Hey plumber boy, moustache man, Your worst nightmare has arrived!

Hey plumber boy, moustache man, Your worst nightmare has arrived!

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>A threat to mario
I don't even like Nintendo

You never saw the commercial?

No, sorry. Even if it was a commercial, crash was never a "worst nightmare" to mario


its an old crash commercial and if universal dint fuck it up chrash would have been huge, the same shit with sonic.

Oh yeah, I do remember that one. The PS1 came out when I was 7 or 8, I think? Time flies

The fucked up thing is how huge he still is, all things considered. Crash is just unkillable.

Did you realise that if Crash makes it and Cloud stays, Smash will be a better celebration of Playstation than All-Star Battle ever was?

good lord...

Bring back Snake too and it'll make PSASBR look like a fucking joke


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>yfw Crash's Smash announcement is the guy in the Crash suit challenging Reggie to a fight

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the remaster only worsened crash's chances of getting in because everyone realized the crash games are shit. The games are far shittier than the Jak ones. I'm glad spyro is now rightfully considered the best platformer on the ps1

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Nightmare sounds about right.

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I think we all know who the winner here is


Crash Bandicoot as a series can chalk up its success to 35% gameplay, 65% wacky cartoon characters
Crash himself is a rare example of a retarded, hapless vidya character who's the main hero, and people love it

everything I said is true

To you.

He's just remembered

>they both suck at Smash

Literally why?

At least the guy in the suit would have an excuse. Holy shit, Reggie played like he had never even seen Smash before.

>Sony blows Nintendo the fuck out of the game industry so hard they went from being the only dog in the business to literally who
>not a nightmare somehow
The yellow fucks at Nintendo probably have their ptsd triggered by WHOA!

>when it came out, threads upon threads praising it, saying it'll save PS4
>as soon as it gets announced for nintendo
>it's suddenly shit.

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I'm an idort, crash has always been shit. The jak games are so much better, it's not even funny

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>when it comes out there's threads upon threads of calling it a shit game and retroactively shitting on the originals
>now that's on bing bing wahoo land the games are good now

>crash is coming to plumber boy's console

fucking classic

That's not what happened at all. Everyone was praising it for the graphics and the added feature of playing as Coco, so much so that every Crash thread was deleted and or moved to /vg/.

I just find it funny that now it's confirmed on the Switch, people are even faster on the 'lol it was shit anyways' train.

No fuck you, everything other than Jak 1 is boring

>Sega does what Nintendon't
>Sonic and Sega basically work for Nintendo at this point.
>Crash is on Switch

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Crash has been on nintendo ever since the gamecube era.

>I've only watched the ads and seen the cover art

You're full of shit you history revising drone.

>gets forced out of the console market by the company they spurned
Sure worked out great for them

Only reason remastered sucked was to Vicarious fucking up hit detection, admitting it and saying fuck you when people wanted it fixed


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Yep, I'm a drone. A shelf full of PS1 games behind me, and I'm a nintenbro. Keep projecting.


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Crash fag here. It wasn't till 2 and 3 where you notice how fucked the games were. 1 was not as bad cause 1 was always considered the hardest. You notice the bullshit more in the easier games

GBA underage friend. GBA was first time Crash was on Mario's turf

It was full of Coco posting and DarkSouls memes

Let's be real here, Crash is way bigger than Mario.

>Each of the three games sold over seven million. Super Mario 64 sold more, but that was primarily due to being the only N64 game for a really long time.
>Spin offs like Crash Bash and CTR are widely considered to be better than Mario Party and Mario Kart
>Crash was on the more popular platform. More people know who he is.

Real talk: I fully expect N-Sane Trilogy to outsell Mario Odyssey on Switch alone.


Crash and Playstation were always bigger than Mario and Nintendo
Only on burgerland Nintendo dominated

Nah mate, you're not giving it enough credit.

Since it was when platformers were making its first steps into 3d it had extremely solid gameplay as a 3d linear platformer, even if Mario64 took the world by storm by inventing freeform platforming.

It was also one of the most graphically beautiful games for its time, since the people who made the games were basically fucking tech genies who knew how to exploit every little nook and cranny of the PS1's abilities. All the environments were lush and interesting, and all the enemies were detailed and unique.

At its time it was PS1's flagship game, he was a genuine competitor to Mario as Sony's official mascot. It's a real shame Naughty Dog gave up their license to the series to Universal and moved on.

lmao they wouldn't be so threatened by crash when they now own his ass lol

Sure you are fag. Why do you
think people would actually believe that?

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>everything sucks except the one game my parents could afford to buy me as a kid
k kiddo

He was a legitimate threat when his system sold 65 million more than N64.

>Let's be real here, Crash is way bigger than Mario.
>>Each of the three games sold over seven million. Super Mario 64 sold more, but that was primarily due to being the only N64 game for a really long time.
>>Spin offs like Crash Bash and CTR are widely considered to be better than Mario Party and Mario Kart
>>Crash was on the more popular platform. More people know who he is.
>Real talk: I fully expect N-Sane Trilogy to outsell Mario Odyssey on Switch alone.

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That's not Croc.

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2 and 3 were bad remasters because they fucked up the mechanics too fucking bad.

