ffxiv is fun!
Ffxiv is fun!
>xiv defence force in damage control mode
She's saying diversity is strength. She's bluepill.
>dumbest person in the whole world is the leader of the resistance
>you have no choice but to join her cause
i want to fuck a potato
Is this the power of American reading comprehension?
>eureka is just korean mmo grind
>don't have any attraction to lolis
>get a massive boner for potatoes that have the hips and expressions of a fully grown adult human
Someone please help.
Wtf is this?
Why are Japanese so racist?
>They took 17 months to make it
Diversity is good. Mass immigration destroys diversity.
Post that guy talking about refugees.
is machinist less shitty yet?
I want to go back to playing my cool gun class
>wanting to destroy diversity
You mean just like PotD?
Those are all arbitrary divisions holding back humans from uniting as one, we need to get rid of them.
dead game.
Her dialogue is ambiguous though. It can be interpreted as either:
>we are divided by barriers, and thanks to these barriers that divides us, we're defined and have a rich variety in our lives
>we are divided by barriers, but such division is exactly what define us (as Eorzeans). The barriers that divide us also unite us
Just like any modern federation are a group of divided states defining a country. If memory serves me right, in OP's pic she is making the speech to the Eorzean Alliance, so yeah
It's not like PoTD really. You can speedrun PoTD. Eureka is killing the same group of level 6 bears over and over to get 100 exp each with a requirement of 47k to level up. And sometimes you get a rock that can be used to make the relic. You need 299 more rocks btw.
without the rewards
And like this user said. The final reward is a weapon and armor shittier than the stuff you could all have this week just by doing normal Sigmascape and Roulettes.
glad i quit a month ago
>resub because I heard frontlines is alive with 72man games again
>eureka drops and kills it
To me, it's always been clear her message is that she feels the Eorzean Alliance has strength over the Garleans due to their embrace of their cultural diversity, as opposed to the Imperial uniformity.
People post that quote a lot but it's pretty anti-Sup Forums.
The point was every system they have in the game is just a facade for grinding. Arguing that one form of grinding is more mindless than the next is kind of sad. It's like saying "I'd rather be a Probate lawyer than a civil lawyer because one is more boring."
I just did. I'll see if they get they shit together by the end of the Summer. Probably not.
As long as we're on the level that it's shit, we're cool. Might have differences on the levels of shit, but shit is still shit.
You already have a thread. Fuck off to /vg/ with your garbage heap.
i just dont understand where all the sub money is going, they hardly put anything back into the game
Initially used to prop up XV. Now it's probably to finish KH 3 and start FF XVI.
Dumb toddlercon.
Yea its fun for about the one hour I log in to do weekly raid clears.
All the /vg/ thread does is talk about Auri futas. At least here we can talk about how shit the game is.
>new season of feast starts with a mount to drive me
>but feast is completely more garbage than it ever was now
welp looks like 14 is gonna die a second time :^) maybe the next try will be good
gatdayum she cannot make it clearer she needs the BBC
elven men are puny and inbred
>tfw I'm not even sexually attracted to them
I just think they're cute.
It already died three times. About a month after each new version comes out.
why dont they just steal the mythic + system from WoW would make this game a bit more enjoyable, might give me something to do other than 4 raid bosses a week and play something else
I can't get into this game and I don't understand how anyone else is capable of doing so.
>Read text
>Read more text
>Read even more text
>Travel a bit
>Read more text
>Read even more text
>Travel a bit
>Read more text
This is literally the fucking game. I spent 3 fucking hours running around and reading text. That was it. Such a shitty game.
The same reason they won't just drop the shitty grinding events and let people just fight enemies on the overworld for EXP. It would make the game fun. And Square is adverse to fun.
What even goes on in the XIV offices anymore? What caused this?
Welcome to modern MMOs. Old Republic was the exact same thing. Is it any wonder people are screaming for a return to old style MMOs?
>data got corrupted so all my keybinds and HUD placements are gone
>probably not going to be able to actually play the game for a few days as I sort my shit
What does "old style MMO" entail gameplay wise?
I would unsub twice if I could, you fucking hack.
Sort of. The way their coalition works puts like minded people with like minded people. There is an obvious understanding that these groups are immiscible and should stay that way, which is very Sup Forums.
Leftism pretends to celebrate variety, but the ultimate goal is some nebulous equality in which nothing individual could exist.
Remember the old meme with the old producer of FF14 fading away as the two other new guys were sitting around talking at some table?
Go out into an open field and kill monsters for months until you get to the objective you want. Usually max class or money.
So Eureka
>bought FFXIV
>get 30 days free
>played it for a month and completed all content up to Stormblood
>quit the game before I had to pay for my first month
Actually had fun. But I sure wasn't gonna pay for end game grinding crap.
sounds like shit
>played it for a month and completed all content up to Stormblood
>a month
nice bullshit m8
The only MMOs I enjoy are unique ones.
Planetside, Space Cowboys Online/Ace Online, EVE Online
>start in town
>walk outside
anybody want to cum between her titties?
Nothing, because the XIV offices are empty and they are looking to hire people in every position.
