now that capcom created world for the casuals when is the real game gonna be realeased?
After XX we need a new game with core mechanics, good monster design,weapons and music again
now that capcom created world for the casuals when is the real game gonna be realeased?
After XX we need a new game with core mechanics, good monster design,weapons and music again
Other urls found in this thread:
World's is a good base, it just needs a lot of changes and a bigger roster. G-rank expansion needs
>solo monster HP and flinch rates similar to older game guild quests
>Huge buffs to monster speed and damage, mainly speed World monsters are pathetically slow
>Unique weapon models for every line
>Gunner Armor
>No restocking/equipment changing in hunts
>No mantles
>No scoutflies or free flashpods
>Insects and leviathans back
>Huge buffs to monster speed and damage, mainly speed World monsters are pathetically slow
I dont even have world but seeing his new super nova in that webm makes me so sad every time
XX was the easiest game ever. A blind cripple could Brave Style G-rank solo, a 4channer might reach even the end of high rank.
>implying they'd do fucking any of that
that wouldn't be "World" then
Elaborate on brave style. Why does it make the game easy?
Why are you comparing people flinch locking elders to death solo with a mid tier monster like zinogre? Look up solo super deviant quests if you want to compare end game.
>le switch has no games. Cry nintenbabbies.jpg
Seriously only thing world needs is huge monster buffs, g rank, functional guild hub, and weapon skins. AND more monsters obviously. (insects and monkeys when)
Next year obviously. There will be a new MH game every single year.
>je suis monte: the game is now considered hardcore
>anime styles trivializing everything is now considered hardcore
Monster Hunter has come a long short way.
>comparing HR endgame to G endgame
Full retard, both of you.
am i supposed to be impressed by a guy running around for half hour while he tickles a monster once in a while?
Even better, compare that world solo to hr gen solo.
I mean, when you say XX is easier than World it's kinda fair game.
that is basically what you do in MH so why the hell are you in a MH thread?
some people will agree with you that 3rd gen was the last traditional generation
>you can only post in threads if you play the game
>the game
There's multiple MH games out there. Again, why are you here unless it is just to shitpost? Why should I or anyone in this thread value your input and opinion?
Man, I wish XX was localized. I have a Switch and don't want to play on the 3DS ever again.
Even better, compare that to ghc kushala solo
Acting like a retard isn't something you need to justify by someone else acting that way, just realize how everybody else sees you.
I don't understand? You resort to a word in full caps after being asked a genuine question to the value that you contribute in this thread. Am I missing something here?
>I don't understand?
Why is this a question? Are you a retard?
At the very least be glad MH escaped 240p hell again.
cute voice
I love World but XX has harder content. Can't wait for the G-rank expansion to hopefully remedy that. We aren't all poorfag console warriors.
Don't bother. He's either a shitposter lookin for (You)'s, or a consolewar faggot.
Yeah I figured as much. I mean he can't even answer a simple question without retracting into his autistic shitposting shell.
XX has "harder content" because monster stats are buffed out the ass. Otherwise its the same thing Generations was
Frontier do have tons of high profile seiyuu voices
>heh we sure showed him *smiles nervously*
I rest my case.
What's with the potato faces going downward?
doh, you got me. thanks for opening my eyes and showing me the error of my ways
youre a complete tool
Don't flatter yourself, bud. You still havent answered my questions.
>XX content is just harder because monsters hit harder and have more health
>reminded that we will never get Tonfa in the main series
Wouldn't say the same. Most of the Monsters in World is painfully weak and useless. They made a brand new engine to show off what MH is capable of and then they add a ton of useless small monsters..
I just bought MH3 Wii U, was my purchase worth it?
No because underwater battle is garbage
Yeah. Enjoy the awesome roster.
I enjoy playing world, but honestly the game is pretty disappointing as a new starter main game. I also am not fond of where the armor and weapons go. I like making armor, weapons and such, it sucks when it is all forced realistic and dull colours. I miss the crazy stuff, or just the out there armors or different ones.
When compared to tri, it hardly has brought anything new either. Nothing new like swimming (love it or hate it swimming was something new), no new monster type, no fun out there armors or weapons. The new monsters themselves aren't very unique or interesting to fight.
I think moving back to a consul was a good thing. I guess I am just disappointed in the game is all. I hope the added monsters help this, but I would like new monsters, not just old ones I have hunted before.
Please bring back Qurupeco.
You are a bigger moron than that guy. Pic related.
What is it like? Difficult?
>than that guy
nice try, bud.
