What the fuck is wrong with people

what the fuck is wrong with people

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>posts a shit game
No sir what's wrong with you?

That's common as hell. Even piss easy or short games oddly low completion rates.

whats wrong fag? mad your queer game didnt get played 4 times by everybody who bought it? find a real problem in like you little bitch

>see friend has a 2B avatar
>check his achievements
>only done ending A
>18 hours played
>last played 2 months ago

2 times + basically a sequel within the game
you can get the last 2 endings via chapter select
Nier:A is pretty piss easy on normal at least. healing chips break the game. I never died. Yeah yeah call me a casual but I always play normal first.

>achievement for starting the game
>less than 90% have it

I got past ending B, but I just can't fucking will myself to keep playing. The gameplay isn't fun.

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I lost interest during the second play through. Way too similar to first and the hacking sucked dick

i wonder, does that just mean achievements glitched out?
because it counts players not owners
Dude holy shit you are literally at the very best part of the game
Truck through for a bit
Route C is bounds above Route A and B

>39% of people finished the game

Is this game ending really fast or something? that's surprisingly high

first post worst post

>play this shit game, that is shit the first time around, 6 more times to get the TRUE ending it'll all be worth it

Gee, I dunno, user. Maybe people have brains.
Then again, if they did, nobody would even buy that awful game.

Ending A is just the prologue

It took me 24 hours to get ending A doing most of the sidequests but apparently it's like 10 hours without

>people don't like a last gen game with Absolutely 0 dollars spent towards balancing combat
nah mate


It has some serious balancing issues. That was what killed the gameplay for me.

By the time I got past ending B, I was like in god mode. Just mashing one button because I knew I wouldn't ever get killed unless I intentionally tried to (which even then, I might even survive).

I'd say playing on hard is adviced + not grinding to level up because, otherwise, you'll fucking ruin the campaign.

The main game is like, 8 hours. It's indie-tier.
The fact that that number isn't higher should tell you how 'fun' the game is.

>why haven't people played this weeb shit game 18 times like me?

Maybe they didn't like it. I got it on steam and refunded it immediately when I realised how poor the port was (no proper resolution support, fucked controls, fucked vsync issues).

well op you discover nothing new

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One of the most boring games of last year. Empty, copypasted world, basic, repetitive combat, endless backtracking, the most generic anime characterization and dialog imaginable...

Music was very good. But holy christ, the game was awful.

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nier thread so
One question about the game
WARNING: Actual huge spoilers
YoRHa being meant to die makes no sense to me. Who put that plan into place? Who's higher than the commander? Why would androids willingly do this to their fellow androids? They're fighting a huge fucking endless war for no reason. It's self-destructive.

>takes me 5 months of on and off bored playing to get first ending in Nier AutomatA
>game was interesting but the map and sidequests were shitty and boring as fuck
>start getting hooked towards the end of the first ending but then the game just ends
>restarts with 9s
>have to re-do everything again

That's where I dropped it.

I might pick it back up one day but it's been over a year now and every day I think about it less and less. It's just such a... shitty game :/

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>buys game
>faps to ass
>turn it off

I dont get the issue here

How many years does it take you to complete a game?

It's literally "It Gets Good After 30 Hours: The Game".
Seriously. Route C is fucking amazing. It's your reward for trudging through all that fucking fetchquesting. Some of the best storytelling in any game, ever.

>0.25 cents have been deposited into your square enix account

I hate to break it to you, but if it takes 30 hours to get good, it means it's shit.

>The main game is like, 8 hours
t. retard who thinks route A is literally the entire game

>have to re-do everything again
you don't have to redo quests, the routes diverge heavily at flooded, and you learn a lot of new lore

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I have a lot of games and I am a very busy person. If a game doesn't pick up my interest fairly quickly or if I cannot play it on the go while commuting to work (40 minutes both ways every day), I find it really hard to finish games.

I especially have zero tolerance for collect-a-thon and boring open world games filled with uninspired and copypasted fetch-and-delivery quests. It's sad that all the new games that I am interested in playing end up being such types of games.

I was a huge Final Fantasy fan but then I bought FFXV and holy fuck it was literally everything that was cancer to me, bad open world, lots of side quests, lots of boring backtracking and waste of time.

When you have 1-2 hours at most every night to play, and you end up prioritizing videogames over other stuff because you just like playing vidya, it gets really hard to justify wasting most of that precious time behind a loading screen or a boring sidequest.

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Route C is basically a different game. Like a sequel or an expansion packed in to the main game for free.

Based user spitting truth.

Adding in bullet hell sections with fixed cameras isnt the same thing as a new game or an expansion user

are you 18,4% or 14,3%?

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Good thing that's not what route C is then.

That's Route B you fucking idiot
Do you know what order the alphabet goes in

>not playing a garbage game to completion
There is still hope left in man. Too bad they bought it in the first place.


Nah dude, it's all worth it after 30 hours, I swear.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeel, it's like people don't enjoy videogames
but that's just sad

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I've done maybe 4 or 5 full playthroughs of Automata at this point reaching ending E every time, but I definitely think route B could have been handled better. They should have at the very least made 2B and 9S split up more often to differentiate the two a bit more.

As much as I love the game I'd be lying if I said I didn't have the same reaction a lot of people did when I first reached Route B and found that it was mostly the same thing with some more context added to certain things with some new side quests here and there.

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I dropped it as soon as you started playing as 9S and it gave you the first quest all over again.