Crash 1 remaster was a direct improvement in just about every way, everything felt almost exactly the same except in some parts where they accidentally increased the difficulty, and some parts where they INTENTIONALLY increased the difficulty.

Keep crying Sonybro.

Honestly, Crash was more "Mario like" than Mario 64 was when it jumped to 3D. At least until 3D world came. Either way, everyone and his grandma wanted to be Mario 64 in that era, Croc, Banjo and even DK, so there's that...

Crash still holds up IMO, not only gameplay wise but the graphics too since they're not only stylized to work with ps1 limitations but I bet my ass that no other real time animation on the N64 is better than Cortex's facial animations in Crash 2 and 3, polygon count aside.

At least you admitted it. Now go get your fucking bingbox.

Motherfucker, I haven't bought a console since the PS1.


Most of what he said was bullshit, except this
>Spin offs like Crash Bash and CTR are widely considered to be better than Mario Party and Mario Kart
CTR is by far a better game than Mario Kart, it's not even funny how shit Mario Kart is compared to the original CTR

Have another (you)

even if you don't like 2/3, jak 1 takes such a fat shit on the crash games it elevates the jak series over crash

Just like the N-Sane Trilogy was better than Mario, right?

If character with shit games don't get in then how come pokemon and mario have a bagillion reps

I don't know about Crash Bash but yeah CTR was miles better than MK64

Everyone who shits on Crash complains about "corridors" and 2D sections but they don't realize that's the natural evolution of the genre. Not a some empty collectathon with weird movement.
I also low how most 2D sections are not railroaded and you can use 3D space to avoid obstacles

>guy in crash costume outside of Nintendo hq with megaphone
>hey plumber boy you're a fag
>Mario jumps from the rooftop and lands directly in front of crash
>Mario throws a large fireball
>cut to crash's face see the burning smash logo reflecting in his eye

Naughty Dog never owned the licence. It was always Universal

both those titles are higher quality than crash and sell far more. You should have used fire emblem as an example, then I would counter it by saying they're not western and are first party

Better than what Mario?
There's some fantastic Mario games, and some shit ones.

The remaster of the first N-Sane Trilogy game is fantastic, a direct improvement, and better than a lot of Mario games. I'd definitely but that game above 3d world for example.

The two other games were crap, I'd put them below 3d world.

>It is the natural evolution of the genre

And stuff like Donkey Kong Country Returns isn't? LMAO.

You have games like 3D Land and Galaxy that do what Crash does, but way better.

A sonyfag saying Mario is better. Lol.

CTR is a much better game than MK64. The only defense I've seen of MK64 over CTR is that speed running MK64 is more popular (no one should listen to speed runners, they're bad people) and people that think a "knock off" series can't be any good.

Calling CTR a knock off is like calling all FPS games Doom knock offs.

100% based. Unfortunately nostalgia fags will never admit it.

Oh, of course not bro. Nothing can be better than your precious Mario

I always wondered if they actually set up shop in front of NoA and if that security guard was real.

I miss spoke. But either way, the series turned to shit when Naughty dog stopped working on the games. Though I don't blame them, apparently Universal were a real fucking bitch ass cunt of a producer for putting unreasonable deadlines and budget cuts.

That's because he was the CEO of Pizza Hut or something. That's his credentials for being the marketing guy at Nintendo. He got a cushy job and knew it. Nintendo was at the time a household name and he ran with it. Nintendo got lucky bringing him on. If it were anyone else, they'd have driven the company into the ground BEFORE their errors with the Wii U ever came to pass.

Keep projecting. Thanks for beta testing.

Good thing that rumored Spyro trilogy will most likely be releasing on all four platforms soon. I'd like to play Spyro in HD on my PC.

I agree. But the landing detection was fucked all around. Crash slips of ledges instead of standing on them. Plus there is the hit detection on the thrid spit roast on Hog Wild

>I'm glad spyro is now rightfully considered the best platformer on the ps1

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PC, and hyped as fuck. keep trying

>critically acclaimed remake
>sold incredibly well
>literally the Dark Souls of platforming

Why can't Mario games be hard?

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lol no

Crash is Trash. I don't know why anyone is defending that trilogy, unless you grew up with a PS1 and never played the far superior Nintendo platfomers that came out around the same time.

Ape Escape 1-3 > Spyro 1-3

I would call 80 on metacritic "critically acclaimed"

the only thing worse than a ps1 fan who likes crash is a ps1 fan who likes ape escape

Gee, I wonder who's behind this post

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They don't do what Crash does.

Get out

I played Mario Tennis too my nintenbro!

yeah and now he's coming to the swtich so who won in the long run?

>Then Goku comes in, turns Super Saiyan 3 and beats both of them to death with his dick

I bet you haven't beaten Mario 2.

>Crash fans are shitting on Mario Tennis

The absolute state of SonyPonies.

Crash. For now being able to steal Mario's sales on his own console.

>>literally the Dark Souls of platforming
because it's boring just like dark souls?

h-hey plumber boy...about those things I said...y-ya know pal, could we uh... drop it? Terrible things have been going on mate I mean... it's nothing really!
You gotta get me outta here, look what they did to Spyro, I'M NEXT