Take away videogames from your life, what would you do?

Take away videogames from your life, what would you do?

Is your life as empty and shallow as mine?

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I'd still have photography and automotive stuff. Plus biking, reading space operas, or 3D modeling shit for fun. Also, Wikipedia is an endless source of entertainment.

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>Anime poster

Spend eons finding the right tutorials for Unity so I can make my own games.
Also figure out how to draw animu since that's the most viable artstyle on Steam rn.

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why do you try to force your shit meme so much?

I'd do my job more or just read a lot more stuff. Video games are still the best medium other there, they're just fun.
Tell me a neat fact user.

I'd still have anime, it's the superior hobby anyway.

More tabletop gaming and reading, I guess.

Anime and masturbation what else? You think we actually play vidya here?

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Yeah. I watch reruns of the x files.


You cannot, infact die to rapid decompression through a small leak like space movies lead you to believe. In fact one space suit ripped while out doing repairs. The astronaut only felt was seemed like a pin prick, when he had gotten inside he had a breach of his glove and his skin had sealed the section.

Another one was a whole glove not sealing properly and the hand incease over twice its size, but it sealed the rest of the suite off allowing the study they were doing to contune. After about 4 hours his hand was back to normal. though you can die from a continuous leak of breathable oxygen out to space, this will kill you many times faster then the decompression would.


What if I take away BOTH of your cock and anime?
What will you do then

Makes sense user, thanks for that info. I heard you could also survive in space for a bit without instant death. I mean you don't have a lot of time but you don't instantly die as previously thought by people.

I'd still be a degenerate with other media. Movies, TV shows, anime, comics, you name it...

more facts plz.

In my experience these self masturbatory posts are almost always lies, or sutff that you did once, see: you just bought a camera but haven't use it that much, you started riding your bike last week, you're halfway through a space opera and you just downloaded blender but don't know what the fuck to do with it.

The worst part is that posting anonymously about this acomplishments gives you a sense of reward, so you will be even more lazy about those hobbies because you already feel like a champ in here.

Read, play Pathfinder, plan for my home brew game, hang out with friends, learn to cook more advanced recipes

I'd probably just sleep more than I already do. Which is a lot..

books, sci fi or fantasy.

no, i still have bass, photography, drawing, and I'm sure i could probably get more invested in film.

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when I really think about it, the most fun I have in a day is masturbation.
I wish i could masturbate more than once a day

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You know user, people actually do things right?

People who do things don't brag about them on Sup Forums Sup Forums or /r9k/

learn to edge and buy a onahole

I used to read regularly, but yeah, video games and working out some are about it these days.

literally me

Reading books and manga, watching TV and anime, spending time with my woman and dogs, spending time on Sup Forums and erotic roleplaying in forums and chats. and regular non lewd writing too but I don't do as much of that

I also make fake profiles on tinder and convince girls to sext sometimes

I guess.

Do you really feel like 3d animation is bragging? The dude bikes, oh wow, so cool. He's not saying he's fucking bitches in a lambo on his day offs, they're all just regular shit people do.

>Actually look for a job while my brain rots from staying at my enabling mother's

Would get into reading or something like that. But yeah, its as shallow as yours.

I would probably be a drug addict desu
Nearly became one even with games

No. I've picked up cooking, lifting, reading and learning a new language as a hobby.

Made some baked tilapia, steamed asparagus and quinoa/brown rice for dinner tonight.

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thats pretty advanced normal people things

Open space you will die from a lack of oxygen, but, it's not like movies have it where your body instantly freezes. Pretty much while in space trying to hold your breath would actually cause your lungs to explode if you try and hold your breath.

Had a camera for about 4 years now. Nikon D 5300 as a main and a Canon T3 as a dirty camera. Also taken pictures in Japan, Guam, South Korea, Hong Kong, and a East, West and Central US.
500px.com/michaelskinner1/galleries Been a while since I've uploaded it since I don't have a membership anymore.

Also trip to Nagasaki.

I do trail riding mostly during the summer with my brother on local dirt trails.
>Space Opera
On Book 6 of Saga of Seven Suns right now, have physical copies in storage and using Amazon to read them on the go.
Mostly low detail things, know plenty to do with it, also have several books about it. Right now doing topology out "Hands on Guide to 3D animated Characters".

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Dumb yuribait poster.

> Manga/Anime
> Movies
> Drawing
I think I could manage.

>finally forced to interact with this shit society in my free time
Bad times ahead

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Cool trip bro.

I barely play videogames anymore.

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lmao seething with jealousy

Discovering new music, diving more into obscure 80s anime shit, doing other pointless computer stuff, reading books, maybe interacting more with real people and getting laid more often (unlikely)

Wish I could get into drawing so much. I've tried and just failed so many times. I've resigned myself to learning a new language.

really joggins the noggin oniisan

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Watch anime and maybe be a bit more motivated to get decent at drawing because I'd have nothing else to do. That, or read books.

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What language, user?


さすが アノン

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Hope you do know that most of Sup Forums doesn't play video games. Just fill your empty void with that anime backlog user. And don't forget to exercise. You can't watch them if you're dead.

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Huh. I guess I'd be down to working, watching movies, taking forest walks, and talking with my best friend on skype while he plays games.
It would probably be a positive change all things considered, but I've spent a good 12000 hours or so I'd estimate on vidya and I don't want to leave that behind completely. At least I have no regrets because I've spent 95% of those hours doing exactly what I wanted to do.