I have better things to do than replay mediocre games multiple times.

>Who's higher than the commander?
Nobody, it's all part of their program.

How many times did you replay one of your favorite games user?
I can't even remember, i played Serious Sam Second Encounter so much i can't count it

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>People don't finish a shit game

Why are you surprised?

the average completion rate for any video game is 30%

Same thing here.

Read through this stuff theark.wiki/w/I_just_got_Ending_E
It'll answer your questions and then some.

I played the fuck out of this, but it was converted to Steam after GFWL shutdown, so players needed to get achievements again. I'm actually surprised it's so high.

Sadly it's becoming more and more like this. My patience for things is so short lately, especially cut scenes that waste my time even though I love learning the lore about a game. If I can't actually play the game, it feels like I just wasted my gametime for the day.

>Don't have much time for games
>have time for Sup Forums including threads about games you don't care about
I will never understand this.

Shitposting during work user.

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i'm surprised Iudex Gundyr is that high to be honest

this is ds1

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The game is shit. Doesn't warrant further investment than the first ending. If it doesn't grip the player by then, it's failed. That reviewer who dropped it for Zelda was right. KYS, waifufaggots.

Very misleading. Ds1 had no achievements for a long time so many played it before they were added.

DS1 didn't have steam achievements until 2 or 3 years after release, when they ditched GFWL.

oh yea, they had that shitty windows live system

first post best post

there should be a separate achievement for beating all the bosses without summoning

Why does everyone here hate Nier?
It's fucking great
The combat is unbalanced and there's tons of tedious fetchquesting in the first 2 routes but it's a masterclass in story-telling, probably one of the only games that has told a great a story in a way you can only do with a video game

There's a decent Drakengard/Nier following here, it just depends on the thread. Some are good, others are flooded with waifushitters spamming 2B lewds, and others are threads like this.

It gets a lot of love here too. Seems to be a decisive game that some love to hate.

Same here. As a fan of Platinum's older games I just couldn't get past the weak combat and stopped at the start of route C when I'm supposed to back up other yorha androids or some bullshit. I just couldn't be assed to finish such a boring game. Cool OST, though.

I have a full time job. When I played Automata I skipped all the sidequests. Why not?

you stopped at the part the game gets really good/the shit hits the fan

this one always surprised me

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Well the sidequests add a lot to the world building and tie in great to the games main themes.

but a lot of them are also fucking BORING
especially when you don't have fast travel
Do Amnesia, Aneoone's Past, Emil's Memories, Robo-Dojo just because it's fun, and maybe a few others but a lot are just not worth doing

It got popular so now discussion of it on Sup Forums is shit.

This is the way of all things here. Don't be fooled into thinking there aren't at least as many people here who like it, it's just more fun to shit on something than be the person defending the thing people are shitting on so the people who like the thing end up not wanting to talk about it here anymore.

oh and also in route c there are very few sidequests and all of them are worth doing

I'm not at all surprised by this, just disappointed.

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Friendly reminder that Steam doesn't track achievements in offline mode, and that many people played the game in the GFWL days.

to be fair it's a hard game

I was thinking of looking up half-life 2 but it doesn't really count since pretty much everyone owns it

This is crazy

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Oh well, I might get back to it later if I have nothing else to play.

The plot sucked, its the worst of Yoko Taro games.
If it wasnt for Platinum gameplay it would have been complete garbage.

>steam achievements
yeah, there are plenty of game collectors, buying games left and right during sales, drop it in that pile of backlog and never looked at again
everybody knows this
a shitty port of mediocre game that not everyone gonna bother modding/fixing it to play, you get to the meat of the game after two fucking playthroughs (after about 15 hours)
i don't blame anyone for dropping it

Another. Who the fuck buys these games then doesnt play

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Retards who get baited by sales

it tracks player% not owner%

Honest pirates buying games after completion and offline players who don't get cheevos because they weren't connected when they popped

weebs who buy compile heart/idea fuck kusoge then jerk off to hentai and lose the urge to play it

I will do you all one better

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>oh man, can't wait to play some JSR
>only have keyboard and mouse

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But the gameplay doesn't change. The combat is still shit all the way through

what game?

I dislike the gameplay of this game so much I never even finished route A. I just, stopped about 15 minutes after you see the other girl stab the forest king or something? Its kinda mindless mashing, and not even in the fun way like brawlers or beat'em ups.

>The game gets better later on user!

Yeah, I looked up some later gameplay and I lost even more interest. Everything about 9S's hacker focused shit looks like the worst, didn't even bother looking at the other girl because if I can't even bother with B2 and 9S then I'm not getting up to her anyway

>But the plot is so interesting!
Wiki'd it. It sounds weird. Probably would have made more sense if I played it, but now that I know all the spoilers I don't really have a reason to keep playing now.

Why is this such a shitty game?

>but now that I know all the spoilers I don't really have a reason to keep playing now.
>Why is this such a shitty game?
Are you literally mentally deficient?

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Nothing wrong, really. Abundance of video games and relative personal wealth. People in the wealthiest parts of the world can generally afford to buy more games than they could possibly play to completion.

The game is boring and barely works

Trillion god of destruction

Anyone else get serious Evangelion vibes from this game

>secondary PCasuals can't be bothered to thoroughly enjoy Japanese ludo kino
>despite that they constantly beg for ports and throw tantrums when they don't get their way

Is it at all surprising?

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