What did he mean by this?
Let's talk about the recently-released and highly successful video game Vermintide 2
Vermintide 2
It's a great game, I hope their DLC is at an equally level of greatness and that they add sweet new weapons, characters, careers, maps, and enemies.
>play veteran, know one so i have to quickplay
>party gets fucking destroyed at first horde every single time regardless of my best efforts
>continue, hoping i'll find someone good against all odds
>find a dude
>we do amazing together
>two missions, 3 tomes and grimoires, finish them with barely a scratch
>ask him if i can add him, says yes, add him and log off
he still hasn't accepted me
>been stuck with a trinket with 106 power because it has really good curse resist and revive speed which are both great to have
>been trying to reroll the properties of my highest level trinket (176) so it can have good curse resist/revive speed but no luck
Run zealot with no curse resist for awhile then. Might do better to wait til 200 power items to start rollin, chances are you'll find what you want out of a box.
Alright, Waystalker is pretty fun/easy to play. It contributes often if you're not purposefully trying to be a shitter. Handmaiden took me a minute to get the hang of, but the stamina buff puts in the work.
But for the life of me I just cannot see why anyone would opt for Shade. It's a huge pain in the dick to get behind anything that isn't a boss, especially amid all the usual chaos that's going on.
So what does handmaiden do exactly? Move around to dodge attacks and use her F to? And what does the hagbane do? It doesn't pen armor so stuff like chaos warriors don't seem to take the poison damage in that case. Does it nuke unarmed bosses like chaos span/bile troll?
Handmaiden is fun.
I don't know much about shade but according to what people have said she's essentially made to destroy bosses.
>So what does handmaiden do exactly?
Get/give mad stamina regen and you can build around stamina. I play as her and I can tank hordes and rat ogres with no problem.
I use my F when I fuck up and need to get out, or when there's someone getting raped by a brapleech or hookrat or whatever and I don't have any arrows.
I usually take Spear on Handmaiden, and a Longbow with decent ammo. Chill just a tad bit behind your team, and poke/swipe everything. Your push attack is an instant swipe, and pretty useful, especially since if you go for increase stamina regen, your block is almost always up.
Also she gives the team better stamina regeneration. Solid if you got a Iron Dwarf boy.
Oh also this >Longbow
Mostly everything else is worthless. With the longbow you can reliably snipe specials.
with an ironboi you are pretty much set for a legolas-gimli tier friendship
Do melee attacks count as friendly fire, or just ranged?
Oh gosh I hope the trait applies for every single crit. That would just give me a free 16% charge every blessed shot volley.
I dunno why you lads meme'd me with Handmaiden being worse than the other two.
I'm playing as her and I'm having a blast. Spear is fun as fuck, I have infinite stamina and I have a "press F if you fuck up" button.
Guess I'll get used to a fast recharging F that doesn't murder specials then, if the buff is really that strong.
>16% charge on an ultimate that barely does more damage than a normal attack
I think it's nice just to have more uptime on Locked and Loaded. Especially for boss fights.
What's the max crit you can get on a weapon and trinket? I have 6% on a weapon and 5% on my trinket. Also do crit bonuses granted by weapons still count even if you don't have the weapon equipped?
Better questions, do crit% stack?
pressing shift while the thing is highlighted gives you a range
no, weapon modifiers are local to that weapon only. crit chance stacks but its only worthwhile on high crit chance weapons. for example the elf has two 5% crit chance weapons, the spear and glaive, and two 30% crit chance weapons, the dual daggers and sword/dagger. stacking crit on a spear basically does nothing
if someone's having trouble finding decent vet groups, drop a link to your profile and i'll help you out. EU or east coast preferably, otherwise shit will lag like crazy.
>WHC is most aesthetic Saltzpyre class
>Is the least useful of the three classes
It hurts.
I feel you bro, im playing him on champ just to pity all the metafags. Atleast his hat is cool.
WHC passives are fine but the career skill is just dog shit
Do cosmetics and reds only drop in lege? Do deed boxes have % to drop them also? Googling only links to leddit and steamforums which are about as helpful as reading sonic oc.
Plis resprond
Career specific cosmetics were a mistake. As soon as you unlock this shit you should be able to use it anywhere. At least the hats.
