Should I buy Dark Souls 3 or SOTFS?

Should I buy Dark Souls 3 or SOTFS?

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DS3 is better

>inb4 retards who disagree with objective truth

both are good, 3 is more similar to 1 where as SoTFS is completely different.


>Its a "Retards pretend Linear Souls 3 is better than any of the other games" episode

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DS2 is the better RPG and game.

DS3 looks nicer, that's all it does better.

So many steps backward in terms of design and content:
>Removed power stances
>Removed full move sets for left-handed weapons
>Removed weapon types like chimes and twinblades
>Fewer weapons
>Fewer pieces of equipment
>Fewer spells
>Fewer areas
>Shit weapon balance
>Covenants suck, two are literally the same fucking thing
>Most Items, spells and equipment are hard-locked behind story progression

I can't stress enough how much linearity hurts this game. Not only does it make most playthroughs very similar by simple virtue of the progression of areas through the game, it affects how viable certain builds are at any given point in the game and kills variety in that way too. Unlike DS1 and DS2, you can't rush the areas that have the items, spells, etc. you want because there's next to no sequence breaking and the only branching paths are short and lead to dead-ends.

Do you like fast, no shields? Go ds3.
Do you like slow, tanky? Go ds2.

Buy Bloodborne's DLC, it's on sale

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>implying you can't do fast noshield in DS2
Are you a shitter, by chance?

Stamina actually matters in 2. Has a more deliberate pacing.

Yes, I am a shitter, and no, it was not implied.

I would like to recommend sotf to OP, but stating something like that directly, would derail the thread into more shitposting.


I'll never not be pissed that my DS3 offhand weapon is L2 to normal attack and L1 to block on every single fucking weapon

Dark Souls 2 philosophy. Quantity over quality.

OP go buy DS3

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Now if only bosses and level design mattered too.

pirate both and don't give From your money

Like braindead action? Dark Souls 3.
Like slow plodding trial and error? Dark souls 2.

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yeah man I can't wait for swamps and Yhorm

Both are horrible cash grabs abusing the Dark Souls title, avoid.

Yhorm is a good boss. Not that a Tanimura groupie would know what it's like anyway.

I agree, but 3 gets the least fundamentals horribly wrong out of the two, I'll give it that much.

Most underage souls fans claim to hate unique bosses because it doesn't involve the exact same pattern. Demon's Souls had a lot more interesting, gimmicky bosses and for some reason people hate that. Any fight that lets me use the storm ruler sword is automatically great.

Dark Souls 3

>no actual arguments
Yup, thought so.

Its horribly linear and lot of "fundamentals" were removed or took steps backward

um you can fight the dancer as the first boss and skip alot of shit man.

It made no sense to remove that, actual dual-wielding was viable

This is most likely the hourly Dark Souls 2 hate thread but if serious then SotFS is a full package and cheaper so I'd go for that. Wait for a sale if you have a PC, it often goes for less than 10 bucks.

That's about it though, its not like DS1 or DS2 where you have half the areas in the game accessible upon starting if you know what to do and where to go.

You can kill Dancer early and fart around in Lothric Castle and the optional area, but Grand Archives and the Twin Princes are locked until you kill the other three Lords of Cinder.

chimes and twinblades are in the game see: dancers enchanted swords, sellsword twinblades, warden twinblades, onikiri and ubadachi, gothard dualswords. priest's chime, sages crystal chime, clerics sacred chime, caitha's chime ect ect..

DS3 is better, but once you're done with that, you might consider trying SOTFS.
Worst of a good series you'd already like is still a good game for you. I'm assuming you've played Dark Souls 1 already, if not, start there. Demon's Souls and Bloodborne shouldn't be forgotten either.

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"Twin blades" in DS3 are just two individual weapons you hold in each hand, basically just select weapons you can "power stance" since you can't actually do it in DS3. Twinblades in

DS2 are pic related, different weapon type.

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oh shit my bad
have a hedgehog

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No, DS2 is better, it has infinitely more relay value and better character-building with more variety.

Dark Souls II's weapon balance is abysmal, especially PvE considered, but the PvP meta is also stale as fuck in terms of weapon offering. Metafags sometimes use random weapons to fight non-metafags, but every metafag uses the same few weapons to fight every other metafag and for a reason.

3 definitely

holy shit what the fuck

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But the game's shit though, so that doesn't matter

but he's right. there's far more build variety in ds2

It's not a fun game though.

You play a combination of magic school and a quality-oriented build with a weapon of choice in Dark Souls 2 and that's it. A school of magic that is NOT pyromancy. The built variety is not very widespread in terms of effectiveness or enjoyability to use.

Meanwhile the combat sucks. You spend most of your played game time fighting, and the combat system just isn't very good. It's better in every other Souls game in almost every possible way.

