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Haha he looks like a baked bean :) bean man



>Oh man he got corrupted by old gods?
>No he was just an evil bastard all along.
What a fucking waste.

He wasn’t evil. He was a product of the circumstances he was forced into. Everything he says while fighting Thrall is correct. Thrall is a piece of shit for leaving the Horde the way that he did and an even bigger piece of shit for trying to pass his poor judgement and leadership off as Garrosh’s problems.

>starts a war
>racist towards horde members
yea garrosh dindu nuffen it was all thrall

>gets forced into warchief
>first thing voljin says to him is fuck you im gonna kill you someday
>baine forces a mokgorra because fuck you
>sylvannas is becoming lich king 2.0
>only the orcbois were willing to give him a chance

meant cairne

>Literally everyone, including Garrosh himself, tells Thrall that Garrosh is a retarded warmonger who shouldn't be Warchief
>Thrall makes him Warchief anyways
>This is Garrosh's fault

>You fucked up my face

So let me get this straight, in MoP when Alliance raided Ogrimmar they could have easily ended the war and be victorious against the Horde once and for all, but for some reason decided not to do this(why not?).
And now the next expansion will be fully about how the two factions fight and hates each other when they just a few years ago allied together and was best friends?

thrall... you Llloved me...

you're fucking retarded. thrall made a mistake but garrosh's actions are still his own

Because King Chin was listening to the retarded pandas and his son too much instead of reliable, trustworthy old Jaina

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Unfortunately outside of expansion launch changes, neither faction ever gets to actually follow through on shit. Alliance should have destroyed Org right then and there just like how the Horde should have destroyed Ashenvale years ago. No matter what happens the setting can never develop past a certain limit because of the limitations of the MMO; the status quo must be maintained. The factions will never change on the scale of races leaving or switching sides even when it's the most obvious, logical outcome because you can't have that reflected in the game, at least not with the level of effort Blizzard puts into it. As long as the MMO lives, there's no point getting invested in the setting or plot.

>tfw will never go on adventures with Garrosh and conquer azeroth
>tfw we will never have a capital city that looks like a WC2 keep
Fuck you blizzard.

Warcraft IIII when?

He wasn't wrong

He didn't handle the Cairne thing well, and obviously everything he did in WoD was fucking insane retarded timey wimey shit, but otherwise yeah, a lot of the blame is on Thrall for trusting someone as angry, inexperienced, and vengeful as Garrosh to be warchief.

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He upped taurens in the horde, pretty much called them honorary orcs and gave them their own ghetto in orgrimmar. Thing he did as best as he could.


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Thrall has shaman abilities that are at dragon level, yet he couldn't see that leaving a scumbag of that tier in charge would only hurt the reputation of orcs and The Horde?

Didn't Blizzard make him go flat out retarded evil due to all the backlash fans made over losing Thrall, like they needed an excuse to get rid of him in MoP??

>g-garrosh.. h-help

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Pretty much. It’s why in Cata you have that storyline in Stonetalon where he executes his general for being dishonorable in war. Then does exactly what he executes his general for in the MoP pre-patch.

It really felt like character assassination. I loved that part in Stonetalon. It's like Garrosh knew the Horde didn't trust him and that his views didn't fit exactly those of Thrall's, but he was trying. That's what made me start to like him.

Then yeah, he does the bomb.

I hate what they did to Thrall and Garrosh but this picture will never not make me laugh.

At least Blizzard admitted he cheated by making Thrall give the player the Doomhammer in Legion.

i like that he gets cucked by his own hammer and the elements because he cheated but im sure that actually only happened because metzen quit

Elements are assholes and shamans are cunts desu
Should listen to the warlocks and just enslave the fuckers.

Tbh, stonetalon is the exception. Everything else he did in cata was of the warmongering dickbag variety. It’s like a single author decided to try and make something of him (like how Varian got developed) but was then crushed by Kossak

Is it to late for a reboot? The story is so fucked up now that everything they throw it's seems like a fucking joke, like take the "new" wow classic and make expansions for it, new expansions, no bc,wotlk, etc.

Stop, I don’t need anymore dreams crushed by blizzard.

If they wanted to reboot the mmo they would need to
>focus on racial conflicts, politics
>focus on fidelity
>give players full access to ALL of the original RPG prestige classes
but as it stands blizzard is trying to get away from mmo's. f2p is much more successful

>watches grom die in front of him
>watches his son, Garrosh, fall upon him
>watches his long life friend, Vol'jin, die in front of him
literally PUNISHED green jesus

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>be shaman
>dont heal grom while hes dying

blizz retconned thralls abilities to be more like current WoW, he was specd enhance only had healing surge and was out of mana dude

Shamans couldn't heal back then.

>implying i wasnt hoarding 3 healing potions at the end of the stage

>series called WARcraft
>be made WARchief
>make WAR as job description says
>be the bad guy
If Thrall didn't want him making war he should have renamed the job title to Peacechief

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>Playable Highmountain
>Not Taunka enslaving the elements
It's not fair

garrosh deserve a huge fat cock up his ass desu

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>edgeidan kills a naaru
>naaru are retconned to not be beings of pure good to make illidan look better

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>Light = All Good

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Alliance started the war actually, because they thought the Twilight attacks in Ashenvale were Garrosh.

Thrall made Garrosh Warchief not only when Garrosh said he didn't want it and that he wouldn't be good at it, but also when he explicitly said that he wasn't worthy of it.


did nothing wrong

Garrosh is talking about his father here, obviously

How can alliance babies still claim
>muh theramore 6 million
Jaina let the Alliance use it as a MILITARY BASE
Imagine if mexico suddenly decided to ally with North Korea and allow them to set up their nukes there, you think we wouldnt bomb them?