Any idea how much bonus dmg tagging gives with whc? The overly vague descriptions plague whc talents.
it doesn't, sadly. doesn't make BH any less useful, though.
Ah, I guess I'll just re-roll it then. What trait should I be looking for on a repeater?
They drop from champ and legend, but are exceptionally rare on champ. You can get them in any chest that has a power level of 300 and a certain rarity value.
that trait is awful now they destroyed it used to be 5% and its 2% of the REMAINING CD
its basically worthless you only get any use out of it after just using your ult
Deeds are beyond fucked. Deeds with shit like "more elites" and "elites have double health/damage" or anything combo'd with "power level is set to minimum and no talents or weapon stats" are pointless, as they're damn near impossible.
>want to purge heretics and ratmen as a cool, reserved witchhunter with blade and bullet
>have to play as a lawless bounty hunter to be actually useful
Who the fuck thought "increased crit chance for six seconds" was a good idea for an active
Ranged and bombs
*guaranteed crit chance AND a free shot. It's stupid how powerful it is.
So are there any weapon types that are leagues above anything else for each class?
Does the BH swap exploit still work?
>lawless bounty hunter
Bounty Hunting is a perfectly legal profession in the Empire. Saltzpyre bsically just takes it up as a hobby or part-time job after being demoted for asking too many questions about FILTHY R A T S
>Hosting Skittergate as Saltz BH
>Get to the point where we have to drop down into the big ice cave to go get the staff to activate the lift
>Lose my passives
>Don't have any of the icons for my recovering crit, nor my icon for free ammo
>Have to play the rest of the mission completely and utterly gimped
>Fail on the boss
>Same shit happens, lose my passives in the ice cave again
>Friend tries hosting
>Doesn't happen anymore
Weird as fuck glitch they need to fix ASAP
I mean, even as a bounty hunter old Salty isn't exactly lawless, there just isn't an order for him to report to anymore.
Thanks, any idea which boxes would drop them on champ, Just the emp? Or general aswell?
I was talking about the witch hunter captain's useless active, not the bounty hunter's broken passive. But yes you are correct
One of the most patrician weapons.
Skittergate has the highest density of bugs in the entire game, I would actually recommend just never playing it until it gets fixed.
The warhammer?
Apparently, we also had the boss phase behind the wooden ramp so we couldn't hit him but he could still toss lightning, had a gunner shooting us through the wooden gate, and when I lost my passives it showed I was completely unaffected by our grims but on the character portraits my friends still saw me with the HP curse.
So tilting.
>play with a streamer friend today
>he enables the twitch chat features
>proceed to get fucked continuously by his chat for three hours straight
this was a cool experience but jesus is this fucking unbalanced, especially when the chat really wants you dead
Being a chill Elf main is like having tourettes. I'm just trying to help my team in quick play, but my character keeps insulting all of my new friends.
The pinnacle of melee weapons?
>>party gets fucking destroyed at first horde every single time
How is this possible unless it's one of those nice Against the Grain early Hordes that send you a chaos horde + stormvermin pat + 2 chaos warriors + an assassin and grabber?
Hunter, if you're looking for more boss damage (more damage against same armor type after crit). Rightclick, then spam leftclick. You can also try to get a random crit with your normal shots and follow up with a guaranteed crit active, if you manage to time that properly. If you play on Champion/Legend, i can definitely recommend ammo traits as well. While there are a lot of armored enemys and you'll rarely use normal shots against them, there are still a TON of other normal specials, where you'll have to react quickly and use up ammo because you can't afford to charge up your rightclick.
Most of the time everyone plays against the grain
>hear all the reused voicelines from vermintide 1 and how a lot of them don't make sense for the new career paths in beta
>well surely they will add more on release
>release still has mostly reused voicelines and voicelines that don't mesh with the new career paths
My disappointment is immeasurable
>already fighting a boss
>the chat chooses to spawn a Chaos Spawn
the last game we did, his chat spawned three bosses at once
shit was crazy
Every single boss I have fought has in some way glitched out. Halescourge fell through the floor and died on his first teleport, manglr got stuck in his calling pose and didn't attack the rest of the fight, ribspreader fell over and kept doing death animations, and the bad rat himself never got on the skrrat ogre and just yelled spell names while we shot him.