But it's not bullshit. You can complete all of that in a month. All the content after 2.0 is so fucking bad that most people quit out of boredom or annoyance. But it is possible to do.
people only play this over WoW because they are weebs right?
Some people don't care about Warcraft Lore, but do about dumb FF bullshit. It only goes so far though.
The raids are unarguably better, everything else is worse
t. someone who plays both and isn't a weeb
4 whole bosses lmao 2 of which are ALWAYS a joke, nice meme
I just don't understand how people like this kind of game. I tried FFXIV and it was like 90% running around to do a boring as fuck fetch quest. Combat is just pressing buttons in the right order.
All the old players seem to only use the game as a chat room.
Same. Lewdfags are a mystery to me.
Are you implying the first 75% of WoW raids aren't a literal joke
They shouldn't even be bosses, they have 1 mechanic at most
Should I play this or the tortanic?
I never played WoW because I saw how it was ruining all my friends lives. For almost four years, its all they did 24/7 and I didn't want to become like them.
Another friend years later suckered me into playing FFXIV. I tried it and got addicted. Genuinely love the world design, music, combat and owning huge monsters as a lalafell. However, the story and characters were laughably bad (just like most FF games). Still, the other stuff kept me interested. But when I reached the "end game", I saw it was just the same gear grinding as WoW. And I quit the game. Thankfully I never got addicted like all my WoW buddies did.
did they add Stormblood relics yet?
they did today!
t. never done a mythic raid
ill take 40 raid bosses in an expansion over the 12 ff14 gets any day, on top of actual good systems like mythic+
WoW just always looked ugly to me
>caring about mounts
>fucking EVER
Where do you even ride it? Everything worth doing is instanced.
I'd rather play an MMO where there's more to content than just repetitive raids.
ff14 is incredibly oxymoron
I've never played an MMO because I know that's how I'll end up. I played like 4200 hours of Jedi Knight Academy in my teens because I joined a clan and got involved. If I can get that addicted to a fucking game like that there was no way I was trying something as addictive as WoW. I threw away my teenage years as it was.
You just described the early-mid game of most MMOs.
>All the old players seem to only use the game as a chat room.
Oh god did they put you in the novice chat?
I wanna stick my dick through the butt window on her waist cape.
I put it to you that there are really no "fun" FF games. They're all mediocre or worse.
They did and it's fucking worse than ever. i355 for 400 crystals, just for the weapon. 1200 total for the whole set of armor. Have fun grinding 100 exp from bears for 10 hours a day to get to level 20 so you can actually get crystals at a steady clip.
>cant even play on the server my friends are on
>roll mateus
>XP boost at the time lets me just level via MSQ which was neat
>get about 3/4ths through the main quest of Heavensward and burn out anyway
should have just made an ivalice MMO desu, viera when
Basically EverQuest.
Grind, grind, grind, grind.
1 in 20 mobs will drop items.
Groups are required to take on more than a few solo mobs.
Mob "camps" can only support 1-2 groups.
"Boss" mobs are always in the tallest tower, or the lowest dungeon.
Maps are for mental memory. Maps are also typically maze-esque. No in game map. Can reference in a browser if you need.
Mobs follow until zone ends. Short agro ranges for enemies.
End game quests. That literally take months to do.
PVP is a mess. Nobody knows how to counter because nobody has the time to play all classes in pvp setting. Just chaos as pvp was meant to be.
Factional pvp in all areas. Player based city invasions and camping.
Travelling across the realms takes time. One end to the other should take about 2 hours on foot. Class limited teleportation. Boats. No mounts (until very end game).
15+ classes.
15+ races
High fantasy.
Skill, knowledge of environment and free radicals actually matter.
Stuff like that.
>ilvl 355 reward
ill pass square
And in 3 months, the weapons will be obsolete. And you can still beat end game content with just the crap you get in raids. Why don't you guys ever learn?
Are they really just current AF weapons with glows? got my HW relic at 275 and I'm a little sad I can't recycle it. But I want to continue relic progression as well, if they introduce new models later.
>Minfilia just gets turned into a interdimensional space hippie because of off-screen handwave aether explosion
I hate this stupid game. I feel obligated to do this mundane Eureka grind now since I recently resubbed. 4 hours to get to level 5. Really Yoshi. And how many crystals do we need for the final weapon of this stage, 1300? I have 54.
>that scene were Goldbert tells worst princess why socialism is fucking retarded.
For such a shit story, this game has some great moments.
Yes. It's like they put in the animated step in 3.0 5 fucking months too late.
>I feel obligated to do this mundane Eureka grind now since I recently resubbed
break the cycle
o I am laffin
The delusions that casuals get.
Unfortunate, but I suppose I'll do it anyway. There's no upgrade past 355 either on release? I already have my 360 welfare because I couldn't get on the raid train and it's too late now.
around 5300 for fully upgraded set, now multiply that per each 70 you want to gear with Relics and then proceed to kill yourself or leave this game forever
355 IS the upgrade. It starts at 335.
I'm much better than how I was a year ago. I would play pretty much all day everyday
Isn't the entire mythic system just increasing damage and hp values on enemies
At least in 14 when something says (hard) they added new mechanics, new enemies, and changed up the window dressing