Thx for the ps+, I finally discovered the most KINO boss fight in gaming history

thx for the ps+, I finally discovered the most KINO boss fight in gaming history.

literally nothing ever came close to this. based fucking kino

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Close, Orphan is better.

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>only blood borne is “free”
>not even old hunters
>jut base blood borne
You underestimate Sony’d Jewry

chalice dungeons are more kino

Its on sale for $5

What does KINO mean?

This isn't a troll post

That’s how they get you, isn’t it. The base is free but you gotta buy the add ons.

>I finally discovered the most KINO boss fight in gaming history
Umm sweetie, buy the DLC and try again :)

The music in this fight is absolutely beautiful

>We are born of the blood.

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Well I bought both the game and DLC last year and enjoyed every minute of it so I don't really feel like they "got me" or anything.

Top tier essentially.

This game is easily one of the best fucking games ever made.

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Bloodborne is a masterpiece.

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What did Willem even do after Laurence left? Just sit under the moon being stupid?

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made MEN by the blood

This reminds me that I discovered the Souls games when Demon's Souls was given away on PS Plus. Now a whole new generation of friends are experiencing the same thing. Good shit.

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I'm so fucking sick of the buzzword.

Thank you.

It's FIVE fucking dollars you drone

I think kino is a great word to describe bloodborne though. I didn't even know the word until I fought ludwig and the word started popping into my brain.

The BB soundtrack is a work of art. The way the different sections kick in seamlessly is gorgeous. The First Hunter in particular is matched perfectly to the fight.

Holy fuck, the DLC is on sale? Hot damn has that ever happened? I mean, I already own it but if anyone doesn't, that's a steal.

It SHOULD have been free. Dragon’s Dogma was the Dark Arisen version when it was on Plus. Even Skeeping Dogs got the definitive version on Plus. This is just greed, especially for an old game:

can confirm dlc bosses are pushing my shit in but every moment away from maria is torture.

It's 6

He's the best character of any soulsborne game.

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The true power of autism.

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an old game but its aged like wine
and so far theres nothing thats come to offer a better experience fromwise

Thank you for reminding me to rev up my twinks.

If I wanted to do a SKL playthrough would I be better off going Bloodtinge or Arcane? I was thinking of using Blades of Mercy but I'd rather do Eileen's quest instead of just killing her. Anyone have any thoughts?


Think about this though.
>play blood borne on plus
>want the DLC
>have to buy it separate
>Sony got your money
>decide to buy DLC later
>plus has lapsed
>have to rebuy entire game all over again plus DLC
>Sony has your money
The entire thing stinks of a “first ones free” strategy and less of gesture of goodwill.

Pcfags seething that they missing out on such pure K I N O

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Just to let you know, arcane scaling only buffs the "shiny" Blades of Mercy attacks. I would consider going skill/blt because that would give you flexibility with the different modes for Chikage and the Bowblade. That said, both are still viable, just wanted to inform you about the BoM.

i own the game on disc but i not the dlc and i havent had ps+ for a year.
Now im thinking about buying the dlc but dont know wether i should renew psplus for a month or 3 months

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So Blades of Mercy are just a straight SKL item? I'll admit I wanted to use the Chikage and heard from a previous thread that SKL/BLT was the best way to go for that. I was also thinking about using the Burial Blade but to be honest I don't like the idea of having to beat the game first.

Do it whatever you want man, just make sure you get the best value.

Basically, yeah. You get a bonus from Arcane but its so minor that its not going to really be apparent on most moves. That said, if you do go skill I would go 15-18 arcane for hunter tools.

Burial Bladde is fucking awesome and you should absolutely use it because, guess what? Thanks to save editor you can grab the Uncanny Burial Blade in the depth 1 chalice dungeons! So all you have to do is beat BSB and get the Pthumeru Root chalice, and you're golden. Check out /bbg/ on /vg/ for the chalice code.

PC and PS4 fag bro.

Bloodborne is fantastic and while I do prefer the setting over Dark Souls (probably because we have had 4 medieval setting games and 1 Victorian/eldritch), I do prefer Dark Souls 3 for a couple of reasons.

>Armor means something
>More play styles and builds
>Checking every nook a cranny rewards interesting things and not just Ritual material in many cases.
>Way, way less likely to be hit stuned to death by multiple enemies. (Seriously, this is what makes Rom and Living Failures the worst boss fights in the game, despite also being stupid easy)
>No Blood-vial farming

If they put trick weapons in DS3, or had just more interesting weapons like they added in the DLC throughout the whole game; I wouldn't crave certain things from BB.

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He's not even the coolest hunter in Bloodborne.
Maria is way more badass.

I wish moon presence was a harder fight or had some sort of limit on it where you only get one chance to kill it or else you get a bad end. It's such a cool way to end the game but he's piss easy. I guess orphan made up for it though.