What is there to actually argue? Do you think visual-wise Drangleic looks good AT ALL? Boy oh boy do I love square rooms with 2 vases and maybe 1 statue in it, such great presentation. Lothric could be literally a straight line through and through and I bet it'd still be better considering that the visuals have some care put in them. Drangleic was THE castle too. So pathetic.

DS3 is more linear, but it is also the better game, so go with that. DS2 is just not fun.

it's an objective truth that you have a bigger build variety in ds2
and no, not only because of mundane build

>DS3 looks nicer, that's all it does better.
Fidelity wise maybe, most of DS3 is covered in a shit brown or yellow haze that makes the art design look terrible

DaS2 is mostly made up of RPfags who also don't want to play a game with good mechanics.

The game lets you dress up nicely. Both DS1 and 3 best it in either build and weapon variety while also having better mechanics overall.

DS2 is easily more balanced than DS3, are you kidding me? I see different weapons on invaders/in PVP all the time.

And, just to drive home how linear DS3 is in comparison to DS1 and DS2, there are at least seven bosses you can make your first in both DS1 and DS2.

But DS3? You either kill Vordt or you kill Dancer early and hit a dead end after the Dragon Slayer Armor and have to go back and progress normally.

>Anything coming even close to weapon and build variety of ds2
Oh look, it's on of those memers again.

>Finish the game and have no drive to play again since it's going to be exactly the same playthrough
>Also shit weapons at the start

>Several different ways to progress make the game fresh and get you willing to try new builds and shit. Also you can 100% skip the gutter and still finish the game, this is really important.

Thought it meant "character-building" as in building up your character or the personalities of other NPCs. My reaction image still holds true though. Nobody cares what PvP purists care about; you faggots don't matter in the big picture and I pray to Miyazaki everyday because of it.

>PVP purists
No one said anything about PVP you retarded shitstain.

DS2 has objectively the most diverse character-building.

build variety isn't strictly for pvp
metafags dont even care about build diversity

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>create shitty area that isn't even fun to go through on your first time through
>"it's okay because you don't have to do it when you replay so +1 for ds2 :)"
Do all Dark Souls II fags conduct these mental gymnastics in order to prove their game isn't bad? It's sad.

>pvpfags aren't the majority of people who use the "build-diversity" meme
okay whatever helps you sleep at night

>stating objective facts is "memeing"

Nigger it's not mental gymnastics, it's nonlinearity.

>create shitty area that isn't even fun to go through on your first time through
So, almost every area in DS3?

i dont even play pvp. i like using fun builds to cheese bosses as a white.

the issue has always been the same, too many weapons with no practical use because they're identical to other better weapons in their class of weapons.
the PvP's not even varied except for people who can't PvP. it's especially in PvP where certain builds and weapons rank more clearly above and below each other in terms of how good they are for a variety of reasons, including their stats, scaling, moveset, speeds, reach and weight.

>areas in Dark Souls III are even HALF as bad as the areas in Dark Souls II
Did you even play the series

No, they're not, they don't care about build diversity.

If anything, they'd want less diversity since that would mean fewer different builds they have to worry about.

Dark Souls 3 actually has a community. Dark Souls 2 just has the same sad lunks who post on here every time one of these threads comes up.

That is the most retarded explanation of pvpfags. There is no way you've discussed this game before today.

>muh replayability
Why anyone would want to replay the shitfest that DS2 was boggles my mind.

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Why do people even bothers with "builds"?

I pirated sotfs. Had a blast solo. Dark souls 3 i was kinda burnt out by then, just beat it and forgot it. I should really do the DLC.

>>Several different ways to progress
But you still visit all the same areas anyway. How is that different? You're just going to an area in a different order.
Is that really so incredibly important to you people?

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it's fun

Because putting points into everything means you need to be level 300 before being any good at anything.

to experience playing the game in a different way

Just replay DeS, DaS1, and BB instead.

By das1, you mean half of das1.

Lost Bastille is one of the best areas in any Souls game, nothing in DS3 even touches it.

What areas are truly good in DS3? Maybe Cathedral of the Deep?

Then you have GREAT places like Farron Keep, Ash Lake, Road of Sacrifices (OH BOY I LOVE SWAMPS) Catacombs of Carthus, Demon Ruins (literal copy/paste job from Carthus with red shit slapped on the textures) Irithyll of the Linear Hallways, Profaned Capital and two castles and a dilapidated town full of undead mooks! SO GREAT!

Why even post if you are just going to out yourself as a retard. Is it just because you are anonymous? Do you feel better because no one actually knows it was you? Well it doesnt matter, you know.

The best parts of these games for me are the bosses, so DS3 with both DLCs wins over SOTFS. DS2 had some good bosses but many of the bosses in DS3 are some of the best in the entire series.

