Name a better remake

Name a better remake.

Protip: You can't.

Attached: wonder boy dragons trap.jpg (800x800, 221K)

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It is fun to just push the retro button and go old timey just like that.

Attached: Wonder-Boy-Dragons-Trap-Retro-Feature.jpg (600x338, 86K)

I want to marry Hu-Girl.

Wished they did this 1:1 remake to the Mega Man series.

I'd always put the retro filters up all the way just for that extra touch.

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but maybe that's just me.

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Best song?

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the porn is great

There's no such thing as a good video game remake.

Poor lizard, the only thing he can do is never important.

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No it's not, it's all furfaggotry.

Then wtf is OP?

Eh, not really.
It's a really fucking enhanced arrangement with a few extras, but they barely changed anything from the original save for bugfixes and convenience of the Thunder Sword/Ring. Even most of the tricks and passwords still work, and even the drop rates and secrets are 1:1.

Still cool though.

Nice try.

Attached: Resident-evil-remake-cover-art-gamecube-box.jpg (1536x2174, 486K)

Well, changing things in a remake tends to annoy people, so one could argue that a good remake is a perfect 1:1 remake.

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It's more a remake than a remaster. They didn't just update the sprites or upscaled the resolution/framerate, they added frames to the animation and had a complete orchestrated soundtrack.

fun, isn't it?

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Loved the game, wished more games got the same treatment. In fact I only trust LizardCube to do them. Mega Man when?

So when are they making a new wonder boy?
It's coming soon, right?

>Natural ranged attack

Right here.

Yeah, this probably has you beat OP. Not that Dragon's Trap is bad or anything, but REmake was literally perfect

>that mattering when Boomerangs exist

Its not developed by the same studio though, the art style is worse than this one

coming along nicely, it seems.

Attached: 3_PackShot_preorder_double.png (1920x1080, 1.8M)

It's not bad though, don't be picky. They even updated from tween animation to frame by frame.

What type?

It’s pretty cool, one of the only games I’ve bought at release price in a while. For some reason doesn’t seem to get that much visibility on Steam or GOG.


>no hu-girl

This is why we can't have nice things.
The Monster World franchise is going to end right here. Say goodbye because you'll never see her or something like her again.

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Is it really a cool shape?

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It looks pretty cool to me. It is a new entry to the series, not a remake.

Attached: Monster_Boy_Switch_1.jpg (1920x1080, 1.25M)

Bionic Commando Rearmed
Metroid Zero Mission
Pokemon HG/SS

>updated from tween animation to frame by frame hand drawn animation
Fucking hell, who does this shit? Give the studio some fucking credit.

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Nigga, you're gonna have to be more specific. They've literally gone through 5 fucking character styles before release.

Adventure Island was here.

Wonder Boy a shit.

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A fucking tiny french studio, apparently.
Link related was the first time they put "effort" into a game. Keep in mind this was 8 years ago.

Wonder Boy in Monster Land remake when?

But they're both pretty good.

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I am sure the art asset are high quality and well made but it looks pretty jarring compared to lizardcube's.
The new game does not have that cutesy and intentional inky art style which I like.

Who knows. I actually trust the Korean studio who did the remake of WB1 ever since they did that huge patch to update their game from FUCKING SHIT-tier to "Hey, this is actually solid"-tier. I wouldn't mind them, Bock's crew, or The Game Atelier, but I think realistically, the korean team is the only one who would be up for it, because the other two are burnt out at this point (Bock even said he'd want to wait at least a little while before touching Wonder Boy again).

Nigga, lizardcube's art is jarring compared to the original sprites and artwork. Everybody has their own fucking take on it.

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It reminds me of Maplestory, which is cute and colorful. Your standard is too expensive for something as obscure as the Monster World franchise, which will cause it to die. They could've just left it at tween animations and call it a day but they actually put the fucking effort in and you're going to spit on their faces.