>and the bad rat himself never got on the skrrat ogre and just yelled spell names while we shot him.
This happened to us too, the ogre kept jumping on and off the platform but he finally boarded him once we got the ogre down to 50% HP
Why? It used to be the easiest map, but they massively overbuffed it after Beta. The act 1 and act 2 first maps are way easier. I would say Hunger Bellow is also very easy but getting 2 grims is much harder.
>Halescourge fell through the floor and died on his first teleport
Sounds like heaven.
Am I crazy or is the mage 2nd career skill, Flaming Skull, way too strong? Any time special(s) spawn, just click it and they all die regardless or position, distance or line of sight. Overall damage of the mage 2nd career seems broken good, especially on bosses.
Literally could not care less about watching others play games, but i gotta admit that letting your followers affect the gameplay is kinda clever. Too bad 99% of the players will never experience that kind of shenigans tho.
It's really good and made even better by the fact that it has something like a 40 second cooldown.
>I was talking about the witch hunter captain's useless active,
Does it have a lvl 25 talent that makes it heal? If so you can combine it with temporary health on kill or crit talent to fully heal yourself every time it's ready.
>40 second cooldown.
I've seen it be used three times on the same boss fight almost back to back to back. It also staggers them out of anything they're doing, including forcing the Chaos Spawn to drop his target before a heal, etc...
It was, the whole team was nervous since we grabbed the grims, and then he doesn't appear for a long ass time and when he does he like misses the ground and dies.
He is still part of the order as a bountyhunter, but mentally he cut ties with them and uses the bounty for funding his ratmen genocide since he knows they wouldn't support him if he spoke out about it
>like playing Sienna
>worst voice in game
why me
>shittalking Sienna
Sienna is the most positive of the entire party, Without her encouraging comments the game would be just a little too grim
I like her voice too, she'd sounds like she'd be a good mother
>good mother
She spends all day around fire, what kind of voice do you think she'll have?
Sounds like she knows how to motivate
why must sword & shield suck so much
What weapon for shade keri? dual daggers?
This sounds an awful lot like heresy. Have you lost your zeal Witch Hunter?
Those or Sword&Dagger for maximum critrate
dual daggers are highest DPS, but sword+dagger is a bit better for hordes and armored enemies
Glaive melts every single enemy in the game, bosses too.
Woah, they made elf Glaive to actually cleave enemies. Feels great except for only two shields.
>tfw my Glaive have +2 stamina on it
In the last thread, or the one before that, someone posted a picture of a Slayer and he was wearing striped pants. Is that a cosmetic drop?
Just unlocked shield dorf earlier. Fuck me these unlimited ammo flare guns are sex. The hammer and shield are great too. I just wish his F charged faster - I keep having to chug concentration pots between horde fights.
Leddit upboated this this issue a ton, so they have to do something about it.
And seeing as there's some old lines where the subtitles don't match, I'm guessing they have them written out, just not voiced/implemented yet.
Wait until you get to slayer. The fun stuff is still ahead.
How do I stay alive as slayer? Get gud at dodging?
just play literally anything else please
>actually got kicked for being elf
>How do I stay alive as slayer?
You don't. That's the fun part. Don't listen to this fun-hating queer
Kill things before they hit you.
what is the class that is best to play while getting blindingly drunk
They're starting to listen. The day of the rope will come, knife-eared scum.
Dwarf (ironbreaker), Pretty easy choice that.
so does this game have some sort of character progression? I cant see myself wanting to play longer than a few days otherwise
>Foot Knight
>Charge through a horde
>End up behind them, alone
>Get my shit stomped on
>Can you can totally knock down boss for half a second!
>Play classic Kru
>Knock off hordes, and buff my team mates
Why would anyone play Foot Knight?
If you got kicked exclusively for being an elf then they were shitters to begin with. If you were kicked for something that could be considered retarded on top of being an elf, that's a different story.
You get the 3 defensive talents because the others are trash then take a two handed hammer and only switch to dual axe for when there is a boss/no horde.
You're hanging out at Taal's Horn Keep and this guy walks up and flails your GF's ass, what do you do?
The knockdown is useful for bosses, especially for breaking idiots out of chaos spawns grab