Steam Trades

I have a bunch of old humble stuff that is either duplicates or of no interest to me. Anyone want to do some trading? I wouldn't even mind some other humble stuff. Just don't want these keys to go to waste.

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part 2

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Hey man, I don't have anything to trade but if no one asks for Aviary Attorney could you send it my way?
[email protected]

Sure I'm playing ff 3 at the moment but when I get back on my desktop I'll send it to you

I have a couple games on Humble left over, if you’re willing to trade either Dead Rising game.

can i get DMC?

[email protected]

also, do you have a barter profile, op? if not i suggest making one.

Yeah sure just make me an offer...Oh feel free to add me on steam,

I have tried those steam trade websites before. People are pretty mean. And they have these big long list of every game that was ever given for free or really bad indie bundle games. It's a slog to sort through.

I just got on my desktop and saw that you had ten minute mail. Not sure if it is still good, if you want that bird game just add me on steam.

I have Majesty Gold HD, Majesty 2, Divide by Sheep and Road to Ballhalla.

I've never traded anything in my life but if it works the same as refunds I don't think I have anything. Overgrowth catches my eye. If a no-trade is a no deal you don't have to respond.
[email protected]

Barter just filters out people's lists for your wishlist, that's what makes it good. the entire process is pretty automated, you don't even have to talk to the person until the offer is accepted.

sent ;)

I'm switching back to my snes mini, I'll keep an eye on the thready/steam on my phone if anyone has anything good.

so you're not sending me dmc? :^(

Nah it's still good, send away. Thanks man.

you're killin me man hold on

Just got Dead Rising 2. Thanks again, man.

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thanks bro.


You're the fucking best.
Thanks for making my night.

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No bud. Just pay it forward when you can

Np I mean.

No one has any of the dollar tier games from old bundles? I feel like I've missed a lot of those. Anything cheap would do. Like I'd trade RE6 for rogue legacy or something like that.

Fresh out of them after the last Christmas, sorry OP. All I have is ARMA Cold War Assault but it's restricted to SEA.

Bummer. Ah well, maybe next time.

I'll give you Max Payne for Hearts of Iron 3.
[email protected]

there we go! It's a deal.

pleasure doin business with ya

there you go niggas, I need money so no giveaways. Willing to trade tho.

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Same here. Thanks again :)

Anything from my list up there for evoland 2?

K well I am heading to bed for the night. If anything catches anyone's eye just add me on steam. 'Night everyone.

i got some for trade too.

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nothing calls me, sorry. Here's my e-mail in case you want to buy or something: [email protected]