
Any chance whatsoever of getting a Smash game again without having each and every playable character revealed in marketing prior to launch?
Will we ever get another moment of a dark silhouette with challenging you to a fight, with you having had no idea whatsoever of the character even being a thing?

I am sure people will datamine the entire game upon release. But at the very least that wouldn't be information from any official venue, and then presumably easier to avoid. Granted that Sup Forums will absolutely swarmed with Smash threads the very moment it's datamined. But yeah.

Having unlockable characters without even knowing what characters you can unlock. Is extremely exciting and I'd like to re-experience that again if possible.

Attached: 1520548568588.png (1826x952, 943K)

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Get off the internet.

not with the internet. the internet spoils everything.

wasnt duck hunt the secret character that was never officially revealed?

probably never unless you get off the internet. with youtube being so big and people datamining information constantly, people want constant views and leaking out information like that is a guarantee. it's unfortunate, but this is the life you all wanted.

someone leaked him with 3DS shots, most people didn't believe them, but that was up to the viewer. and then Nintendo made a trailer for him... so he was revealed regardless in the end before the game released.

For games like Pokemon and Smash the only option you have is to stay off the internet.

Datamining will reveal them immediately after release regardless, so companies go around the issue by capitalizing on all the content they've put into the game by revealing it to you before anyone else can. Since both issues stem from the internet existing, do what says and hope that the trailer doesn't spoil the entire cast.

I'm still mad about Duck Hunt getting leaked. That shit would have been so cool to see.

>ywn experience the feeling of actually exploring in Pokemon and finding a cave or legendary you had no idea existed
T-thanks dataminers

>tfw devs haven't yet realized that putting a "please wait a bit to reveal datamined content" message in their games' files actually works

Attached: 1423315717694.png (210x195, 2K)

Is there reason why this method isn't possible or feasible?

>Delete all data pertaining to a secret devs want to keep hidden
>Release game as is
>Day 1 Patch adds in data that was removed
>More people are suprised than before, even if it's datamined immediately

I understand it will leave traces, but is it impossible to scrub out all signs?

so what happened to flip?, did his poor ass go fired?

That would just make people mad since not everyone has internet access. The best option is really just to leave a big "PLEASE DO NOT RELEASE DATAMINED CONTENT FOR AT LEAST A WEEK OR TWO, LET PEOPLE BE SURPRISED" message in the sound/text/texture files of the game. It worked for Undertale.

any chance of getting a real smash game

>tfw devs haven't yet realized that putting a "please wait a bit to reveal datamined content" message in their games' files actually works
In games people actually care about, and not indie garbage?

In every recorded case I can think of of a dev doing this or something like this, yes, it has worked. I specifically remember some older Amiga/Atari games that took a good couple of weeks extra to get cracked thanks to a similar message.
Besides, would it even hurt to try? It's like, what, twelve seconds of effort to throw together a quick PNG/MP3/TXT into a game with a name that would come first in most filestructures (i.e. 1amessage) with a quick message not to reveal shit just yet.
Also, regardless of whether or not you like Undertale, that shit has a massive hype boom around it for a good few months. The fact that shit wasn't getting datamined and spread around day one is a miracle in and of itself.

Shulk could have been a secret character which would have been a good surprise but leaks happened.

Fuck the internet. I'm genuinely surprised something like Kid Icarus: Uprising was possible considering the time it came out

From recent memory, the developer of Binding of Isaac put a similar message in the data folder, but the only reason why his secret character and the method of unlocking him weren't revealed immediately was because he encrypted everything related to him. Even then it was a race between people guessing the solution and hackers breaking the code, which dataminers won.

Have other fighting games purposefully avoided revealing characters. I'm talking recent, Killer Instinct on XBone, Streat Fighter V?
I always thought it was one of those gaming fads that just went away as time went on, but I could be wrong.

Attached: rb.jpg (586x594, 180K)

Smash 4 was never data mined. The 3DS demo had everything dummied out. It was only the ESRB leak that revealed secret characters, otherwise there would have been unknown fighters for 3DS players.

Even then, there will still surprises, like Master Core.

Anyway, unless another ESRB-leak happens, there's no reason to expect everybody will be revealed this time. Again, Sakurai is 1 for 1 on Smash demos that had nothing to data mine.

Streisand effect is a completely different think, though. The Streisand effect is when something gets revealed and an effort to hide or remove it after the reveal causes it to become more widespread as a result.
That is true, actually. Too bad the same isn't true about the new Kirby.

Guess the only leaks to look out for are social engineering related again.

Yeah, Smash 4 was an ESRB leak, and even then people were trying desperately to prove that Shulk was a shop of Little Mac

Attached: smashleak.jpg (748x776, 188K)

Yeah, that's just a bit of laziness on the part of the devs, but at the same time, the majority of people who play Star Allies aren't going to see the data mines on Sup Forums. Smash, on the other hand, that shit would be everywhere 24/7.

It is pretty tough and time consuming to catch everything in a demo. As long as you're not like Game Freak, and actually leaving a bunch of models and stuff in the game, which is especially dumb since it bloats what should be a minimal demo.
Imagine getting to see this without having been spoiled.

How long will it be until the game gets spoiled after E3?

Only because the leaker intended to photoshop to make the leak seem less credible.

Attached: GxvJZJX[1].jpg (1154x3178, 897K)

Well, it did come out after the 3DS version released. But I know what you mean.