anyone else smoke cigs while playing vidya? do you agree that it improves reaction time? (especially with coffee)
Anyone else smoke cigs while playing vidya? do you agree that it improves reaction time? (especially with coffee)
nah just weed
smoking cigs is fucking terrible for you
Pick up something healthy like coffee. That is better for reaction time anyway. Athletes are known to get lots of caffeine before matches.
No, because smoking indoors is disgusting. Makes the house reek.
I smoke outside just to give myself a break
So whats best for improving your concentration? A simple coffe, energydrinks? Anyone got advice?
8 hours of sleep every night and regular excercise
No, thats counterproductive my friend. If you dont have any good strats on drinks, dont talk to me
I smoke but not in my house. That just makes everything smell like cigarettes, man. Coffee, sure.
I used to smoke, then something came in to my life which made me really happy with being alive / healthy and the risk just did not seem worth it any more and I have not touched them since.
Exercise is for fuckin faggots and women lol
nah. i smoked in college because it was something to do and was a good social tool. Quit right after. I smoked a couple times inside when drunk and gaming, but it didnt affect performance at all.
fruit and water for long term effects. Coffee / energy drinks are okay for a burst but your body and mind start to expect it and it makes you worse over all.
Tea is infinitely better than coffee. I always keep a jug iced tea in the fridge in case of warm days. Super refershing too and there are countless techniques and types that there is bound to be one for everyone.
Reading is good for you too.
>smoking inside
I just head out for 10 minutes inbetween games.
I just pop a addy, or take a line
Fruit and water dont boost your concentration. If my body starts expecting a burst how is that bad and how does the same thing not apply to tea?
Im asking for drink strats that have a short term effect and not for how i train my concentration m8
I don't smoke while playing but I do a lot in breaks. My cig breaks sometimes last longer than games. :S
For sure I smoke during cutscenes.
But yeah. I run through 2 packs of strong cigs on daily basis.
>he thinks pro gamers arent all wacked out on prescription speed
Nah smoking indoors is for fucking degenerates.
Though I did go through a phase of sniffing coke and playing Tribes Ascend.
Those were the days.
If you're getting jitters from it that will hurt your precision
>he does the smoking meme
>Fruit and water dont boost your concentration
It's less about boosting your concentration and more about not becoming a malnourished husk.
>If my body starts expecting a burst how is that bad
If you drink coffee too often, your body will treat it as a regular thing and will naturally make less of whatever neurotransmitters have the same function, leading you to feel like shit when you're not drinking it.
If there's any game worth doing blow for, that's the one.
your body isn't meant for an entirely sedentary life
I quit smoking years ago. Usually if I play games I have either a nice mug of tea, a tall glass of juice or a little glass of alcohol (usually rum or whisky.)
then just take some pro plus you faggot. Or chug Monster or whatever other drink spastics take. There is a reason these products target teenagers and retards so go ahead and consume them.
>anyone mentions smoking in Sup Forums
>everyone says it's fucking disgusting and lul u are killing urself xd
>those who say that probably smoke too or do drugs or drink heavily or have some kind of bad habit that's as nasty as smoking or worse.
>smoking inside
Haha. Naw, if I want a little performance enhancer sometimes one or two beers will do it
Triggered you with asking for legit advice on performance boosting beverages huh?
i hate that fucking Mobaqueues are so short, i can never finish a cigarette
they really need a smokers queue button, that puts you into it 2, 3 minutes after you pressed it
You know it my dude.
Spotted the fatty or skeleton
>smoking inside
No. my whole family consists of chain smokers and I promised myself I'd never smoke in my life. Instead I've become an alcoholic.
I ended up quitting drinking, but started smoking
at least i dont vape
Alcohol and drugs (Most drugs) are easier to kick than smoking.
Smoking can easily be a lifelong habit, not nearly as bad as popping some molly on the occasional night out.
DESU I'd enjoy the shit out of smoking if I had done it young or if I didn't have tendency to asthma. One less problem to deal with right now.
Instead I ended up smoking drugs eventually, and not the good kind. Also not the most fun kind. Just the slowly destructive kind.
Sure can stimulate the mind, yeah. I wish caffeine would come in smokable form just so I'd have a habit that wasn't slowly killing me.
maybe if I ever bothered to move the tv outside for some backyard gaming
Enjoy cancer faggot
No smokes
Adderall everyday
>spotted the non-physical worker.
It's never too late to take up smoking user.
Follow your dream! I believe in you x
caffeine and a big dip of copenhagen southern blend
caffeine, for all we know, really is
liberal bullshit
I do the same honestly, my reaction time is shit when I'm playing a new game but if I'm playing something I've played before it's the same.