If you want more """""""mainline""""""", just play Frontier because that's where the series was heading.
Heh naffin personnel kiddo
>I-I can't shitpost my way out of this!
>b-better act like i'm someone else, heh.
It's not so bad on Wii u with a real controller. You might want to make a bowgun or lance for it though, other weapons are a bit hard to use underwater. There's a grand total of 3 monsters you have to fight underwater(plesioth, gobul, lagiacrus). I don't count R. Ludroth cause he's a pushover and ceadus is more of a dps race than a real fight.
Someone got hurt their game got called out to be shit.
I kinda liked underwater fights. There was a certain tightness to them I enjoyed. That was mostly in the flooded forest though. It sucked on the island ocean. I also really liked underwater monsters. Legicrus, R.Ludoroth, Gobul, even Ceadus, they were all pretty fun and unique.
It's funny because in "older" MHs it happened that all four players are attacking Teostra and they all knew they're fucking dead as soon as he starts flying, there is no help, nothing you can do, you weren't careful enough, it's over.
MHW is for Sony casuals though.
yeah, i'm weeping and SEETHING at this moment.
rip you boyo
>teostra prepares to do his supernova
>guardpoint it while the rest of my friends are either knocked back and stunned or have fainted
why CB OP?
Hey guys, what weapon and style should I use in XX?
SnS. Oils are fun.
Is it good for solo-play?
I'm not even bothering with oils. I just started the game, too.
MHXX is just diet frontier. Prove me wrong
>crazily designed monsters
>endgame consists of tedious AOE spam fests (Deviants)
>people say that world is casualized
>none of them, have platinumed the game
I think these self proclaimed experts need to gg if the game is so ez.
Striker Lance
I just dont get why autist defend world so religiously
People shat on tri, 4, gen, frontier, 2, etc.
And people would not mindlessly defend their flaws by covering their ears and shout ad hominem at people like world tards
Did the fanbase quality really fell this much?
Yeah. Everything is.
>muh casual world
platinum would mean bs rng crown grinding. not a big test of skill
None of the achievements are worth anything in world. Its just time spent to raise numbers.
>RNG grinding is hardcore
>game has so little content that you actually resort to grinding crowns to feel like you got your money's worth
>platinumed MHW
lol, you really are a casual, pic related, smallfry.
This is what happens when 6 million autistic sonybros think it's their job to defend the game like it's an exclusive. MH fans traditionally follow the game no matter the console.
I don't get why autists attack world so religiously.
>gunner armor
Honestly the armor system is pretty nice as is, they just need more skills like free element/ammo up where it switches depending on your weapon type. Also make alpha and beta more distinct, having slightly tinier shoulder pads and swapped color zones is lazy.
>not a big test of skill
You mean a thing that's been in every single Monster Hunter game?
FU is trash
They don't. Pretty much every MH game is criticized heavily, even by the hardcore fans. People have always fought over which game was better.
what are you talking about?
lol the Monster Hunter World Platinum is at .01% of players earned
Meaning it's incredibly fucking rare and is actually a real achievement if you have it.
I mean, that's exactly what Gunner armor would do...
They do though. There were threads every day shitting on MHW for being casual shit the second gameplay was revealed. Fuck off, you retarded Switch owner.
Crown farming has been a thing for eons in monster hunter even the wii-u version had crown requirements for badges.
They mad because never ever. And mommy and daddy dont make enough money to buy them ps4
How many hours?
Also a thing that no one has ever given a shit about.
no u
Gives evasion up (and makes you demon dash) and attack up while in brave mode that slowly drains hp and stamina. Also some weapons get inherent skills in brave mode, like HBG and LBG get recoil down +1.
well ya i know that but it isnt a testament off skill.
and it is casual dude, there is no mh out there with bugs that heal you
if anything bugs in prior games would stun or poison you
>world fetus doesn't remember Tri, 3U, and 4U all being called casualized at release
It's nothing new, there just wasn't an army of Sony console warriors acting like the game was completely flawless.
>sinking 40 hours into RNG is hard
I platinumed it within the first month, of release, your screen says March you fucking shitter
Please leave if you think that, true hunters know damn well that everything must be completed in order to have beaten an installment.
But gunner armor implies its limited to gunners. The skills/slots tradeoff is really nice, but there's still a lot of sets that are very gunner oriented or very blademaster oriented now.
Yeah I got stuck at Kushala Daora for like a week and a half I had to kill him over 100 times before I got the large gold crown with the majority of those kills being close calls.
Those entries were casual shit though, they werent wrong.