Don't you feel bad for ordinary devs who were responsible for graphics in this game...

Don't you feel bad for ordinary devs who were responsible for graphics in this game? They've put a really good effort to create breathtaking visuals, only to be squandered in a mediocre game headed by a talantless hack Tabata. Yoko made a really good soundtrack too, albeit not as great as for KH.

Attached: FFXV-Header.jpg (1160x653, 269K)

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Of course I do, everyone questioned his decisions multiple times, theres literally proof of this.

can you link it?

source or fake

No. They made it for consoles so fuck their effort if they're just going to downgrade it to run on those toasters.

Game looks pretty dope on PC though.

I really enjoyed the world design and the graphics they put out, it's a little bland in places but they make up for it with the cities and large assets. Even the characters which I though I'd hate were all amazing.

Whoever was in charge of putting the story into this game world is the one at fault, they even had an incredible story to fit the setting and didn't put most of it into the game.

I can't find it but theres one where the devs basically tell him luminous won't work in an open world environment.

Attached: 1520162878804.jpg (1033x1200, 218K)

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Soundtrack wasn't even good. There are a total of 3-4 decent tracks at best.

Attached: 1503746940711.jpg (444x221, 68K)

Open world does that to a game, instead of each zone having a specific theme that fits it you get one huge zone and have to find a few songs to be unobtrusive background music rather than defining themes.
>Especially part of the engineers thought that since the game was based on a story progression, it would have been better to go with switching maps with an event-driven system, and focusing on enriching the content. There were also some who thought that by making an open world game, they would increase the chances of it failing.
>A few months after the announcement at E3 2013, just after the team had merged with the Luminous Studio team, many within the engineering team thought that, with Square Enix’s know-how, making the game open world was unreasonable.

lmao he's a legitimate retard it appears

I feel they decided on open world after XIII received a massive backlash for being too linear.

>Even the characters which I thought I'd hate were all amazing

Not this shit again.

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Biggest mistake they ever could have made right there, the story was beyond good enough to carry a more traditional title, open world fragmented and ruined it.

>the story was beyond good enough
Only the outline. The actual meat is trash garbage.

Well that's the problem isn't it, the meat never made it into the final game. You get this pretty world that mixes so many different classic and new elements and the story is just a couple of paragraphs ripped out of a book and the cast is half missing.

I was really turned off all those years ago when we saw the initial images but after playing it I have to say they did a good job building the setting.

HOW did they make the exact same mistakes again as they did with FFXIV 1.0? Pic related just replace MMORPG with BASIC GAME DESIGN knowledge.

Attached: 3steps.jpg (630x356, 62K)

If this quote wasn't dumb enough on it's face, Monster Hunter proves it's idiocy.

>this game is so shit, look at that telegraph, so easy to dodge
>this game is so shit, look at that lack of telegraph, so easy to get hit

Literally nobody says the first thing you said unless it's embarrassingly excessive. Stop strawmanning.

I love the game so far. It's exactly what I wanted from a video game in every way.

Attached: IMG_20180307_214422.jpg (1600x900, 161K)

i take it the ps4 is your first console?

>They've put a really good effort to create breathtaking visuals, only to be squandered in a mediocre game headed by a talantless hack
Welcome to AAA game development.

Yeah, unfortunately, a lot of stuff had to be rushed to meet the deadline for XIII, and they said they cut out like 50%. Probably really shows most with characters like Raines and Jihl, who I always felt had more planned for them that was cut for the deadline.

I don't own a PS4?

Attached: IMG_20180307_215634.jpg (1600x900, 178K)


They were talking about XV, y'know?

Well, I misinterpreted then from seeing XIII. Same thing though, game got rushed and most of what was planned got cut for deadline. Though its worse here because Tabata just rewrote someone else's plan, and didn't have a coherent vision of his own and thats why the story seems fragmented.

>Nomura was a GUD boy he dindu NUFFIN!

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A cool Prompto shot that just happened. I hate how the quality of them don't match the game. Playing totally maxed and they look a lot worse.

But this one is still nice.

Attached: 20180313211727_1.jpg (1920x1080, 370K)

I dunno, I liked it.

It didn't blow my mind, but it was a fine game. End felt weird though. Should have just been Bro'd Trip: The Game, imo.

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going open world was not necessarily a bad decision as it has laid the groundwork for future games. the open world itself worked quite well, anyway. it was just unfinished.

was just talking with a friend and asked him how I could like this game even though I hated the combat and story with a passion.

He said it had a lot of charm to it and I agree.

Well, see, Nomura actually has a history of putting out solid games with the KH series. Tabata meanwhile, has a history of putting out a game with almost the same problems as FFXV(Type-0)

>"solid games with the KH series"
>only remotely good KH game is 2

Really gets the old noggin joggin

Is the PC version worth getting? I have it on PS4, but with none of the expansion stuff and the PC version would run better.

Only if you have 1070/980ti or above. My 1060/6 isn't sufficient for locked 60.

You're right, Nomura LITERALLY did nothing.

Wierd when I ran the benchmark for my 1060 it seemed to run fine.

>being a speedrunning hyperfaggot
Speedrun your life motherfucker

I blame Nomura who left a dumpster fire behind and Tabata manged to put some pieces together in the time he was given

You don't have to be a speedrunner to see II's blatant superiority over the other games you nignog.

>superior = only good game
Still wrong cocksucker

Whoever greenlit Tabata to direct XV should be fired.

The game is great tho.
34 hours in and I'm not even halfway.

So which photo did Sup Forums choose?

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