting as many clams without triggering the superclam.
Rollers should just play dirty as they are useless in fights during objective modes

I would have 300 ping japs, but those japs would be completely fine playing with each other. For them Spla2n is a straight downgrade.

Skolas revenge in destiny.

I'm S+ in everything but don't really enjoy ranked. League is far more fun if you can get some people together

>in destiny

That's the only mode where i'm S+, I suck at the others

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Watched a tournament last weekend and it was unirionically pretty hype. The way overtime works in ranked modes is perfect for leaving you on the edge of your seat.

out of all the people I know that own a Switch there was only one guy who seemed interested in Splatoon 2 when I showed it to him

It's the only mode the jap players care about so you're doin' alright

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Unironically join a splatoon discord (not a Sup Forums related one). Depending on where you are there's probably a big one for splatoon in your country/state.

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You can also go to /ink/, it's fairly easy to find people to leauge or salmon there. But don't join any of their discords.

>tfw have 500+ hours in Salmon Run

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It's so much better now that it resets at 400 and not 40.

. gg/d7BCWTP

If you're serious about Salmon Run

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I can MAYBE understand not playing ranked, MAYBE, JUST SO EVER SLIGHTLY, but to not play Salmon Run means you're missing out on on of the best co-op experiences ever. You're stupid. Go play Salmon Run.

Salmon Run is only fun in small doses. It doesn't have enough variety.

>Salmon Run is only fun in small doses
Speak for yourself.

I am. I can't play it for too long because it's so samey.

>rich single player game mode and storyline
If Splatoon 2 has one flaw, it's the lackluster single player campaign you blind fanboy.

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It's all the music.

I don't even notice anything but the lobby and end screen music.

That's about to be fixed.
Also, you clearly haven't touched Ika Radio.

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I don't know, something about Splatoon is so off putting to me. I played in a kinda pass the controller around kinda thing and I guess I just didn't see the appeal at all. Maybe I didn't play enough, but I did not want to play any more either.

>rich single player game mode and storyline

Heck no. The gameplay in single player is too easy, repetitive and has some of the most blatant padding I've ever seen (Hero Weapon unlocks). The plot is overly simplistic and mostly a cut and paste of Splatoon 1's plot, a huge disappointment compared to how much it was hyped by the Squid Sister Stories.

I'm hoping the Octo Expansion delivers where the single player in base game didn't by having challenging levels, variation, and a plot that's original and interesting.

Playable Salmanid vs Inkling mode when's?

I guarantee you the lackluster singleplayer in Splatoon 2 had something to do with it being given tight deadlines to make the release date for the Switch, because Nintendo wanted it to have a really strong first year to forget about the Wii U as soon as possible. So now the octo expansion is closer to the singleplayer the game should have had. All you gotta do is fork over $20 for what should have been there already.
I can't believe I've seen people posting about pre-ordering the expansion. Pre-ordering DLC!

It's not really a pre-order as much as a pre-purchase since you pay full price.

It is shit "my first shooter" for nintendo babbies.
I bought it used, thought I will not like it (I hate shooters). Now it is one of my all time favorites.
You are wrong about single player, though. I hope summer DLC will change things.

Haven’t played in a long while. Was Octobrush nerfed?

No, people learned to play.

>Only normalfaggots hate it at first glance.
I hate that my friend won't play it because "it's kiddy lol".

Like for fucks' sake, it really is one of the best competitive shooters on the market right now.

I mostly play ranked. I'm B to A rank on everything right now, mostly A-rank iirc. I genuinely think I'm capable of making it to at least S, if not S+ even though I'm not really a super hardcore player. I can't imagine only playing Casual Mode when Turf War is ass in this game.

I actually just tried Salmon Run for the first time today and really liked it. Fun mode.

I still haven't tried League Battle yet though.

You can even see that in the pre-release materials and how hero weapons ended up being. Hero Shot is a completely unique model, while the rest bar one are just base weapons with the dotted colour scheme and paintball tanks of S1 Hero weapons.
Hero Splatling is the only other exception. It was first shown before singleplayer trailer in Humpback tweet, but it had a distinctly different appearance, much closer to aesthetic of other hero weapons. Singleplayer trailer that landed a week from that shows it in the same way it is now, which means they were finalising it back then, a month from release.

it's all i do in the game these days, except for clam blitz. clam blitz is fucking terrible so if the turf war staged are good i just play that during that rotation.

