Nothing beyond the Great Plateu actually matters to BotW

Basically the Great Plateau is the only equivalent to any other entire Zelda game front to back. The few shrines would be the dungeons, the shiekah runes would be the dungeon items, you complete the dungeons and get the items then have access to Ganon. BotW is realistically a 1 hour zelda game.

No one cares, especially the rules of the game, what you do after the great plateau. That you can go anywhere you want is meaningless when anywhere you could go is guaranteed to have the same stuff as anywhere else. You could travel a path 20 meters wide from the plateau to any opposite end of the world map and find access to the same "progress content" of shrines and mobs as anyone else, just with a different appearance in topology and shrine layout. This doesn't mean BotW is open, it means it is strictly more linear than most games ever made, since any 20 meter vertical slice across the game world is will have the same amount of desireable progress content on it's path.

It doesnt matter which direction you pick, they all lead to the same end result. The game doesnt care whether you completed the divine beasts or not. The game doesnt care whether you completed all the shrines or none of the shrines beyond the great plateau.Nothing about the game's content or degree of completion of said content beyond the great plateau factors into how the game ends, which means 99% of BotW is literally inconsequential filler, even including the plot and acquisition of the iconic Master Sword. None of it matters.

This isn't open world much less open ended. There arent a variety of different endings or different ways to interact with NPCs and the story.

Breath of the Wild is actually 100% the antithesis of good game design. The game doesn't give a shit what you do, where you go, or what decisions you make, which functionally means these options do not really exist and are merely an empty shallow facade.

10/10 GOTY

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I do wish BotW did have more structure like Great Plateau

The openworld joy.

I just don't understand why nintendo is so intent on taking item based progression out of the equation. It's a great way to naturally lock content without putting much more obtuse barriers up while making it feel like your character is growing at the same time.

The original Zelda was 100% open-world.

You linear-fags and puzzle-fags are revisionists and faggots who helped Aonuma destroy Zelda for decades. BOTW made it good again for the first time since the N64.


>tfw it does Bethesda scaling
Certain types of weapons and enemies appear more often the more dungeons/hearts you have or something. Like, when first playing, you might see a lot of traveler's swords and red/blue enemies and by the end of the game, you see a lot of royal weapons and silver/black enemies.

So uh do shrines not count as gameplay anymore cause they look the same?

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Kiddies can't into transcendent game design.

Based Nintendo.

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This. Skyward Sword was a massive exaggeration of the linear design established by OoT and it sucked donkey dick. If you want more of that game's bullshit structure I invite your head into a noose.

I wanted some proper dungeons.

There were good ones, but there were far too many blessing shrines or test of strength shrines.
There is a balance. Skyward Sword had a lot of great design due to its linearity as Botw had a lot of great design due to its openness. But there were also a lot of shortcomings to both games due to the same reason. In my opinion, the perfect balance is alttp.

>100% open world
This user thinks you can get to the fourth dungeon without the raft. Or defeat Ganon without the silver arrows. Or enter Spectacle Rock without bombs. Or enter the 6th dungeon without the bracelet.

Seems like this user doesn’t know what he’s talking about

Windwaker could've been more interesting in this regard. A proper successor or "update"/"remake"/"spiritual successor" would have more sailing-gameplay.

(as in Navigation, as well as storms that necessitate lowering sails and shit, along with pirates and the like)

>Not a single proper dungeon-like structure just sitting in the world waiting to be discovered
I kept finding places like Akkala Citadel and the barrows in Faron and thinking "oh, I wonder if there's a way to get inside and explore" and there never was.

>too many blessing shrines
call me stupid but aren't these only after shine quests?

If BotW had yet another Forest/Fire/Water Temple set-up, people would have rolled their eyes into the back of their skulls.

BotW achieved many things, and one of those things was silencing critics who said the formula was getting stale. I'm sure themed dungeons will be back in the next game.

>1 year later
>Nu-Sup Forumseddit will unironically feed this

I fucking hate all of you and would sell my soul to strangle with my own hands every retards making this board shittier every day.

