Why don't they just go third party or just sell their IPs and get out of the industry...

Why don't they just go third party or just sell their IPs and get out of the industry? We'd be better off without consoles that are as powerful as a PS2 and that rely on shitty gimmicks.

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They technically have gone third party.

Mobile doesn't count.

Even before mobile, young fag.

I would for Nintendo to die just to see manbabies cry.

Because they're making money with those shitty gimmicks.

How did that go for Sega?

Because they always find a way to print money. Sometimes it takes multiple attempts, but eventually they strike gold and get the shekels.

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Kill yourself

because retards buy their consoles

If Nintendo went 3rd party they would be called successor of EA/Activision with their rehashes and lack of creativity.
Nintendo is garbage company that died back in 1995.

Ps4 and Xb1 are just weaker PCs, why dont they just sell their IP too

Because their fanbase gladly eats up whatever shit that seeps out of their asshole.

mario was on atari-o and pc, underage shitter.

Because that's fucking stupid

>Sup Forums is finally turning on Nintendo
Loving this timeline.

Why don't you just buy a Nintendo console and stop being mad at them for completely irrational and immature reasons?

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Why would I buy a shitty console made for 3 year olds with literally no games?

I welcome the day that all consoles die and all publishers put their games on steam. It's not just Nintendo, every console is just a downgraded PC

Stay mad kid.

Here's the facts

>Microsoft and Sony combines
What does that get us? Halo VR game? Kratos in Gears of Wars?

>Nintendo combines with MS or Sony
Console wars are over, who ever gets Nintendo takes it all forever. And sure, I know everyone thinks of Nintendo as the kiddie console but facts remain they're the oldest of the big 3 for a reason, they have to be doing something right and if Sony or MS could tap into that power they would become something great.


>I welcome the day that all consoles die and all publishers put their games on steam. It's not just Nintendo, every console is just a downgraded PC

Nintendo already know that. Which is why they make unique hardware rather than just shit-tier PC rigs. And dockable all-in-one devices are the future for us all. Nintendo are just ahead of the curve.


That will be the day when everything will be like google play. Shitty shovel ware, poor quality software that relies on micro transactions.
When will you pc irrelevant fats realize that video game industry == only console.
Without consoles you have garbage that is pc gaming.

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>why doesn't this trillion dollar company cater exclusively to my tastes?

what is your endgame here

Thanks for beta testing Crash N.Sane Trilogy.

No worries. I hope you will enjoy those 360p graphics on your 3 hours 'portable' tablet.
It's always a pleasure to bring yet another port to the revolutionary console designed by cardboard company.

You know who should really step down? Sony or Microsoft

>MS steps down and Rare can head back to Nintendo. Meaning a new Jet Force, Banjo, and Kool would have a better shot of getting into Smash
>Sony goes down and we could see a return of Sly, Ratchet, and Jak

>my fucking face when Nintendo win a truck load of engineering, design and creativity awards from outside the gaming industry just from fucking cardboard.

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>oh god, I want to play their games so fucking badly
OP, stop being a thirsty faggot.


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Of course it will.
In the days when Black Panther / Zelda' gets nearly perfect score, what else could you expect....
This generation relies on feelings, nostalgia.

One's a Marvel movie, when has there ever been a bad MCU movie? As for Zelda, it's simply a case of there being no one good enough to challenge them

Thor and Thor 2 were both pretty bad. They weren't "The Room" bad but I never hear anyone that thought they were good.

I still have not sat down and watch the first Thor but I think Dark World was decent, honestly better than Ragnarok

they've been at stage 3 since 1889.

Because they are the second largest company in the industry after Microsoft.

Who would invent and innovate all the new ideas for the other guys to steal? The industry would die shortly after without Nintendo carrying it on their backs.

Cuz you want to play those games that's why people like you've been port begging Nintendo for two decades.

Every gimmick Nintendo spits out could be done better with a PC. If Nintendo or Microsoft just pumped out portable PCs with gimmicks, it'd be better.

>500+ replies and 100 images omitted

How about no, a PC only market would be bad for everyone. You think everyone would suck Gaben's cock and on put games on steam?

Nintendo doesn't bring any kind of 'new ideas' these days. It's a rehash company that only exist due to nostalgia. Relict of time that long should be forgotten...

>words of someone who has not played a nintendo game in forever

>Nintendo doesn't bring any kind of 'new ideas' these days.

They're about to fuck the industry sideways with cardboard.

Why would I play garbage aimed at kids?
Lol, no. Shit will flop harder than soy of the wild.

I think they might get REKT when the industry changes to VR in a decade.

Nice memes Sup Forumsaggot

Yeah, like you, because you'd have less of an incentive to jerk off to how mature Playstation/Xbox/PC makes you.

>we 'd be better off whitout inovation
i ratter have gimmicks than weeker pcs

>Shit will flop harder than soy of the wild

Showing your maturity and retarded denial all in one post. Fascinating.

>it's "user hates Nintendo, but desperately wants to play their games" thread.

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>implying soy of the wild actually sold anything
>7 million
Yeah, shipped, not sold.

That's the number they gave their shareholders, yes. And lying about sales to your shareholders is grounds for legal action.

This much denial.

Back to you know where, drones. This board is a Sony board.

Why you got to be a bitter basic bitch user? It's just video games which is for kids anyway XD

Because you need to be humbled.


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>still being mad

The only relevant players are from pc and Nintendo, stay mad.

>posting facts is me being mad
You toddlers and your shitty logic.

If you are talking about the CDi games or PC games, that doesn't count, as they were not developed by Nintendo, and they only leased out the characters.

Speaking of facts, remind me again about many 10/10 scores BotW got, how many GOTY awards it received and how many rival developers are singing its praises? Such a flop.

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Paid reviews, dumbass. Nintendo always does it.

DICE Awards are voted for by rival developers. Did they pay them too? Bet you think 9/11 was an inside job too.

Yes user, Nintendo paid off the whole industry :)

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>Bet you think 9/11 was an inside job too.
Of course it was just listen to alex jones.