How good are you at Fighting games

How good are you at Fighting games

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Good enough to absolutely wreck button mashers and people who never touched a fighting game before
Not good enough to beat anyone who has any idea what theyre doing.

Better than all my friends and pretty good overall, but when I play online against people who really know what they’re doing I get crushed


still playing with that dumb ol soda drink hat

Gold at SFV, so not that good, but I'm a step above those who can only claim to beat their friends who know nothing.

I consider myself knowledgeable but pathetic. 5k BP gold player in SFV, don’t enjoy marvel like games so no DBFZ either. Played some KI and GG, but generally raised on Alpha 3.

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Was 4kPP in SF4 on PC and 360, played SFV for like 20 min and never touched it again, sometimes mess around on 3S but SF is pretty much dead to me

I played on stream at EVO last year.

This. I like playing them at least.

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Just got my ass truly handed to me in Tekken. Asians are all Satan spawn.

I took photos in 2015 of the streams so we’re like virtually the same.


I'm only good at dbfz for some reason.

Better than my friends but anyone with a hint of patience or awareness stomps me into the dirt. I don't even have a main in most of the games I play and I've been at it for years at this point.

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I'm shit

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Good enough to pick up a game and get a feel for a character or 2 after a couple fights and do decently.

I suck at everything besides KOF. I don't know why, but I find my groove with KOF. Must be some hidden inner Mexican gene.

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terribad, and ive been playing them on and off for 20 years

Like most in this thread, i'm yet to get to the point in a fighting game where the controls have become one with me and i'm just caring about the opponent without thinking on the mindgames behind the punish but the moment to execute it insted of actually how to execute it

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*without thinking, just on the mindgames

Absolutely awful. The very definition of a button master.

Better than most of Sup Forums, beat the capcom unity jokers at SFV earlier today

What is the deepest and most complex fighting game Sup Forums?

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Not great, but I like them a lot.

i guarantee you can't see me in SF4 or GGREV2 and probably DBFZ as well unless you've been playing it non stop since release as I've been busy with other games lately

i am bad to average depending on the game.

It is a shame SF5 is so fucking boring because it is the only game with players in my region, the rest is either dead or not to my taste.

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Super plat in SFV. I'm dogshit

i know very little about fgs and never got into option selects and advanced stuff, but Tekken seems like it has a system you need to learn and it takes a lot of time, but it has amazing animations so understanding thing like frame data is easier, Rev2 and most games with so much cancels are hard as well but i end up sticking to a handful of effective combos

I was going to say "same" but I can't even stay consistently in Silver in SFV. I'm decent at marvel like games though.

Post your fightcade ID

Not much, Super Silver in SFV right now. Juri main bytheway

What the hell is that?

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tekken is babys first button masher, its literally has no depth or complexity at all, nothing about it is hard or time consuming.

virtua fighter

Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, Dragonball and NRS games have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!

If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.

I understand the fundamentals and can execute them pretty well. I’m decent at non-SF games, but I’m terrible at pulling off combos in SF. The whole timing thing is something I can’t wrap my head around.


What are you even talking about, i know very little about the game, but try going against a pro and winning mashing, i just think the game has so much content it's hard to learn to the point it's even hard to beat mashers for the amount of things you can do mashing

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I'm gold in SFV

post your ID

Nice try tekkuck, sorry but your shitty baby game is absilutley shit and even "top tekken players" agree its a shallow game that takes no skill and is easy as piss

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im bad at fighting games

I'm working on 1CC.

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I won a local tourney in a fighting games convention. It was third strike and daigo was a special guest there, and he complimented me for winning. I'm also learning Dragonball FighterZ and tried Tekken 7, but learning 30 different combo's wasn't my jam. Plus fighting games just aren't as fun to learn without friends.
Pic related, my main hombre

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Was Gold in SFV, but quit playing ranked a long time ago, and haven't played the game in months.

Alright you got me.
Dengeki Bunko final answer.

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just like i said to the other guy, i think the game has too many options for someone intermetiate or proficient in fighting games, to the point a masher can beat you, but that's until you learn how to interpert frame data, do some basic whiff punish launchers with a basic followup and understand the system, but it feels as getting good in tekken just takes much more time for all that

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>2 button casual fest

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Diamond sfv with kolin as of like 8 months ago then stopped playing ranked, currently beating top 50 players world and top names. cfn is xxsephiroth420xx if you wanna nerd check


Tekkucks, ladies and gentlemen

you probably rack disciprine

I've got just under 20h in the whole franchise, what do you mean with that dude, still any pro in one fighting game will tend to find other harders than the one they play

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Streamboars don't play fighting games.

>fighting games on PC
You got anything on PS4 or with crossplay and I’ll gladly play you

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Super Diamond in SFV, won some local tournaments. I know the cool thing is to be self depreciating but I consider myself to be halfway competent

I got my Vega/Claw to B+ in SF4 from 2012>Ultra, then SF5 killed any joy I got from playing. Hoping Soul Calibur VI is good so I don't just play Tekken for life.