I prefer the chrome Splatling we have now.

Doesn't make it any less stupid
If he's the type to dismiss it so easily, why bother trying to get him into the game? He'll just be another shitter clogging up the lower ranks and making it harder to escape into S+.

You know damn well no one would care about this game if not for the characters.

would you still buy it if they had gone with their original concept for the game?

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You mean the sexy lolis?
I agree

Clam Blitz is fun, but it's also the mode that needs the MOST team coordination to succeed in.

That said, when you get a bunch of randoms in who actually know what they're doing, it's fun as fuck. Just had a huge win stream today where I ranked up twice, so I'm sitting at B+ now.

>If he's the type to dismiss it so easily, why bother trying to get him into the game? He'll just be another shitter clogging up the lower ranks and making it harder to escape into S+.
I know. He's my bro but goddamn, if he wasn't a massive casual.

I do too, shame they couldn't make the rest of them cool too. Hell, chrome Blaster would've been so appropriate.

>If game was bad people wouldn't like it!
You sure showed us, user

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I'd probably like it more. Bunnies are cute.
I only bought Splatoon because it has interesting mechanics and fun gameplay.

>from the best wave defense mode in all of videogames
How true is this?

I'm not super big into shooters but I have played the Horde modes in other games, like Halo: Reach and enjoyed them but wasn't super crazy about them. But I really, really like Salmon Run. Do other games have Horde modes about as good?

>P2P TPS with a horde mode.

Wow very innovative thank you Nintendo bought 10 switches for me and my friends wow good game best game very good highly recommend good amazing

which one of these was you

Where'd his pants go?

It's only available at certain times, and during those times you only can use 4 possible weapons at random, and there's only a single objective.

>playing almost entirely turf war for 170 hours
What is wrong with you

I don't like it only being available at certain times.

But do other Horde modes in other games have more than one objective? I thought it was basically, "defend/survive each enemy wave."

>we almost got this furry garbage instead of delicious squid lolis
god bless the man at Nintendo who steered us away from the worst timeline

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i like splaton

Other games have more specialty waves. Salmon Run's only thing is "kill bosses that drop 3 eggs, collect as many eggs as we tell you". Not being infinite also makes the mode feel so much more repetitive.

The Halo games.

i don't think it's fun, it's a massive pain in the ass. the players not knowing how to play/standing still doesn't help either; i'm only s+1 in that mode.

>Salmon Run's only thing is "kill bosses that drop 3 eggs"
who all require distinct strategies to kill that max/min every mechanical requirement in the game, and will quickly overwhelm you if you're not playing smart

>Other games have more specialty waves
but are they good? because splatoon has the glowflies round and the grillers round, and those are insane

t. 12 years old PUBG fan

Other games typically have better AI. Splatoon's enemies are boring to fight and every encounter boils down to either waiting for an enemy to reveal its weak point, or shooting it a lot.

I wonder where these people are now.
It's basically available all the time, with 12 hour breaks between. It's honestly pretty hard for it not to be open, I think the intent was to not split the playerbase between 5 different modes (single player, Ranked, Turf, League, Salmon) so when Salmon opens you find matches quickly, and when it's closed you find multiplayer matches quickly.
Mann VS Machine is a good example as to what happens to a PvE mode when you leave it open 24/7.

You need to defend and retreve golden eggs, it gets cuh-rayzee at times which is what keeps it fun, there's only one "objective" but a lot of variety in waves:
>high tide (less available area)
>low tide (new area on the same map)
>Glowfly waves where you get rushed by trash mobs
>Goldie waves which are basically extremely punishing hide and seek
>low visibility fog waves
>Mothership waves where you need to defend the basket from a giant flying fotress which sucks out the collected eggs and fucking up your quota
>Griller waves where every enemy is an extremely dangerous miniboss that takes a lot of coordination to kill
And a few more.

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>server maintenance

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They're releasing the Mall patch.

>Suddenly I see Horses
