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stand behind a tombstone lmao
It's not, but this is the fight that made to stop playing. It's a longer run to the fight than it should be and it's a pain in the ass keeping distance from them to hit and run while dodging fireballs. Then when I got near the end I was oneshot by a gigantic fucking snake from out of nowhere. I'm just tired as fuck of soulsborne shit.
just kite them with ranged attacks
summon the OP cooperator when you equip the league rune. he literally tanks the fight
Just press x lmao
>*range attacks you from 50 meters away*
Took me like 3-4 tries. Amelia was the only boss that was actually hard for me in the main game. It is the best souls game because it's easy by comparison to all others.
First time I've ever been startled in a boss fight when the big-ass snake came out of nowhere.
I kill them in one try in every single playthrough
dude just dodge lmao
use fast weapons dude
If you haven't figured out how to handle multiple enemy aggro by this point, you deserve to get shit on.
These losers are so weak they literally get stunlocked by R1 spam.
These faggots are such a non-boss that they become regular enemies an hour later in the game.
>Press O lol
If you can kill bloodstarved beast then shadows are easy as fuck you didn't skip old yarnham did you casual??
Shadows rekt my ass so hard I dropped the game for three months.
Came back and one shot them. My fuck up was killing candle first
But that boss first is.
>1 boss
>dodge left
Shadows was the fucking worst fight in the entire game. I must've died at least 20 times to these bastards. Key is to take them out one at a time. Parry the sword guy until death. Parry the torch guy until death. Then take care of the mace guy however you want.
Rotate around the tombstone to dodge most of the mage's damage, and focus on killing one of the melee shadows. Then they should progress a level and all get snakes out of their face. After the first shadow dies, go for the mage, hes squishy and pretty weak once you get to him, just keep your camera on the other melee shadow in case he sneaks up on you. After the second one dies the third shadow has a weird habit of just dashing backwards in response to you advancing on him, so if you can start him doing that then you can just walk at him and hit R1 every now and again.
The only thing you need to watch out for is that the boss has 3 levels, the first is normal, the second is snakes out of their face and stretchy range, and the third is that they summon massive snakes from the ground, so your main priority is very quickly killing the mage second, and then making sure the last one is stunlocked so it cant summon snakes.
Also as a side note, the fight seems to progress stages depending on how much total damage you deal and NOT whether one of the shadows dies. So try not to hurt them all a bit, as theyll progress to the second and third phases early if somehow hurt all 3 of them too much without killing any.
Not the hardest boss though, just teaches you how to kite multiple enemies. Best of luck, good hunter.
i think if you have a decent leveled up weapon its super easy just focus one at a time and kite them around the big tombstone to the right you can kinda get fucked by rng but in a normal run its one of the easiest bosses imo
Lads so what should I pump in to for a Blade of Mercy build?
>tfw was intending to do a Rakuyo build but realised how fucking long it would take to get the weapon
Full SKL, and then switch to Rakuyo once you get it.
Why do people say to dump in arcane for bom? Doesn't seem to use any magic.
It has a bit of Arcane scaling and does split damage.
there are specific gem builds for skill/arc ane siderite weapons which outdamage straight physical builds
Rakuyo fucking sucks, Blade of Mercy is better. Rakuyo has 1 good move, the transformed L2, which is parry bait.
Blade of Mercy has dank fucking dash/roll attacks and that sweet Siderite FX. Plus, BoM isn't some retarded slant-eye blade and is actually lore friendly.
how did everyone else beat it then?
Git gud
My little sister beat this boss on her second try, you just suck bro
>Kill ranged one
>Whittle down other two
>Once you've killed one, kill the other asap to avoid giant snakes
So impossible.
Just use tonitrus or bolt paper, these fuckboys ain't nothin
>bullying katanafag while the other 2 do their gay little fire tricks
>rakuyo sucks
How about I punch you in the dick.
Sucks to suck, fuccboi. Let me guess, you platinumed it in just 10 days too?
