Beat the boss

>beat the boss
>cutscene after shows the party losing to him

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>Stunlock or juggle the boss for massive damage
>Battle is over in less than a minute
>Cutscene is of a party member huffing and going "HE'S TOO STRONG WE CAN'T BEAT HIM"

>beat boss after a surprisingly hard battle
>get game over, world gets destroyed
>wonder what you did wrong, maybe some choice earlier on
>head to gamefags
>you were supposed to lose

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Every fucking bossfight in Xenoblade 2

>beat boss
>they explode
>still shows up again for the ending

>the boss smirks and says something edgy in response

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>boss has additional lines on easy mode where he mocks you while dying

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>boss is hard as fuck
>cutscene after has character say that it was easy

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>job to every boss like five times
>die all the time just in general
>MC acts like an invincible badass in all cutscenes

>game builds up the boss as the biggest motherfucker of the universe
>dies from a slap

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Why does this assblast people so much? It’s literally one of the stupidest complaints there is.

either do a scripted death, or let us beat the fucker, gameplay and story should be closely connected in games

And this is one of the many reasons why Xenoblade 2 was such a disappointment. I expected better after Xenoblade, Xenoblade X, and Breath of the Wild.

If you can beat them via gameplay, they should be down.

>beat boss you were supposed to lose to
>doesn't alter the course of the story but boss comments on it
>get an additional reward

It's a pretty lazy way to handle storytelling in a video game. There's plenty of better ways to set a villain up to look powerful, but having the player fight an easy boss and then be told it was difficult is just stupid. It's like the writers don't even care about relating the game scenario to the story.

It doesn't happen all the time.

>I'll never see Love Live for the first time again
>wish for death while quitting drinking

>beat boss
>Tell you that's horse shit and that you're gonna battle again
>He'll do this each and every time.

one way is to have the villain beat an npc who is established to be quite powerful. Take Star Wars for example, we see Vader kill obi wan, and we know very well that luke has his work cut out for him.

The equivalent of this in a movie would be luke skywalker beating the shit out of Vader then have the audience be told that the last 5 minutes didn’t mean shit.

is love live anime good? I only tried the mobile rhythm game it was really weak overall

>beat boss
>different cutscenes based on how easy it was for you to beat them
What game does this


who is sundowner

I liked it. Definitely had some weak spots. It probably helps if you like the music.

Metal Gear Rising, Monsoon

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Really? if so I guess I've never noticed.


what game ?

it's really just one line of dialogue that's different, and not in a cutscene either if I remember corretly

>beat boss easily
>lose in the cutscene
>boss later sends you an email taunting you for losing

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