Holy shit, we have never once had a female guest character show up in a Soul Calibur game. That's weird, right?

Holy shit, we have never once had a female guest character show up in a Soul Calibur game. That's weird, right?

Angol Fear doesn't count, she was introduced in SC4 and didn't have a unique moveset.

Attached: soulcalibur6.jpg (1280x720, 209K)

Point being, if they were to change this in SC6, who would you expect the female guest to be?

Who would you want it to be?

what your gonna write a kotaku article about it with that heading?

That should be very obvious by how everyone was screaming 2B

Just a surprising observation.

I have no idea who that is.

I hope it is
>the massive potential of newfags drawn into the game because of it

It needs to be 2B

Attached: 1513269019583.jpg (1907x898, 282K)

I'd be happy with these two, but isn't Nier a Sony exclusive?

It's almost as if there's not that much in the way of setting appropriate female game leads, which is very disappointing.

There's always the nuclear option of using Saibah from Fate instead.

nope, its on pc as well. she deserves to be the universal character i hope. any one who gets her exclusively will be the definitive edition and people will be pissed

Well they used to do platform specific guest characters.

And no one likes that anymore

I just think it'd be unlikely that they'd put her into the XBox version of SC6 without even having the game on XBox.

I want linkle tbqh

Saber and 2B would be pretty great

>expecting a switch port

I don't even play the games
I just think she looks cute from the artwork and sfm ive seen

2B has already been in a couple games in Japan. Mostly mobile trash, but still.

Yeah, they'd never do that like that time they put Lloyd Irving in Soul Calibur Legends when Tales of Symphonia was never on the Wii. Oh wait.

I've never played Tales of Symphonia and I have no idea what Soul Calibur Legends is.

Long story short that's a stupid reason and there's no doubt that they genuinely don't give a fuck. They let Todd McFarlane create a character for SC2 because who gives a shit. If they want 2B in the game they're going to put her in the game.

Now that Geralt has wasted a character slot and UE4 fucked up the graphics why are you still hyped for this game?

Because it's been literally ten years since the last Soul Calibur game and it's one of my favorite series? I don't play it for graphics or guest characters.

>I don't play it for graphics or guest characters.
You also don't even play the game. SC5 came out in 2012.

SC4 came out in 2008????????

You need to go back to school and learn how to count.

I'm pretty sure the last SC came out ten years ago. I have no idea what you think came out in 2012 but it wasn't a SC game.

What about Ashlotte?

Attached: ashlotte1.jpg (621x357, 61K)

She's not a guest character and she doesn't have her own moveset. She's an Astaroth clone made by an outside artist for the game as a bonus inclusion.