Absolutely love Ace Combat series but 5 has the biggest cast of crybaby pussies in vidya history...

Absolutely love Ace Combat series but 5 has the biggest cast of crybaby pussies in vidya history. Going through it again and couldn't believe how much the pilots and ground forces get away. Shit, one guy outright asked Blaze to drop bomb on his commander.

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Ace Combat 0 any good?

5 is my favorite. The army is fucking useless and inept and one misssion has your group literally slaughtering hundreds of soldiers from your own country because they refused to defect to join you. Amazing game.


Let me ask you this. Did they take out the anti-war bullshit from 5? It just rubs me wrong story wise because they all joined the military and then bitch when war breaks out. Even to the point of insubordination

Yes, 5 is when the melodrama went full retard and it continued on with later games, even worse in 6.

Personally, the peak of the series to me was 4, although my favorite is 2 because it was the first I played. I also enjoyed the soundtrack more than any other game because it seems more fitting to the theme of bad ass air plane mercs. Two is also project ace's favorite as well. only game in the series to be remade, re released on a different console (on the PS2), and 4 is a re imagining of sorts of 2.

ACZero is easily the sum of all parts of the holy trinity. Better rivals, better AI, better pacing, better acting, even better story. It's got better replayability too, with a compendium of special enemy planes to fill out and a boss rush mode.

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It's the best

Nowhere near as much and much less black-and-white morally, and a nice karma meter that affects what bosses you fight. AC5's theme was that war is bad, AC0's theme is that war just kinda sucks and gets lots of people killed

I think 4 is my favorite. Everything seemed right. Story had some serious feels, gameplay was fun and awesome soundtrack

The timed missions in 4 are what kill me on replays. There's way too many of them and one or two last like 20 minutes. 0 had timed missions but they did them right, scoring you on how quick you hit the target instead of how far above the target you got when time ran out. The later games definitely improved on mission variety

Although it is fun to have all the time in the world to systematically destroy the entire fleet and base in that one mission

>"Refused to defect"
>The leaders of both nations give orders to cease fighting
>What's going on? Better side with the fratricidal commander insisting everyone ignore the chain of command.
>Amidst the confusion, better keep fighting just to be safe
>Refusing to fight according to the president's orders is "defecting"

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Oh cool. Just got Zero and playing through 5 again now. Can't wait.

Heres unpopular opinion. I thought Assault Horizon was good other than scripted events and retarded story

AC Zero was about developing a value system on your own terms (muh borders). Pixy was an edgy nihilist who insisted that because of free will, there were no rules or boundaries. Even though the Hoffnung bombing disgusted him to the core, it speaks poorly for his "There are no rules in war, anything goes" attitude. It's a beautiful interpretation of the concept, but it's flawed and that's why he's the villain. Taken to its logical conclusion is V2, and the contempt for humanity that goes along with it. Like starting over would fix anything.
>"Do you think you can stop bloodshed by shedding more blood?"
>"This war would be over if they just blew everything up."
>Waldreich gets nuked
>It wasn't over
>because Pixy took it to the next level with a global terrorist organization
>tries fixing everything with nukes again

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The best one, no filler shit, no peace talk while butchering enemies by the thousands, just pure air jousting at full thrust

Are you guys hyped for 7?

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You bet.

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Of course. Just waiting on that sweet, sweet delivery date

3 has the best setting.
4 has the best story.
0 has the best bosses.
6 has the best graphics.

Try to prove me wrong.

Can't do it boss

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Who /lowtier/ or /midtier/ plane here?
Always had a soft spot for Saabs, f5/f20 door being under appreciated.


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