What's vidya that most conveys going on a great quest across a vast world?

What's vidya that most conveys going on a great quest across a vast world?

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Dragon Quest

Holy shit this painting is beautiful, why don't more modern artists do stuff like this?

>tfw WoT goes to shit just a few books in
Still haven't gone back to the series and finished it since Jordan died because those last couple books he wrote just bored me to tears. WoT was pretty generic and ripped off of better fantasy novels but god damn if it wasn't a comfy series to get into. Shame he couldn't figure out how to end it.
Heard Moiraine hooks up with Thom in the end, exactly where the fuck did that came from? Retarded if true.

Dark Souls and Final Fantasy 9


Its from a robert jordan book

Now that I'm old to enough to appreciate this game, my GameCube doesn't work.

any games on the 360?

Because fancy paintings of fantasy world dont put food on the table. Furry porn does.

you know the answer already

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So? An artist had to paint that in the first place.
I'm talking about the stylization though.

Jak and daxter tpl did it pretty well, at the end of the game at the final boss platform you can look back and see most of the areas you've been to.

She does. She alludes that her and Thom were banging and the others weren't observant enough to notice. Something like that anyway

Not that any of the other relationships in the books were really any good but that one stands out.

You know what amazes me is that if developers started making huge worlds to explorer people will start complaining about them being empty

Witcher 3 the amount of stuff to see and do is ridiculous.

The original Dragon Age

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ARE WE HAVING A WHEEL OF TIME THREAD RIGHT NOW?! To answer the question though, none of them, Witcher 3 maybe? I'd also argue that most jrpgs do but I'm not sure if you want open world or not.

I'm not sure if it counts as vast, but this is a top tier opinion unless you're too pleb to accept the combat.

Also semirelated there is a wot video game built on the unreal engine. It's a somewhat decent shooter.

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Never played a Jak and Daxter game, but now I'm interested since I love that type of shit. Reminds me of Mario Sunshine in how you can see the other levels in the distance in whichever level you're in

literally every MMO before they get too popular and casualized to sustain profits

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Tales of Vesperia

thank you :)

>put that much effort into the water
>bow doesn't make any waves
>stern doesn't leave any wake
>water doesn't even react to the boats being in it

Ultima VII