I feel you.
Used to think I could draw, then one day I realized it was all shit and I stopped for a few years.
Then a drawthread reactivated my want to do it again.
I'd also like to learn a language.
I've tried Chinese and Japanese in school, then a little bit of Korean on my own, but none of it stuck.
Like my drawing, I'd like to try again someday.

you know discord is better in every way right?

Drawing, programming and music. I also like making stuff in general.

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Still have the 2 BDSM club meetups a month + 2 monthly munches I go to
Still have photography
Still have my gf
Still have cooking
Still have uni and being a student forever
Still have jewelry making and blacksmithing
Still have martial arts
I'm okay with this

>lost the pleasure for gaming
>play a few hours a week at most of Rimworld
>often spend my days just surfing through the same three web pages

Fucking kill me.

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If I can stop myself from looking for porn on rule34, furry and hentai websites 24/7 because there are no more videogames then I'll probably start drawing it on my own and making my own videogames.

>Cucking your wife, even if it's in text only
Nice, desu. My fiancee loves that shit, we're hoping to get a woman in person to see how it goes

I would watch a lot more anime

Neat. Was it as hard as you thought it would be?

Probably. But honestly, most people feel their life is empty and shallow with or without video games or other media. Is a really weird social phenomenon.

Stop working my day job for extra vidya and hardware money, focus all my time on college, coast through on scholarships and probably finish a year or two earlier.

I've already removed video games from my life

>instant messenger fanboy
please go back...
I don't know where, but go


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>bdsm club
lewd, is just casual like lunch stuff or actual lewd stuff?

Probably move on to the next timesink. Probably movies. Books, comics I have to catch up on. I'd probably finally get good with the guitar. Still, videogames aren't the only thing I waste my free time on so no biggie.

maybe finish a painting for once

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actually this
OP should be "Take away Sup Forums" or "Take away [anonymous imageboard] from your life, what would you do?"

I'd play a shit tonne of mahjong on tenhou
That doesn't come under video games does it

Without videogames I would be in quite the pickle of a dilly of a jam and no mistake, animeposter! I enjoy various shows and reading but beyond that I would probably be forced to get back into tabletop gaming which is a massive pain in the ass since trying to find people autistic enough to enjoy it but not complete goddamn monsters is difficult.

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Van, is that you?

discord has voice chat, webcamming, screen sharing and text.
everything skype has but more and it uses less resources

Does anything motivate you to keep at your hobbies beyond enjoyment?

Would be, but I recently somehow found GF after 30, I have no idea what she can see in an empty shell that I am. I want to do all kinds of stuff like campfire and shit all of a sudden.

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Munches are lunch stuff, club is actual lewd stuff. Had someone doing flesh hook suspension as the shit that drew the most attention last time. Generally there's about 6-10 things going on though. My local scene is really small and only has like 100-200 members who practice 'publicly'. Hence why the club is only open 2 times a month.
EU is way more fun in that regard

I'm still learning. It'll be a year in April, and it's as difficult as when I started.

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Who else do you think it is?

>what would you do?
read comics and build model kits
well stop playing shit games buddy

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It's amazing how much a GF can motivate a person into being a better human bean. Worked for me until it turned out that she was worse than I was and I shitcanned her due to 24/7 vidya.

The feeling of getting progressively better at whatever I'm doing as I practice it more.

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>Flesh hook suspension
I love BDSM, but anything with blood, needles, scarring or permanent damage is out. I'd probably look at it out of morbid curiosity

I still have anime desu~

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I don't really care, we've been using skype for 3 years with no real reason to switch. Plus I never liked discord after experiencing faggot tranny drama in a few servers I was in.

How much did you pay for that projector? It's some sick shit, user.

Mirai nikki isn't good.

How the fuck can you like that?
I tried playing the guitar and since I couldn't do "Have you ever seen the rain" straight up I haven't touched it in months.

Seeing improvement is always a nice motivator.

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I mostly play video games as an alternative to tabletop RPGs and fantasy novels, because they're more convenient and interactive, respectively. Puzzles are also important to me, but analog alternatives are everywhere. I'd be fine.

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i would have anime and fuck living with only that

that's like, your opinion man

>Tfw rural area with no bdsm club or anything

sorry asshole, doesn't work that way

if i take out vidya and lose EVERYTHING i did as a hobby til now, everyone else has to lose THEIR fun thing they like to do as a hobby.

just delete your fucking thread and play games,. nigga


I want to play D&D but I only know ONE dude that is into it but I'm not friends with him so I'm embarrassed to ask.


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My whole family plays. Mom introduced me to the game when I was 6.

He never said to remove all other hobbies though. If videogames are your only hobby, that's your fault. It's just a hypothetical
Look up the Pathfinder society. You can find people there and you'll probably find some of them who you want to play home games with


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Had a girlfriend that was interested in blood play once. Some superficial cuts on me and sucking on the blood and shit. Wasn't entirely opposed to the idea even though it did nothing for me but hey, if it floated her boat and she was up for the shit I liked I may as well. We never got around to it though because I dumped her for entirely unrelated reasons (Unless the being a damaged person who fucking refused to talk about it and improve is related) not that long after.

Become the little girl