Sharena better get an alt costume.

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>15 seconds

Nothing to fucking do: The Game

FEH thread

So, Hector and Takumi banner tomorrow, but who's the third? They did a similar banner where Nephenee, Karel, and Sonya were featured, with only Nephenee having Wrath but the other two having weapons that boost their Special's damage. By this train of thought, whoever joins Takumi and Hector would have a Distant Counter weapon. This can include

>regular Ike

Hardin and Grima are a bit too recent and Nowi and Tiki are getting their own banners next month so it'd just boil down to Dorcas, Ryoma, or regular Ike.

Stop playing this exploitive game.

I love Sharena!

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>doing all the chain challenges on normal and hard gives you more than enough feathers to do two 5* promotions
What the fuck why didn't I notice this sooner

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Bullying Sharena is fun

Heroes has better artwork than the older FE games.

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we don't need an alt, we need a fensalir+ upgrade. Make it affect enemies that are 3 tiles away and make the stat drops double of what they are.

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Already thread for that.


Sharena likes you too, user.

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Don't ever reply to me again.


I'm glad you understand.

How can stop if it's so exploiting?

Cant believe I managed this and my cobbled together horse team beat 7 maps. You guys warent kidding about ward stacking.

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>being a cavshitter

Why is Sharena so qt and nasty? Post more Sharenas plz.

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>new bunny girls soon

Oh bby

Who is sharena?

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delete this immediately

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>it's the worst arena map rotation

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I just noticed Sharena has long hair, am I retarded?

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>get a non deathless arena run in since it's a tier 20 week
>go to do AA
>do a semi fun run with hardly any horse-cancer, get 5016
>5020 got me top 5k last time so I want to shoot for at least that
>do another run just now that was extremely fun
>horse cancer only on one map and it was a Raven Cecilia and DC Eldigan, no Reinfucks in sight
>actually had a blast finishing the AA run

Fuck it, I'll just leave it at that.


Why the fuck are you here too and why do you feel the need to trip here as well

The long hair doesn't really stand out in her neutral portrait.


>dumb broad dresses up as a narcoleptic owl
I wonder what desperate cry for attention she'll perform next?

Thanks for this. Reinhardt is about to get promoted.

>As long as I defend it you will not pass through this great wall.

GHB: Trump, Orange Emperor

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t. consumer of hay

Desperate need for attention and they come here whenever they manage to get banned from /feg/. Just ignore them and report if they start shitposting/avatarfagging.

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What can we do to stop the Sharena bullying?

>stop the Sharena bullying



Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

You can always just enjoy Sharena

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She brought this upon herself.

>ironic trumpposting is still shitposting

I agree, but you don't counter shitposting with shitposting, that never works.

Rate my daughter.

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>we finally have a good lance wielder

I want to rape this disciple

Say’ri’s genes/10

7/10 that's just kinda of her standard build.

Did they bring back the shitty old lava map?

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Love her tenderly.

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I probably would have waited a bit longer. Nothing much to talk about until the next reset, except for helping newbies.

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what up with her face lmao

Am I still respectable if a few of my 5*s are former 4*s that I upgraded?

Didn't you get slapped around enough in that other thread? Loathsome chickenshit pussy bitch.

>Sharena alt
Fuck no. We need Hero King Marth and promoted Seliph first.

>Am I still respectable if a few of my 5*s are former 4*s that I upgraded?
That's the way of the F2P, no shame in that.

Chrom died for this.

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Some of the best units in the game are available at 4*, no shame in promoting. With 5* exclusive like Luke that are nothing more than fodder, using feathers means nothing negative.

I'm okay with that. Chill Speed would be better on a magic unit, but whatever.

>chill def
>on a mage

I think the idea is not for him to take advantage of it, but for his allies to

I rolled a Morgan daughterfu with +HP/-ATK

Should I just delete the game and commit suicide at this point?

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She friendzoned us, she deserves all the bullying

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She's going to be demoted.

I really hope it's not Takumi, Hector, and Dorcas. As much as I want Dorcas merges, now is not the fucking time, when Hector is on the line.

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Pretty much this, there's little point in having a thread if there's nothing to talk about.

Why do you feel the need to shit on him for simply existing? If you don't like him, just filter the trip or fuck off

There's nothing shameful about it in the first place.

>not getting any defense wins
>switch to cav memes
>get a defense win within the hour
Even though it includes ReinLyn I think that Sigurd is actually what causes the most issues due to how tanky he is.

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I got a 4* -spd rein.
Definitely gonna be my 10th 5*.
Dupe summer corrin steamed my clams, the ditz.

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So are they actually going to give us 2Hectors, armor tharja, and Takumi on a banner tonight? That's too good to be true.

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>for simply existing

For shitting up every thread you post in. Trip back on.

>no content general
Seems about right

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Chill Speed would still be the better option if that was the case.

I'm okay with a casual adult nursing relationship. Maybe she needs to relieve some stress. Who doesn't? We don't have to date or marry or anything, she just wants me to suck her nipples once in a while.

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Oh, damn. I thought I was only respectable if I only used natural 5*s. I just promoted my 4* Nino up since I really badly needed a green and she, Anna, and Gunter are my only ones.

We all "simply exist", but we don't purposefully draw attention to ourselves by tripfagging either.

Don't worry about that. Some units are basically only for whales (like a lot of the 5* exclusives) but one can make do perfectly well just by using units upgraded from lower rarities.

No one knows. Banners are the one thing in the game that can't be datamined. Has to do with the encryption.

>considering building Chrom Emblem team
>multiple spare Atk Tactic 3 from pulling too many VLilinas
>Def Tactic seal coming
>realize they'd explode if any mage looks at them funny

Eh, might be good for a laugh.

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Is there going to be a white day banner so I can finally start this game

Saved. Humourless salt left just butthurt they can't meme.

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Is Panic Ploy good on the Black Knight? It'd really only help him in the Arena but I use him in the Arena every day. He has 49 HP since he's +2, but is that good enough for reliable Panics?

Rate my Chrom

He's +2 now, speed is 29 and def is 32. I have one more 4* waiting to be promoted.

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An update for my W!Lissa if anyone remembers

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>3.75 on falchion banner
>out of orbs




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He'll Panic most units that aren't other Armors and possibly Dragons.

49 HP will be enough for flier and cav teams but dragons and other armors are probably not going to be affected by it. Who else is on your team? I'd say Effie, Arden, Zephiel, and regular Hector are the best candidates for it.

>Swift Sparrow
You must be really confident in getting his Speed up.
>rolling on the Falchion banner

>rolling on bait banners
>rolling on all red banner
It's like you wanted to get robbed out of your orbs



user, that image is old. Chrom is now 'Time to be helpful'

I use SS because it's not hard to set up a situation for Tana (his S support) to be next to him