Yeah. But I actually got excited for them only to be disappointed. Basically, my thought process is: "I wonder what cool shrine I unlocked? Oh. Well, shit."

There were still lots of good dungeons, items and cryptic shit.
Where was any of this in BotW?

>kept finding places like Akkala Citadel and the barrows in Faron and thinking "oh, I wonder if there's a way to get inside and explore" and there never was.

Yeah reminds me of Death Mountain in OoT and TP and thinking "wow! Can't wait to go climbing up a dangerous volcano!" and then realising I was just moving along a flat linear path.

Yeah but metroid does both fine.

honestly nintendo should've used/created a new IP for Windwaker.. (extending to phantom hourglass and Spirit Tracks)

would be kind of neat.

Yeah except the ladder and the bombs and the raft and the candle/fire rod and the whistle and the power bracelet, which either have mixed use or 0 use in combat and are more about unlocking access to more of the world.

Not even agreeing with him that the item systems in the newer zeldas are any better, since I like zelda 1 and LttP systems a lot more, just that if they had ONLY combat potential, they'd be just like the weapons on BOTW and not worth anything if you're already good at fighting, and there'd be no difficulty curve possible since everywhere would have to be open to you.

This is the most retarded post I have ever read

There's no point though since climbing up from different angles adds nothing to the experience in BotW.

The lack of structure made me realise how important structure really is. That's not to say I want them to go back to the linear snorefest formula that Skyward Sword had, but I'd really like them to reel it in a bit and try for a middleground.

I could sit here and give a list of objective undeniable reasons why you're completely wrong but no doubt you'll pretend none of it counts.

me too

What you said is all 100% true if you only consider video games a problem to be solved, not a world to be enjoyed.

>If BotW had yet another Forest/Fire/Water Temple set-up, people would have rolled their eyes into the back of their skulls.

Or maybe just do dungeons that break the established themes like twilight princess did in its 2nd half

Botw's world was shallow.

blessing shrines are fine

Completely different series, completely different type of game.

Try me, just don't say something shallow like the cliffs or slight enemy variation.

No. They are lazy. In traditional Zelda games, when you unlocked a dungeon or found a cave or something, you had something to look forward to. With a blessing shrine, you have nothing to look forward to. They may as well just give you the spirit orb outside of the shrine. They are tasteless filler.

Then go play a metroid game you fucking retard

>sonyfriends are still seething over a year later

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Death Mountain was cool in OoT. It was utter garbage in TP

Maybe if you're a pleb. As far as world design goes it's probably one of the best ones in the industry

>just don't say something shallow like the cliffs or slight enemy variation.

One the things that shitters refuse to grasp is the notion that topographical navigation is gameplay in itself. Let alone the amount of freedom and agency you have to fashion your own solutions to navigation. Shitters will always try to play this down like it's nothing, even though there's nothing like it in any other 3D open world game.

>Sonyqueers so absolutely anally destroyed that they are unable to recover.

After all the boasting and abuse from any owner of the PedoStation4, you deserve this.
All Sonyqueers were complete assholes and you still are assholes.
All the lies, false flagging, shit posting, immaturity, etc etc and you have like what... one worth while game?
The switch has a bunch of awesome games, right now. Literally enough games, right now, that makes buying a switch worth owning.
One fucking year and it already has more games than the PedoStation4. One year.

Call it a gimmick but the portability of the switch is awesome. Oh, but of course, you faggots constantly move the goalpost, because you desperately rummage for way to shit over anything that isn't made by Sony.

Face it, the switch isn't only unique it's fun
Don't like the directional buttons on the joycons? Get a pro controller.
Either way, as much as it absolutely hurts your feelings, the switch is awesome, people like it and it is going to sell more than the PedoStation4.

Stay fucking mad.
I will keep enjoying these jelly filled threads.
Your tears are enough to hydrate me for all eternity.

Easy Sonyqueer bitch fit thread is also a Nintendo celebration thread.

Keep it coming, little girl, keep feeding daddy!

The Plateau is a mini version of the world and follows the same principles and progression as the rest of the overworld so I have to ask if you're retarded or just pretending.