Fire Paper
Serrated Weapons
Watching for the tell for her jump attack which does the craptons of damage
Numbing Mist to kill the healing (yes it works on any enemy not just players)
>My fuck up was killing candle first
Yeah the order is
>flamesword dude
>katana edgelord
>rushing the fuck out of candleja
>get my ass ravaged by Shadows over and over using the Hunter Axe, mostly in the last part, whether I spread damage or focus them down
>switch to untricked Kirkhammer
>one and done
Stop relying on lock on and learn to handle multiple enemies.
The stagger from BoMs R1 spam is better, the dodge follow-ups are better, the untricked charge time on R2 is faster, the split damage gives them higher DPS potential, and building for them lets you use the BB to its full potential as well.
Such a cool as intro though. You see the clearing, you know it's a boss fight coming, then these three robed dues just fucking walk in
Shit was so cash
>walking up to an enemy slowly
>tricking your weapon out or using a weapon power-up item
>then dashing in to start the fight
Always looks and feels so good
The trick to Amelia is to play aggressively. Her moveset is highly geared towards killing people at mid-to-long range, and if you're a pussy that's where you'll be. You were supposed to learn this shit by fighting gas can and BSB.
Holy shit only time I've ever said this:
lol just parry
Let me guess, you actually saw her heal?
Gascan teaches players how to parry, also that fire works on beasts
BSB teaches you how you can dodge shit better, and that some (actually only a few) non-humanoid bosses can be parried too. Also S E R R A T E D, and to go all in once you blow a Fire Paper and not just wait for an opening to deplete the thing.
If you're playing the first time, then you'll definitely see her heal at least once until you catch on to the gimmick.
>Her moveset is highly geared towards killing people at mid-to-long range,
But she has moves that kills people right under her...
Actually never saw her heal until I was watching my friend play Bloodborne for the first time. I picked up on the speed of the game pretty quickly and never had a problem shredding her before she ever started to heal. She just seemed like another big beast enemy to me.
I don't know why this boss has always killed me. No matter how many times I tried, I'd always die.
I know they turn into normal mobs later on, but that version is really weak and easily dealt with.
I'd rater fight Kos or Laurence at NG4-5 than these guys, because I atleast am able to kill them.
Oh yes, the tremendously telegraphed 5 second warning attack.
Not the guy youre talking to, but i found amelia pretty hard too. Its still quite early in the game by that point and she has SO MUCH HEALTH. Also i couldnt work out how to stagger her out of her healing spell, so that was a pain in the ass too. The rest of the game wasnt too hard after that, once you get used to the i frames on dodges.
The only person i had trouble with other than amelia was the Bloodstarved Beast, he can fuck right off
>the tremendously telegraphed 5 second warning attack.
Kinda hard to see when her hairy pussy is covering your screen
This fight SHITS on 4 kings and any gank souls fight
4 kings was so trash man, can't believe that was a end game boss
Actually one of the easiest bosses in the game if you've learned to be aggressive by that point (which you should've). You won't get anywhere in BB by being passive and waiting for enemies to open up. This isn't Dark Souls. The only easier bosses I can think of right off hand are Rom, Amelia, Micolash, The One Reborn, Living Failures, or the Emissaries. Those are all either slow or gimmicky bosses.
Fair point, but which bosses if any DID you have trouble with?
Mandatory watch:
Unironically killed them on my first try, using the hammer on sword mode, i think fast weapons are better vs them. Died sometimes on ng+ and ng+2
>HMPH echoes in the distance
Rom the first couple times because I kept getting fucked by spiders. Eventually learned to ignore them and things went smoother. The first couple bosses outside of the Cleric Beast in general because I was still adjusting to the game. Orphan of Kos is one of my favorite fights, but he can still be a bastard if you mess up your parry timings. Logarius kicked my ass for a while because I stumbled into Cainhurst underleveled and somehow dragged my ass all the way through it. Some of the chalice dungeon bosses are still a shit.
surprisingly wasn't one of them because I parried the fuck out of him. The rest weren't too bad.