You're missing a point
Ritual materials are very important
And you don't really get hit stunned. In both rom and living failures, if you get hit you can dodge away and heal, you don't get stunned. They just do a lot of damage. Those are the two most patience needing fights in the game.
If you have to farm for blood vials, you're actually bad. They made it super easy in the dlc where you literally kill 1 enemy for 5 everytime, not to mention every fucking enemy drops about 3 or sometimes more.

>hit stuned to death by multiple enemies

When speed runs actually kill all the spiders first during the Rom fight. You know how bullshit this is.

Kinda gave me a Gwyn vibe where he's very intimidating, but at that point you're on your way to being the new god of the dream so you shred him like any other beast.

Its a shame because his blood magic attacks are pretty neat.

Well you fight him directly after gehrman, so chances are you don't have a lot of blood vials. He's not meant to be hard. Lore-wise, you're more powerful as you've consumed 3 umbilical cords

>people get to play one of the greatest games of all time for free

PS+ is a shadow of what it was, but they still do alright sometimes. You've just gotta be thrifty.

That's incredible. In that case I'll probably go full SKL then. I appreciate the help.

If you didn't have to farm blood vials or buy them with echoes during your first run, you're lying.

If LobosJr had to farm/buy blood vials during his first play through, then you did.

LOL, if you think that's kino get the DLC.

*Charges R2

This game is worth $400

Standard for Bloodsouls games. The last boss is supposed to be cinematic, not hard.

The exception for this is maybe Souls of Cinder who is definitely the hardest of the last bosses in the series, but he's still easy in comparison to a lot of other bosses.

So because some guy who does challenge runs had to, I had to? You don't know what you're talking about.

No problem, its always nice to let people know that because it really opens up a wealth of lategame weapons in their ideal gem forms, and it still seems relatively unknown on Sup Forums.


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Wow you figured it out man
Turns out Sony is a corporation that's in the business of making money
You should spread this secret with the world

seriously nigger it's 5 fucking dollars for one of the best expansions of all time to a game you should already fucking own by now if you have a PS4 stop bitching like you just uncovered some huge conspiracy

I bought them with left over echoes after leveling as much as I could. That's what you're supposed to do. Do this and you'll never run out.

That was your fault. You never run near Rom in her second phase when the spiders are alive. Never.

True facts: If you're going for a no-hit run, he's one of the hardest bosses in the game by a long shot.

What is this webm supposed to prove?
>Run in front of an enemy with a ranged attack that stuns while a boss is charging her huge fucking AOE attack
>trying to kill the baby spiders instead of just focusing on rom
This just outs you as a shitter even more

PC and PS4 fag here
Bloodborne blows Rehash Souls 3 out of the water minus the FPS.

Respectfully, it's too easy to be kino. Ludwig and orphan are both infinitely better.

That was all your fault, actually. Your spacing is horrendous and 2 shots to kill the spiders, really? Upgrade your shit or buff it.

First time replaying Bloodborne in years, but I don't know what weapon to use for my run. I'm a SKL fag normally, but my 3 playthrough character ended up at level 204 with a QUALITY build and Ludwig's Meme Sword. I'd go for the Rieterspchial or whatever the rapier is called, but that shit is all the way in Cainhurst. Other anons giving BB a flesh playthrough, are you guys trying out new weapons as well?

>One of the most experienced soulslike players had to farm/buy blood-vials, which is one of the biggest complaints about BB
>Don't know what I'm talking about

Bloodborne on PC would be glorious. I don't expect it to happen (at least any time soon) but it really is a shame that a game this fantastic has to suffer 30FPS and intense loading. Even with the technical flaws, it's in my top 10 all time.

>level 204
What the fuck, do you even have multiplayer activity at that point?

Anyways grab some stuff from the Hunter's Nightmare, Amy Arm is pretty fun. You can go strength/bloodtinge if you want to be super wacky.

PC community would be god awful, nobody wants to play with CE-abusing cunts.

>2 shots
Mate, it was 3-5 for me depending on weapon. Tricked +9 tonitrus, pizza cutter on my strv build, burial blade on my arcane/dex. It's never better to clear the adds in that fight, especially in the chalice version

They're both at the bottom anyway, so does it really matter?
Objective ranking, anyone who says otherwise is probably a fucking shitter who only played these each once and therefore doesn't understand why replay value and build variety are so important for an ARPG.

>You have to buy vials, this is a flaw of BB
Wow you're retarded. Did you even think about what you just posted?

Skill is the best offensive stat by far because it influences visceral attack power. Still better to pair with another stat, though. STR+SKL, BT+SKL, and ARC+SKL are all powerful in their own ways, but skill is a must.