>It doesnt matter which direction you pick, they all lead to the same end result.

lmao you could say the same about the real world. Don't bother travelling anywhere. Its just the same planet earth wherever you go.

Get fucked you fucking desperate mongoloid.

You don’t get any powerups outside the plateau. Just weapons/armor. The Plateau is the linear part if the game, it’s unique.

So it's a good thing you see everything the game has to offer within the first 2 hours?

youre wrong. Blessing shrines come from overworld puzzles. You literally never just walk into a blessing shrine without doing something to activate it first.

There are at least two that are literally just sitting behind bombable walls.

the plateau isn't linear you stupid faggot. you can do the 4 shrines in any order you want just like you can do the divine beasts in any order you want. what the fuck is wrong with you?

>You don’t get any powerups outside the plateau.

What about the Champion Abilities (which are actually based on the four spells from Zelda II - Life, Shield, Lightening and Jump)?

I agree with some of your points, in that BOTW certainly needs more item progression to really capture that feeling of working towards something greater; some end goal. That said, this still didn't significantly dampen my experience with the game.

Linear Zelda games have items that are extremely situational, or just plain not useful at all in combat, which means having the item is the gameplay equivalent of putting a key in a door. The metal boots, for example, while useful for solving a few water temple puzzles, are completely useless in the field. As is the spinning top, or statue controlling rod in Twilight Princess. Linear Zelda games also have parts that are downright unfun to play, such as being forced into Wolf Form in TP, running around searching for money to equip your boat in WW, and the aforementioned Water Temple that absolutely no one likes. The only real, seriously missing item is the Hookshot, I love that thing and plain climbing isn't as cool.

The game is by no means perfect, and could use more equipment and dungeons, but I have a great time with what is provided. I also disagree that your direction of travel at the start doesn't matter. I restarted my file on the 1 year anniversary and went the opposite direction I went the first time, and was pleasantly surprised with all the shit I missed the first time, as by that point I was nearly completed the game and skimming for shrines.

TL;DR, your nostalgia glasses make all these old Zelda games seem without flaws, and you simultaneously ignore that BOTW has given you an entire world filled with Zelda gameplay loops; ride horse here, fight enemies, solve puzzles, get loot. Do you need an item you will never use to feel satisfied?

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But that is literally not true. Again are you retarded or just pretending.

>So it's a good thing you see everything the game has to offer within the first 2 hours?
A complete shitter.

>You don’t get any powerups outside the plateau.

Again not fucking true. Did you even play the game?

I think how much people make out botw to be this perfect amazing thing with no flaws makes me more critical of the game, it's got the foundations for something great, but it itself is just good.

I'll admit that the sort of freedom you're talking about does add to exploration, but there's no destination worth going to at the end.
It's always just some shrine or quest marker, you'll never find anything unique or unexpected.

One year.
One whole year.
One whole year and you're still as ass-blasted about this game being good as you were on the day it dropped.

It matters for having fun roaming around the world, discovering things and places and people.

Worlds 2 and 3 in Super Mario Bros still "matter" even though there exists a legitimate way for you to skip them. The point of playing the game isn't to just skip all its content and watch the credits roll as soon as possible, even if you have the option to.

Why would anyone even buy a game like this if they didn't want to meander around the world at their leisure and explore? That seems like a poor choice on the buyer's part.

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>BotW is realistically a 1 hour zelda game.
You got a link to that PB video mate?

It may be the best one in the industry but it's still shallow. A lot of it has to do with the actual design of the game, with every item being temporary. It doesn't matter how compact the world. The four dungeons are very interesting, but they are such a small part of where the development effort went. I think the game would benefit from traditional dungeons, too. Also, a lot of the shrines are just artificial padding like I said in an earlier post. There are surprises, like the occasional over world boss and some random encounters are interesting, but it suffers from a lot of things all open world games suffer from. Material collection and koroks are grindy and not particularly fun. Many (not all) side quests are also rather grindy and add artificial length to the game. The memories were in my opinion, a poor way to tell a story because the story essentially happened 100 years ago instead of happening live, although it I understand that it was infinitely easier to implement a memory that you find. Again, the four dungeons and everything surrounding the four dungeons + hyrule castle are wonderful. I have almost bo complaints with those, besides there being a lack of a traditional dungeon.
You're probably correct, but I'm saying it's better to not have them be shrines in the first place. Since they are shrines, it adds artificial padding.

im looking it up to see if youre right, but it looks like youre wrong

>you can go anywhere you want
>this is somehow not open world
Just because Nintendo didn't place pockets of higher difficulty here and there doesn't mean the game is suddenly not open world.