I pirated it and now want the Switch physical version to support it, but damn this is kinda pricey, they really gotta charge twice as much for physical?

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Remake doesn't imply that the experience has changed, in fact most remakes try not to do that. It's a remake where the goal was to be as accurate to the original as possible, which is why they didn't change how any of the underlying systems work, just covered it in a new coat of paint. Remake only means that the game was recreated from the ground up, which it was. Remaster means same game/engine/software ported up, typically just rendered in a higher resolution.

Fair enough, I am still gonna give the new game a chance provided the gameplay is good

That depends on what they do with the remake. Zero Mission they made it so it's like Super/Fusion and added some new shit.

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Switch cartridges are expensive.

Good on you user. $40 is like charity to them.

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I think that's just the price switch games have to be physical.
They do try to throw in some trinkets to make up for it.

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Half asleep here but i must say this and the original are some of the best games of all time

>Original Soundtrack
This makes me want it even less

May pick it up after buy a switch. Worth it?

It's some good fun.
And it's not too long unless you make the mistake of ending up in Japan without the Lion and wondering why it's so hard.

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NICALIS jews everybody.
I don't know why the fuck anybody would even talk to him.

Of course it's worth it. It's a must have for anyone who has any love or respect for video games, or has any kind of childhood. I never even played the original.

The trick is to just throw a keychain into the box, then it's okay to charge a bunch.

Attached: cave story physical.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

Does PS4 have the same bonus stuff ie keychain and revertible cover? Asking for a friend

it's better than nothing.

>tfw I did this myself the first time around on SMS
Pretty fucking funny in hindsight


Cool, added to the list right after TSA

I never played the original but I liked this. That Monsterboy game that is inspired by Wonderboy sure is taking its time to come out.


I can't fap to them because the dragons look like pigs

What are the downsides of + in comparison to Cave Story on Wii's VC? This is important

Apparently it's going to come out this summer.

Attached: Monster_Boy_Switch_3.jpg (1920x1080, 1.26M)

It's like $40 when the Wii is like $10?

I instantly knew this game was french and after looking it up yes it is
someone smarter than me could probably summarize why french cartoons look all the same. it's unsettling

>Changing what was a pretty unique art style to generic anime trash
Into the trash it goes. what a waste :(

It's wonder boy, it's thing was always that it was really different every game.


>not liking the Maplestory art style
Into the trash (You) go.

It's good, but it doesn't change the gameplay from the original game, which a remake should improve upon. The art and being able to switch to retro mode on the fly are top-tier though. Since the best remake was already posted here it should be noted that the best remakes are ones that improve upon the original, but change enough things such that it is still worth it to play the original and the remake. The Lunar series is a good example of this, since both the originals and remakes have their own strengths. Very few things are as satisfying in playing vidya than playing a good remake.

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>doesn't change the gameplay from the original game
Do you even know what you're saying? REmake doesn't change the gameplay either. Why fix what isn't broken? You wouldn't be able to switch back and forth from retro mode if the gameplay isn't 1:1. If the game is already great, there wouldn't be any need to "improve upon."

The art looks fine, but the game itself looks pretty boring and rote.

Well, it is an old retro game.

Maybe gameplay was the wrong word to use, but plenty of things were changed in REmake, such as zombie disposal and the layout of the mansion to name a few things.

I didn't get the keychain and bag in my version.

That's still minor in terms of scale.

Shit, really? I almost checked out. Welp bullet dodged

It's kind of an old game, so it is fairly simple.
It's charm is mostly in its transformation mechanic.
It gives it a kind of mini metroidvania loop where you get cursed into a new form and then try to figure out where you can now get to with your new powers.

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Looks like it was a FUCKING GAMESTOP preorder exclusive. I like the game though and it does come with the full soundtrack.

Ah, fair enough. Well the art does look charming.

Hah, I just realized this game clearly panders to furfags with transformation fetish
Im thankful for those porn art tho