Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

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Yuyuko solos

Give Kirby Maxwell or Gmod Guy to balance this

Touhou wins, no discussion

Kirby wins. By the sheer fact that he somehow absorbs some kind of gensokyo energy that gives him relatively equal powers.

See: Robobot, Miracle Fruit in Triple Deluxe etc.

No one can beat Reimu in an actual fight
All touhou battles are play fights with nonlethal projectiles

The former

Kirby is eight inches tall

>Kaga as spunky sidekick
Literally unstoppable.

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My waifu is on the left and she is the strongest and can't be stopped so left wins.


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>Biggest threat in Touhou is a Tree
>Kirby regularly beats the shit out of trees
Kirby wins

Nigga what
My touhou friend claims there is a bitch that can rewrite history, other that can alter reality and several others that are almost as gods.
Get your lore right.

Yuyuko still solos Maxwell.

Maxwell is a deity who can conjure basically anything but there is nothing he can conjure that would make him immune to death.

If we give GMOD guy console commands then he would win, as he can just turn on godmode and actually be immune to death, but that is taking it too far even for touhou.

Yukari could. Reimu draws her ability to phase out of existence temporarily from the Hakurei Border, i.e. the border Yukari herself made.

Not to mention she could literally just manipulate the border between life and death to invoke instant death in someone, essentially giving her Yuyuko's ability.

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He's not wrong, Keine, the history rewriter is low -midhigh tier, the evil tree is highest tier. But Yuyuko isn't an issue to Kirby, he already killed his series' Death when weakened and without any of his abilities.

>a bitch that can rewrite history
She just hides it. And Akyuu is full of shit anyways.

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She hides it in her normal form. She rewrites it in Hakutaku form.

>he doesn't know about doors

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>when they backdoor you

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Kabie and Toohoo are friends.

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Where is that pic from

>t. secondary

The question is who would win, not who would murder who.

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Some Taiko game in japan.

If we are going to be super anal about it. Nightmare can never die. He will only stop once there are no more nightmares ever.

cartoon logic sure is screwy huh.

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wew I clicked the thread just to post that image
Kirby goes well with touhou, it's such a pleasing image

kirby would get fucking annihilated in an instant
this is the best outcome, however

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Alot of the characters from each feel like they would really get along well with each other.

Like Jesus the ammount of Flan + Marx artwork out there you'd expect that Marx came from Touhou and vice versa.

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a whole franchises of reality warpers vs cartoon logic.

real fucking fair OP.

Does Kirby even stand a chance?

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Kirby beat a robot so big it could sit on Gensokyo and wipe it off the map

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Time to eat.

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