I'm actually thinking about buying a prebuilt PC. It's actually cheaper, only problem is I don't know what brand/parts I will get.
I'm actually thinking about buying a prebuilt PC. It's actually cheaper...
>prebuilts are now cheaper
The absolute state of pc “gaming”
What's your budget?
Don't have one, just a tight ass who doesn't like spending money.
Fucking degenerate faggot.
Build something like this, then buy a video card when you find one that isn't massively over priced.
Depends on what your willing to spend and generally play then. Usually mid tier towers are good all around, not pricey but plays most games. Check your local retailer or preferred website for deals, can't give any specific choices without references. Of course researching before buying is always recommended.
You can literally make a 4k computer under 500 bucks
Why do you fucking retards keep making these threads on Sup Forums?
Can you really buy a good prebuilt pc for under 550$ and play Final Fantasy XV, Overwatch, Street Fighter 5 and the Witcher 3 on default or medium settings? I'd like to know what that is.
You can get a 1060 for around fifty bucks more than msrp, you don't have to go full 1070-1080 meme territory. It's still cheaper to build your own.
I have a prebuilt that cost less than that that can play all of that.
fx 4300
rx 460 2gb
8gb ram
Was like 470 bucks prior to black friday.
Not OP here, but I recently bought one of those things that are basically a screen-less laptop as a prebuilt. Since they're nice and light and I move around a fair bit, tacking on my own screen isn't hard.
GTX 1060 6gb (notebook)
16gb 2400mhz RAM
128gb M.2 SSD (has a second slot and supports RAID)
1TB HDD, unsure about RPM
This, fuck off.
i checked the other day and 6gb 1060 are all about sub $400 so its honestly not that bad in terms of inflated prices
couldnt be assed to check ram and shit though
Yes and no. It may play though games, but it will be outdated in a couple years. The one I posted is a ripoff, but still probably the best pre-built I could find for a sane price. Those $2,000+ PCs are what you need to build instead.
$100 increase on a $250 item is a steep increase no matter how you look at it
Man how low PC gaming has fallen. When will this stupid crypto mining meme end? I'd almost say you're better off buying a console now. What kind of shit timeline is this when buying a prebuilt is the cheaper option?
The prices spiking is a good thing. Its quality control, like there was in the 90s.
>When the price hikes finally start to hit your country
>1060 6gb now costs $310 USD here
>less people with high end rigs the better!
Yes! Now devs have even less incentive to make PC exclusive high production value games and more reason to go to consoles.
>$400 so its honestly not that bad
Forgot to add that I want Sup Forums to tell me how hard I fucked up
That wouldn't happen, you imbecile.
Weird, I could've sworn there was a board just for this..
I'm Ausfag so I'm used to shit being expensive and being ripped off, but now it is ridiculous. $800 for a 1070.
If you idiots weren't so fucking retarded you would have made bank and gotten a free GPU upgrade out of crypto.
Also the current GPU gen dates back to mid 2016. You had plenty of time to buy them when they were cheap. If you want to upgrade now that it's almost 2 years old you are beyond retarded.
You buy this on craigslist or something? That's like an 1100 laptop.
Hello fellow ausfag
$800 is 1070ti
You can still get 1070's for $700-720
If you want to go colorful (RIP) you can get a 1070ti for $700 if you can find fucking stock
I'm sorry fag daddy that i had bills to pay and only recently acquired expendable cash you fucking fop mouthed git.
Got it while I was in China. Guy let me bring along a linux thumbstick to format the SSD and run my own tests before buying. All checked out, it's chugging along nicely now that I'm home. Was 4,250 RMB which is about $700 when you take into account that you don't get wholesale rate currency conversions and shit
I doubt its cheaper.
They will always skimp and cut a corner to make it work, kits do the same thing. Usually with a shitty PSU that puts it at risk long term, or lower versions of parts they don't upfront list versions for like CPUs missing HT or lower memory or clock models etc. Shitty HDDs are always popular too.
PC is expensive at the moment due to RAM and GPU I get it. But at the same time its still good value since it lasts a lot longer. With the current crunch I doubt we'll see much really showing off the next gen of cards and it would still be miles ahead of a console for it anyway.
GPU generations are not released out of the blue but follow pretty predictable schedules. If you can't plan ahead when to upgrade your PC you should not own a PC.
I should plan for my car to break down and landlord to up the rent forcing me to move.
Tbh anyone who doesn't have $5,000 as a back up fund at all times is doing something wrong. You'll want to replenish that, sure, but it won't stop you from buying a GPU
>you can replenish your back up funds and buy a $1500 PC
Stop posting idiot
Considering GPU prices, this is an amazing deal.
If I didn't already have a console I would consider this. But would it be easy to upgrade it in the future if I needed to?
>Have $5,000 back up fund
>Car breaks down, costs $500 to repair
>Landlord increases rent since I'm renting like a cuck, have to spend $1,000 to move and cover an increased security bond and other shit
>Still have $3,500 in backup
>Somehow can't buy a GPU when it's new and $250 before I start to replenish
Is this bait? Just make sure the CPU socket matches your mobo when you upgrade CPU, in rare cases make sure the default mobo BIO's support newer CPU's of that socket (some cheap mobo's for LGA 1151 don't support CoffeeLake out of the box until you upgrade the BIO's with an other non-CoffeLake CPU first). Any relevant modern RAM and GPU will work, even if the RAM is faster than the mobo RAM speed specs.
I don't even know what any of these words mean. I'm a console gamer.
Nice bait