I never saw other players at any level, and that's with ps+. I'll level wherever I damn well please, it's not like I'm summoning

What the fuck, do you have ANY gems? How are you dealing so little? One swing is all it has ever taken me on any of my builds.

>What the fuck, do you even have multiplayer activity at that point?
Not him, but my first play I hit ~160 and only made it through NG+

There's only like 6 stats, and you ignore 2 of them most of the time, every build winds up the same with the only major difference being your weapon and cosmetic armor.

Eat shit.

BB > DeS > DaS > DaS2 > DaS3.

I just never level beyond 98, there's so little reason to at that point and I like to invade/coop. To each their own, I guess.

>SKL is a must
If you're not going arcane its one of three, maybe four stats you have to pump, not like there's anything else to dump points into.

Normally it's 3 18-25% gems but it did depend on which build. Not sure how you're doing so much damage if you're not crazily over leveled, desu

You shouldn't have to buy the DLC all over again

I don't know what to tell you, user. I last hit Rom on my str/arc twink, bl 41. one hit was all it took.

You are hitting them from behind, right? Their heads blocks your damage. I'm genuinely confused at how you're doing so little.

>What the fuck, do you even have multiplayer activity at that point?
I stopped bothering with PvP past level 90, and only busted him out to help out friends with boss fights. He also has a passable Korean Passport for the Ludwig Meme Sword+10 and Beasthunter Saif+10, and then I finally got around to platinuming the game once I was done with the paperwork. NG+ literally only took me an hour and some change, and NG++ was even faster, since I didn't accidentally waste time fighting Amy.

I'd use the bow blade or chikage, but they're literally at the end of the DLC because fuck fun.

BB is too short, has shit character-building and build variety, bad PVP/co-op, annoying padding in the form of chalice dungeons and next to no weapons or armor. Replay value isn't too high, unlike the other games, due mostly to how poor the character-building is and its linearity (though not as linear as DS3, which I'd say is still worse.)

Its a good game, but it felt more like a slow action game with some RPG elements than an actual ARPG.

Haha objectively wrong.

>bad PVP/coop
This is such a dumb opinion. I can understand disliking the bell system, but the actual multiplayer is fantastic.

Nah, objectively correct, unless you're one of those kino shitposters who only plays the games once

Nah. I haven't seen worse taste than this post 2bh.

It is a flaw
If you run out of blood vials and die, now you have no blood vials and no echoes to buy more with.

Your literal only option is to try and progress with great risk and retrieve your echoes to buy more (echoes you could spend on levels), or go farm vials/echoes from weaker mobs.

>inb4 someone makes the original "git gud" argument that started this in the first place.

>People say that Bloodborne is a masterpiece
>But Chalice Dungeons and blood gem farming exists
Man, I absolutely love Bloodborne, don't get me wrong for a second, but fuck.

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bad bait

>the game punishes me for literally burning all my resources and having no coldblood and now I have to actually find some blood vials, this is a flaw
You are retarded.

You don't have to farm gems, and also depth 5 dungeons are pretty fun. They could be a lot better but as side content its pretty nice to have some endgame levels to coop.

Chalice dungeons had a lot of potential, and blood gems would be a lot less cancerous with a bit of streamlining. But holy shit even for my new characters I do not bother with Korean passports. I'll just take the gems the base game gives me, fuck that shit.


Then why are all the most popular PvP builds 50 STR and almost no SKL investment?

The winter lanterns in Hamlet drop amazing gems anyways, so that's pretty nice.

>too short
Pretty much the same length as any other Souls game.
>build variety
Agreed. This is the weakest aspect of the game. Every build is VIT, SKL, and one other offense stat because END is shit and there's nothing else.
It's always been bad. I agree it's slightly worse than normal, but comparing poop to shit is trivial.
>Chalice Dungeons
They're very flawed, but I actually kind of like them. Not the randomization, but the fixed ones. I wish they were refined further and just made part of the main game, but I still like them.
>no weapons or armor
Fixed in DLC
>Replay value
If the game wasn't so god damn fun to play, I'd agree, but based on enjoyment of gameplay and player feedback alone, I can't stop playing. Pair that with the fascinating world-building and atmosphere, and I've spent more time with this than any other Souls game.

How can someone delude themselves this much? It's almost sad.

>That one room in Isz
You know the one.
Also, my biggest problem with Chalice Dungeons is that weapons like the Beast Claws and fucking awesome bosses are locked behind them.

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Because PvP fags are retarded.

How soon can you get into the DLC? I want to do a Beast Cutter run.

If ya gonna do a BoM playthrough I highly recommend never levelling VIT so you're full glass cannon. It's the most fun I've had with the game and is now my default playstyle.

Once again, you're literally spending leveling up resources on fucking blood vials. It has been statistically proven it's quicker to go farm blood vials off mobs in Yharnam, than it is to buy them with echoes up until near Mergos loft where you can farm the pigs.