Honestly I chose the threaded cane at the start and did a Dex/Str build and never had any major issues with any of the bosses.
Threaded Cane usually stunlocks lesser enemies in its untransformed state and makes short work of them and in the transformed state it has a fuckhuge range, serrated damage and can reach all parts of larger boss enemies.
On top of that, since it's a fast weapon I can smack any enemy around a bit and have enough stamina to safely dodge out if need be.
And I really suck and soulsborne games
By the time I got to the Shadows of Yharnam I could already run circles around them and hit them casually.
I can only guess that people having issues with these chumps are ones that went for the STR build with a slow weapon so any miss or an ill-timed attack leaves you open for too long.
idk, I think going for a DEX build trivializes most of the game
>I can only guess that people having issues with these chumps are ones that went for the STR build with a slow weapon so any miss or an ill-timed attack leaves you open for too long.
This was precisely the case for me.
>Vileblood weapons are all vampire edgelord shit that scales with bloodtinge
>Ludwig's Blade feels plain compared to everything else and the Kekhammer is really sluggish for it's scaling
>Everything about the cane, blades of mercy and logarius wheel
>Stake driver and tonitrus are aight
>Pretty much just use the saws, axe and burial blade
I mean the concept of trick weapons is great but the execution feels off. Is the DLC gear worth the money? They all seem great but I don't want to bother if they're gonna disappoint again
>>Everything about the cane, blades of mercy and logarius wheel
What's wrong with any of these weapons?
DLC are hit or miss. Some of them are amazing, like the pizza cutter, Rakuyo, Bloodletter, and Kos Parasite (provided you max arcane), while others are so-so but still cool. Except for the Amygdala Arm. It's pretty trash.
Rakuyo is great.
Straight up bullshit to fight against, but great to use.
beat it 1st try, it's literally the 3 skeleton boss.
50 keks user.
This weapon makes the fight last two minutes tops.
You get Whirligig, the minigun and the Moonlight Blade.
>Slant eye blade
Seems like you're a no eyed retard because Rakuyo a saber.
how can you be this fucking bad? Kill the pyromancer first, then parry the other two to death.
It comes from the same place as the Chikage, which is not-Japan. Miyazaki loves shoehorning in eastern blades.
Literally the easiest fight in the game.
I need help with Logarius. BL39.
if you're "over it" and want to move on just use the helper, then the fight becomes a joke
>paying for online
>Tfw I never learned you could parry/riposte until I got to Orphan
I guess I could blame it on doing Cleric Beast first which made Gascan's fight feel like a joke.
This is one of the easier fights in the game.
How do you kill Laurence. I got through Ludwig and Maria and Kos but this fucker is a wall.
lol nice gel
What are they even supposed to be, anyway? Weren't snakemen more Robert E. Howard's thing?
high-level cultists/servants of the pthumerian queen, I think.
Pure autism.
Learn to gun parry > riposte for free damage.
Noobs. If it isn't a giant ass boss it can be gun parried.
It's called immersion, sweetie.
beast claw masterrace
haha yeah fuck anyone suspending their disbelief and having fun with their video games
I bet you minmax armor like a faggot.
Got a new laptop, it was the only picture i had right now. Thats a top tier chromosome 16 youre looking at
Hey, newfag, you have to speak his name before candlejack kidnaps you.
all those moments will be gone. Like tears in ra
>the two most boring weapons in the game are "alright" but BoM and the Wheel somehow aren't amazing
Don't bother playing.
>See this video
>Wonder how it did fuck all damage to the co-op but killed the host outright
>Notice the host had an NPC hunter with him
And now I'm laughing
How can someone have such a wrong opinion about everything?
The only thing remotely correct about this post is that kirkhammer and Ludwig's Blade are gutter trash tier because they're literally just a plain great sword and hammer respectively.
BoM are the best dex weapons in any installment of souls yet, the Wheel is extremely unique even if I didn't like it, Stake Driver is the best weapon in Bloodborne. Tonitrus needs more imo.