>it adds artificial padding.
the blessing shrines are fine. They have a chest in them, sometimes two, and you get the orb from the monk. All of the orbs come from monks, deal with it. find more legitimate criticisms please

>Material collection and koroks are grindy and not particularly fun
Do you think this is objective or something?
Plenty of people enjoy this.

plenty of people enjoy eating shit

stop comparing BOTW to the original zelda. They barely have anything in common past the plateau like OP mentioned

So, to clarify, things you don't personally enjoy are "shit" here?

Right. Plenty of people enjoy playing slots, too. And I would argue that slots are objectively not fun

Tahno O'ah shrine and Maag No'rah shrine.

But if it's objective, how can anyone argue for or against it? I don't think you know what words mean.

Well, that's a bit extreme. While I agree the sky world sucked balls, the region portions were actually very well put together.

They're well put together for a single trip through them. Being forced to muddle through them over and over is when I put a bullet in my head

>there's no destination worth going to at the end.
>It's always just some shrine

I love people say that as it if its just something sitting on the overworld rather than one of 100 of completely unique separate environments.

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>artificial padding

these fucking buzzwords are getting more and more autistic.

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>master sword doesn't matter because the final boss can be beaten with a stick
But the master sword, armor, Revali's gale, the developed skill of parrying lasers, crafted recipes, heart containers and stamina all prepare you to take Ganon down more easily.
So yeah, they don't matter...if you're good enough.
And no OP, you are not that good.


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>shrines are unique
>can't even be bothered to write grammatically correct
Try harder shitposter.

BOTW would have been so much better if they axed half the overworld and merged multiple shrines into proper dungeons so you could get more than 5 minutes of possible fun at a time.

But there are items that aren't temporary. Stop lying just so you can fit your narrative dude

You forgot your counterargument, ad hominem-kun.

a decent fap thread I could have been looking at could still be alive if not for this thread

No argument.
No surprise.

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And there's also the zora armour that lets you swim up waterfalls.

Other shrine quests get you other armour sets with special effects too.

I do kind of wish you had other items too, what I'd like to see in the next zelda is they go for a hybrid with BOTW's very definite open world - dungeons that you can do in any order and don't necessarily need items for but more items to allow you to interact with the world. Iron boots, zora armour that lets you breathe underwater, perhaps the hookshot and other things. Doesn't need to be too many, just liek 3 or 4 extra things in addition to the runes.

Hey kid

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skyward sword is like they knew how to make dungeons but forgot how to do a good overworld
Breath of the wild is like they knew how to create an overworld but they both forgot how to make good dungeons.

>10/10 GOTY

You said it cuck. Breath of the Wild is a 10/10 game and it's the GOTY

But unlocking it is the shrine. That's why it's a freebie once you get in

>And there's also the zora armour that lets you swim up waterfalls.

I didn't even bother going into the various armour/weapons/bows/arrows/boomerangs/elemental rods/horses/ you can find after the great plateau because I knew than user was clearly a shitter.

Hyrule Castle is the only dungeon in BotW and it's better than most dungeons in Skyward Sword

I guess it's a freebie if you hate shrines.

They could have given us some actual focused content with the DLC but instead we got more shrines. Why are we here? Just to suffer?

Breath of the casual

>BOTW would have been so much better if they axed half the overworld
>and merged multiple shrines into proper dungeons so you could get more than 5 minutes of possible fun at a time.
actually yes

What does "focused content" mean? Shrines seem pretty focused. Some are so focused that they're just a hallway with treasure at the end.

>Link between worlds
>BOTW made it good again


>It doesnt matter which direction you pick, they all lead to the same end result.
Such is life.

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