Why couldn't he be a decent leader? Oh I know, it's shitty, inconsistent writing :)

Why did they give her pants.

The Alliance didn't have any nukes though

I hate this stupid fucking smug ass look he has on his face after cheating in the duel as he so confidently absolves himself of all responsibility. Fuck Metzen, I'm glad that hack is gone.

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Reminder that Garrosh did nothing wrong.


I love this meme

Metzen may be gone, but corruption remains.

alliance have spaceships now. The plot went full retard

They have monopoly on arcane users.

30 Mages decimated an entire Troll army.

They didn't have any nukes though

It's so much worse because Garrosh would have been perfect for Legion and BfA. He fucking HATED all things Legion and his entire plan for Kalimdor is already what Sylvanas is doing now.

They should have switched places. Just have Vol'jin lead from Cataclysm onward, Sylvanas start shit and get taken out in MoP, then Garrosh take over for Vol'jin in Legion.

Arcane magic is the equivalent of nuclear power.

Fuck you, my ring of protection +1 is better than a potion of minor healing.

or just leave my nigga vol jin in charge, for what fucking purpose did they make him warchief in the first place? he literally did nothing since WoD was abandoned from the start.

No, it isn't


>Illidan kills the near-equivalent of YHWH in the capital of one of the most religious races in the entire universe
>gets to walk out without vindicators trying exorcism him

>arcane magic was used to blow up theramore
>arcane magic drew the legion to Azeroth

No one cared who he was until he put on the new model skin.

You've chose your own destiny, you dick.

>sylvanas is still warchief
metzen is gone so there's no excuses anymore, who is writing this shit

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who do you think

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Why did Garrosh hate the Alliance so much? He had no investment in disliking them. The guy spent his entire life moping around Nagrand.

I think that's one of my biggest problems with him. He's all like, "For the Horde," but he's kind of a poser. His bluster is built out of shit he heard his dad do.

I was saying, even back during MoP, that it was Sylvanas who should've gotten the axe.

Blizzard straight up had to lie at points to make the Garrosh narrative work. Do you guys remember the Alliance opening quest, where they say the /orcs/ destroyed Southshore?

You know, the zone blighted by the Forsaken?

>Rightful owners and defenders of Lordaeron
>Not good

>have clear cut rules in an ancient tradition that represents the pillar of your entire species
>break those rules to win
>not cheating

This. I'm still mad.

Thrall and the Elements both fully admitted he cheated in Legion. That being said, Garrosh is orc hitler and deserved to be killed by cheating.

Sup Forums only likes garrosh because he represents hitler and they're mostly edgy Sup Forumstards

That was what they were trying to do with him; they went on record saying he was a "weak" character who didn't have stable ground to stand on. He went from thinking he was worthless because his father damned all the orcs, to thinking he had to stand on the highest of mountains because his father saved all of orc-kind. No matter what his father's position was, Garrosh was stuck because he didn't have his own center, and instead based his life on his father's failures and accomplishments.

However, instead of developing on his insecurities, they writers went full 14/88 with him. Garrosh is older than Thrall, yet has far less wisdom, and this is never brought up. No one considers that his lack of experiences is a serious issue, that he's an orcish romantic who wants to bring back "the good old days". Saurfang fails to do his job as a mentor and Thrall fails to do his job as a counselor. None of this is pointed out, though, and now opinions on Garrosh are polarized to the point where he either did EVERYTHING wrong, or did NOTHING wrong.

>His bluster is built out of shit he heard his dad do
This is it exactly. He wanted to be a great warrior like daddy even if he had to start a war to do it.

Pretty hard to be a good leader when everyone you lead is fucking against you.

So apparently from what I'm hearing, Kul Tiras' leveling is super dog shit?

>hey night elves, can we make a deal to have some wood? you can basically make it for free and at no cost
>no fuck you
>no fuck you
>horde: wtf garrosh u cant be at war with the guys we hate, we dont support this

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They could have just had Sylvanas doing something shady as fuck and Garrosh covering for her since he's warchief and skipped his whole plot of being controlled by an old god and just had him reacting/acting irrationally after taking responsibility for Sylvanas's fuckup, have the Tauren/Trolls/Thrall turn on Garrosh and played the ending where Thrall kills him and cheats in a duel out the exact same way without murdering Garrosh's character in the process.

Then they could have just skipped Vol'Jin being warchief entirely and had Sylvanas take over after manipulating her way to the top by doubling down and making it look like Garrosh was the bad guy when he took her fuckup to the grave and never told anyone

This is War, there needs to be more shades of grey and less people just being written off as being manipulated by old gods, the Burning Legion, or dickish dragons.

The Night Elves had no obligation to give them anything. Orcs already fucked up by killing Cenarius.

Kinda painfully obvious the design team was more interested in the troll dino kingdom than the fat human island yeah

He's a demigod who just came back on his own eventually it's not like it mattered long-term much

Blizzard had like, 15 years to think up something cool for Kul Tiras.

But really how the fuck did Blizzard get away with this?

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Doesn't really matter, dude. They already fucked up, and they had no reason to be given the free wood.

Fucking blame Thrall if you have to. He's the one who said the orcs should set up camp in a desert.

Catering to Moon Guard again.

>"Das rite yt boi."

I made you a star! Now smile!

that's the most obvious shoop i've ever seen
could've made a better blend than just having that weird shadow at the base

They aren't even pirates, just fat sailors. What could they have possibly been doing on their own for the last 15+ years besides eating

You know you're in a warcraft thread when you doubt whether the lore and characters are retarded or the writer suck balls.

Are you fucking stupid?

>tfw when we get fat humans and turtle people and the horde get snake people and zandalari trolls

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