Why not just continue on the same character, levelling up until you ARE good at everything? That's what I do on all my souls characters. Across all 5 I only made a single character each (except demon's) and they're all at least level 250. It's fun being able to slap on anything and go do whatever you want.

its just more time efficient to make more characters. Although I like to do what you do too in ds2

Second half of DaS1 isn't even that bad. The lost izalith portion is the only bad part.

>in ds2
You did the giant lord trick to get ridiculously overlevelled too? I mostly did it to make soul greatsword viable.

nah i just farmed the ivory king with the silver ring.

DS3 no contest, and the dlcs have 4 top tier bosses
Ds2 fags are desperate, they always have been
that game has over 40 bosses and the very vast majority of them are shit, level design is also absolutely sickening for the most part
just get it when its 5 bucks or something and give it a go (and i still recommend getting nioh instead)

theres way more video of the second game

nobody even talks about 3

Yes, you fucking retard.

Depending on the kind of character you're making, you will visit different areas and seek different equipment/items first. This changes how you progress and doesn't make every playthrough feel too similar.

In DS3, however, you flat-out cannot do that, most items/equipment/spells you want are hard-locked behind story progress. You have to progress in the same way every time you play, regardless of your character build or where you'd like to go first. Because its way too linear. the only sequence breaking you can do is fighting Dancer early and visiting the Castle and Garden early, that's it. You can't even enter Grand Archives until you go back and finish the rest of the game prior to that point first.

also see
In comparison, DS1 and DS2 let you access any one of seven bosses right away, and you can progress through the areas open to you in more or less any order you choose afterward. I'm already fucking around in one of the DLC areas in DS2 and I haven't killed two of the Great Ones yet, or even progressed through those branches at all. Also, you can actually skip a lot of content up to Drangleic Castle if you have a soul memory of 2 million or more, so if you spent a lot of time doing PVP/co-op you can just go right there.

Because grinding is fucking boring. And ng+ is shit and i would rather just make a new character.

>Yes, you fucking retard.
That's such a shallow criticism, though. Don't you feel ashamed making such a huge deal out of something so minor?

DS2 has more replayabiltiy than DS3 in my opinion and is more fun

you have the mentality of a scrub
the reason DS1 PvP is so revered in terms of Souls PvP is specifically because various builds are actually as good as the other but often for vastly different reasons.
sure, adding pyromancy to every quality build is always the same thing, but there's a reason even the best players keep using heavy, medium, light, pure quality, low int, high int, moderate faith, even high faith builds with different ring and weapon combinations all the time.
they're not just fun to use, they're also the most effective to play in variety of situations and mixing things up puts even the more experienced players to their toes or can be used to exploit an otherwise hard-to-defeat playstyle.
adding depth to the rock-paper-scissors on top of fun mechanics is what makes the PvP in these games worth playing to begin with.

das2 has a massive problem with making the various items and ideas for builds it offers too ineffective compared to other ones. the balance itself is what also fucks with the game's effective variety. it's not even limited to PvP, since ultimately, the same rules that apply to PvP also apply to PvE.

>ad-hom nonsense
Yup, you're just shitposting

So you just got told so hard your only recourse is to ignore the entire post. You are a fucking retard.

I'd play Skyrim if I wanted to do something as boring as that. Or better, go grind in an MMO.
Lack of specialization is what ruins build and replay value.

Shut up Hbomberguy you pretentious faggot fun acording to who?

Its not even an opinion, the elements that allow for replayability are objectively measurable

yeah just spam some more R1 at it to make it go away, surely your build's good enough for this, int is for scrubs

I underestimated Sup Forums's ability to be petty. I'm out, enjoy the games.

>das2 has a massive problem with making the various items and ideas for builds it offers too ineffective compared to other ones
And comes no where close to the horrid balance DS3 had and still has. You either use straight swords or go anti-meta and use a heavy weapon to trade with shitters using straight swords. All forms of magic are absolute garbage, heavy armor and shields are useless.

>you have the mentality of a scrub

Such a compelling, not-petty argument!

>Can't enjoy a game unless it's made a specific way and works the way you want it to while ignoring the creator's vision.
>Not petty.
Bitching that a game isn't infinitely fresh every single time you play is the definition of petty.

spot the player who never learned after the patches - or learned the game to begin with. greatswords and all magic have gotten major boosts of effectiveness as well as expanding, high reach polearms have always been part of the meta. shields, aside from greatshields have been miserable in PvP since DaS2's launch to the point where no one even bothered to bring them at some point. meanwhile, heavy armor in das3 cuts damage more effectively than in 2 thanks to how defense is calculated into it.
estoc and longsword are stuck in the meta from the get go, but they have gained a lot of friends where they're at.