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Then you should play games with easy controls.

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that's true, I just don't see much appeal in playing against strangers online
I'd rather play with people I know

Why do you keep calling me tekuck dude, why so enraged, someone hurt you or what?

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>being a parrot


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t. asshurt tekkuck

You're not even trying to bait anymore, even after posting my abbysmal playtime, which you didn't answer you keep calling me tekuck, ok i guess

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What do you even play?

don't reply to aggressive autists

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You're what's wrong with ""FG'''''''''''''''''''''''C''''''''''''''''''"""

How is this even a question? VF.

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this is a terrible bait edit

and heeeere come the meme charts

Anyone here want to play an actual fucking game?

Depends on the game my dude

And here's Aris talking about it.

TLDR: Virtua Fighter. Not that everyone didn't already know this.

>Sup Forums
>playing anything

This is an unpopular opinion but for me it feels as if CvS2 and MvC especially 2 weren't designed with that crazy high level in mind, and also for me the crazy amount of character specific stuff in KI regarding how to break autodoubles and reading manuals is hard as hell too

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I'm PC only. East Coast. Name your preference and I might have it. If I don't have the latest version of whatever game you chose I might have an older one.

And there's the bloody roar troll, right on cue.

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>PC only
If we could get Hisoutensoku going I would play you in that even though I haven't touched it in ages, but I mostly play my fighting games on PS3 and don't have a lot of more popular ones. Maybe someday they'll put UNIST on Steam

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Fucking love when Sup Forums pretends to know about fighting games

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These videos have already been utterly BTFO and the guy who made them exposed for a casual shitter who has no idea about fighting games.

VF is an extremely basic casual game (literally only has 2 buttons) it has no depth to it.

The fact the guy in the video thinks VF invented air juggling or is responsible for FPS and racing games existing is a testament on his utter delusion, the fact you are trying to use them as an actual argument for VF means either you have not seen them, you are the guy who made the videos (see deluded retard) or are a clueless underage casual

I play Street Fighter V and like it. I'll let you fill in the blanks

Samefagging troll

I tried getting that going once but it was too much hassle. I have the older version of UNIST on Steam though.

You ever think about getting a girlfriend at some point in your life?

The only game I ever got "good" at was Street Fighter 3. My friend and I pushed each other for over a year to get better and better. To learn the ins and outs to allow you to adapt your play style on the fly. Best part was we both constatnly cycled our characters to the point where the entire roster was utilized and we had a decent understanding to make any match up enjoyable. All that said, I think I could probably wreck a person or two in a tournament but beyond the qualifiers I'd still get wrecked by anyone that trains for this. Best moment ever was when me and him went balls to the wall in one fight that would have been beautifully choreographed and when it ended we both roared in celebration. THe RA visited and we both told him to understand the implications of what just happened. He was not amused.

Our most consistent matchups consisted of...
Alex (Me) vs Hugo (Best Mate)
Ryu or Sean (Me) vs Akuma or Ken (Best Mate)
Makoto (Me) vs Ibuki (Best Mate)
Remy (Me) vs Hugo (Best Mate)
Urien (Me) vs Dudley (Best Mate)

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>circlejerk of idiots bitching about games they've never played

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Reminder that even top VF players say the game extremely simple and lacks depth

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And what would your pick for deepest fighting game be then, guy who's definitely not a poser?

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There you have it folks right off the random search, Virtua Fighter 6 is the deepest fighting game.

I'm good at fighting games. My favorite part is when games pull some bullshit and I throw the controller. That's when I win.

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not a pro, but I enjoy them a lot! I used to be REALLY good at smash64/melee/brawl, I need to replay them to get good again. Thanks to Skullkigrls and Kinnikuman muscle fight I understand HOW to play a real fighting game. Im not really good at them, when online everyone beats me easily, for some reason with friends I beat them all. When I get into a fighting game, I always start in the arcade mode, then practice a lot to fully understand the characters and their moves.

The games I played the most are, Street fighter x Tekken, Skullgirls, Soulcalibur II, Kinnikuman muscle fight, Magical chaser stardust of dreams and Jump ulimate stars
Played casually with friends: Pokemon type wild, MLP fighting is magic, Mortal kombat XL, Injustice, Rivals of aether, Brawlhalla, Street fighter IV, the new KOF and blazblue calamity trigger

I played many games before I started buying them, such as mortal kombat 1 and killer instinct, so im trying to say im really dedicated to fighting games and I experienced a lot of them. they are fun, but arent for everyone.

>Currently, Im playing arcana heart 3, pic related my main.

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I like your dead game you fucking insecure cock gobbler

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Looks like nobody here feels like a match. Guess I'll just go chill out with a nice game of Brawlhalla

I like how the first post on this desperately manipulated search is some guy on SRK saying VF is not very deep