Also DUDE etc.
the most complex carbohydrates you can eat(rye, for example), caffeine taken in 50-100mg doses no more often than once an hour, b-vitamin and magnesium once or twice a day. personally I like to take c-vitamin as well to boost myself because it seems to have a positive effect for that but I don't know why. the other shit should help almost anyone though. caffeine stacks, so it's best to not overdo it for too long of periods or you'll be uncomfortable and it won't help you, but in smaller doses spaced out, you avoid jitters.
Energy drinks are fine if you don't mind moving yourself closer to diabetes, and I mean with every time you get tweaked out on them. they actually work because glucose + caffeine in your veins actually does, but you'll generally feel shit afterwards because it'll set you up on eventual crash.
>at all
Aaaand you had to ruin it
A wubba dubba dub dub for you my nihilistic friend.
I don't smoke.
And I never drink when I'm alone.
Sometimes I eat junk food while playing videogames though, but not soda.
wtf u cant reddit this now???? PepeFrogSad
this ironic shitposting brings me back to 2011
>i like to boast about being a responsible adult on the internet am i cool guys
I do it too, but I feel like it sacks the enjoyment out of anything that requires you to be reactive unless the enemies you're fighting has readable patterns. It's like adding 400ms of a delay to your brain
>Tfw haven't smoked in 2 weeks after having smoked for 7 years
I've never felt better and I have nightmares about smoking now. You don't know how badly those things are fucking you until you stop.
I was lying, I don't drink when I'm unemployed, but when I have a job I have a beer or two when I get home almost every day
I hate every single one of you smoke fags. Every fucking time.
>brb smoke break
>Hold on cig break
>gotta take a quick fag/Gonna smoke a fag
Fucking addicts.
>eat well
>don't smoke
>still feel tired all the time
I mean, there's nothing I can do to feel better and have more energy like all those people who left their addictions behind, it's not fucking fair
>Tea is infinitely better than coffee.
this, t. used to drink half to full pan of coffee a day
you can just make tea strong anyways
theanine + caffeine you get from tea is more effective than caffeine alone, plus coffee has very arcid balance which can expend your energy unnecessarily.
fruits still help because fructose peps you up, but that is a short term effect. all the other stuff fruits generally have certainly doesn't hurt.
your body doesn't favor decreased dopamine activity as a result of caffeine consumption, but using it repeatedly can expend your neurotransmitter levels. better nutrition and as much sleep as possible can be used to avoid this. of course, regular caffeine use reduces quality and ease of sleep.
I'm not a degenerate, sorry.
>that pic
This as well as a good diet. I Haven't had a sip of caffeine or soda since 2014 and I've seen a lot of improvement in my awareness.
Yes, black coffee is very good for you. Not that Starbucks shit that can have more calories than a damn hamburger.
OP if you do one damn thing in your life that is recommended by Sup Forums, make it to be stop smoking cigarettes.
I used to but I had to stop because I started getting nice things and I didn't want smoke to ruin them. I'm 28 and trying to quit now, and it fucking sucks.
>smoking near your electronics
I work at a computer repair shop and this shit has been the death of more machines than I care to count. Don't come crawling to me when your fans get clogged up and your shit melts.
>popping some molly
>occasional night out
enjoy your brain damage normalfag
>Sup Forums going to a PC shop
>not cleaning your PC regularly
it makes the dust yellow, but if you clean it once every 3 months its fine
Multiple, multiple studies have been done all in agreement. Regular coffee drinkers get their risk of death in the next decade slashed by huge percentages
How retarded do you have to be to still smoke in 2018
educate yourself you fat ape
>This thread
Huh, never knew foreigners were trying this hard to push a pro coffee agenda. I'll never understand why they love the shit so much
BLACK coffee is undeniably healthy for you
>All current science puts it on par with cigarettes in terms of unhealthyness
please link me to some of your so called "undeniably healthy" studies.
It is also undeniably disgusting.
maybe you'd prefer soy milk, faggot
praise kek my brother we cant let the filthy kikes win, i stand for kekistani! meme magic is real!
>wanting to fuck up your lungs
>wanting to fuck up your consoles (I've bought way too many retro systems on eBay that were obviously owned by smokers)
The only reaction time it's going to speed up is the cancer's ability to adapt to chemotherapy after you're diagnosed with having it in your lungs for being such a goddamned retard who still chooses to smoke in the year of our Lord 2018
aw man youre boring as fuck
I don't, I drink socially very rarely.
Drugs are for degenerates.
so guys, redpill me on vape. I'm tempted to buy a JUUL
Hmnn. Gets called out on pushing a coffee agenda then immediately tries to deflect with anti Sup Forums posting
But to what end?