Why is M$ trying to pander to people who don't even play games?

Why is M$ trying to pander to people who don't even play games?

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how about you read the article and not just the headline dipshit?

because they do, the majority of gamers are women

people will always be toxic online, it's just a matter of fact. the thing to do is to have clear warnings that say "people will be mean to you in this game"

but they don't play competitive multiplayer games

but i play games

why do companies always do this when they start collapsing?

or do they start collapsing because they have faggots who do this running them?


Because they alienated gamers with the horrifically bad Xbone launch and Don Mattricks retardation

Normies are the only audience they have now

That's what they used to do, warning online play was unrated because of this. What a time we live in

and this is why i left xbox and now i play on the ps4
used to be the biggest xbox and halo fanboy, i literally had 4 xbox 360 consoles and i did not care, wow i was retarded

now i am playing nier automata on my ps4 and loving, what an amazing game

Iris..!!!!. AAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUGH!!!!! This isn't happening!! There's no reason for me to go on!! WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOORRRR?!!?!?
Português Br:
Iris.... AAAAAUUUUUUGH!!! Isso não está acontecendo!! Não há razão para continuar!!! PARA O QUE ESTOU LUTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNDOOO!?!?!??!?!?!

What did he mean by this?

He means he played Megaman X4, most likely in a modchipped PS1 that he has to turn upside down or the thing refuses to read the disc.

Because like every money corporation they believe that literally every single person on the planet is a potential customer and so they set about removing perceived barriers to those customers.

Why do you think Windows 10 was given away for free?

>there will always be gays, furries, and degenerates, accept them!

Part of the problem is using the word """""""""""""""toxic""""""""""""""""" seriously at all, and making it sound like meanie language is PHYSICALLY DAMAGING to your health instead of something you can just mute

Why not? It's now like Xbox owners play games either.

Ah, the classic "Sup Forums hates furries" bait.

>whitoid males desperately trying to believe no one else exists except them

lmao. everyone plays games now. deal with it you fragile autistic fucks

>why is this company looking to expand their audience
I don't know, it's one of life's great mysteries
Maybe ask one of them fancy economolists

Who gives a shit, only underage Sup Forumstards get bothered by this.

dude, stop

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>nigger chimps out when some 13 year old squeaker reminds him of his genetic inferiority

99.99% of all gamers are female. Yup yup yup!

Focus groups are probably suggesting that pandering in this fashion will increase sales.

>90% of Sup Forums fits into at least one of these categories
What did he mean by this?

>Playing Farmville make you a gamer

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>can't even banter anymore without getting banned or muted
>can't spam emotes because its rude somehow
>can't teabag which is somehow rape now
What the FUCK happened

Women and fags.

>Nerfing a console with no games

Microsoft will be as dead in Sega by the next gen.

Because they do, and more of them play then people like you.

They're just clinging to something that's been happening a lot lately in a desperate attempt to stay relevant


Get a real job, faggot.

M$ is everything wrong with video games.
Prove me wrong.

You know what stops people from being toxic online?

Banning them if they are. People learn to stop being toxic real quick of doing so means you can't play your game.

>nightly gay furry husbando threads
Where do you think you are right now?

lol okay

Getting shit on is how you get included, everyone calls everyone the worst thing they can think of and nobody is left out.

>Ban your customers

Should go well.

>pay for game
>say word
>money stolen

sorry but this has always been illegal, look forward to the class actions lawsuits

Reminder that if you're over 18 and disagree with the article in OP, you need to grow the fuck up.

Didn't xbox JUST finish whining about sony doing this?

Are they going to defend Microsoft or not be hypocrites for once?

Because they failed to market Xbox One to anyone else, so they're trying for a new demographic.
We both know it'll probably fail, but that's obstently why they're doing it.

It does because it turns out idiots screaming racial slurs are a minority of customers and banning them improves the experience enough that more people sign on.

There is such a thing as a bad customer.


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You pay Microsoft to use their online service. They don't have to take your money and can decide to ban you from using their servers.

So what did I pay for?

Enjoy telling the judge you banned me and stole my money for """""hate speech"""""" faggot

You know microsoft will suspend you for using the word nigger in a private message to anyone

That's why you use N*****, retard

>He doesn't act like a 5 year old online, so he must be an SJW!
You people have some issues.

>Enjoy telling the judge you banned me and stole my money for """""hate speech"""""" faggot

And then the judge will go "They have the right to ban you from using your service you idiot" and throw out your case.

Do you really think the idea of a company banning a customer from their business is a new idea? One that hasn't been settled in law already!?

But they don't pander to Sup Forums


"using their service"


Answer my question kike: what did I pay for?

Kill yourself

Because Microsoft doesn't make games.

>haha I am so mature, drumpf small hands impeach

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You can't read dipshits, brainlet.

>censoring yourself
your fucking stupid

Because that specific subset of people that play games while screaming nigger over and over are literally a barrier for entry to new players. And companies are starting to realise that.
The feelings of oversensitive nerds who want to insult strangers > money, every time

Microsoft has always pandered to normalfags. Always. Even OG XBox had a lot of marketing material aimed at being the cool kid on the block so dudebros were courted as a demographic.

>pay for game
>say word
>money stolen

it's that simple. you are defending this.

I hope right to censor pays well.

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my gf doesn't even play farmville she plays hempire

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oh fr*ck off

It LITERALLY can't get me banned

You paid to use Microsoft's online infrastructure to play video games online with other people.

Since Microsoft owns the infrastructure they can desire they don't want your racist ass on their service and ban you.

Since being a screaming Sup Forumstard is not a protected class like race, gender, sexuality, or religion, banning you for being a screaming Sup Forumstard is perfectly withing Microsoft's rights.

>The feelings of oversensitive nerds who want to insult strangers > money, every time

the literal STATE of leftypol lmao

You paid into a contract to use a product or service provided you adhere to the rules provided in said contract.
Sounds like you need to do a little research into what you're actually buying.

Because they don't make any videogames user....

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So you're a moron.

The game isn't taken, your ability to play online is canceled.


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You have no clue about who I am at all. It's not at all relevant to the thread, and I don't live in the US so I can't vote, but I would have voted for Trump anyway because he sounded like a far better option than Hillary.


>While previously it would seem that Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Snap Chat were the private property of their owners, now they have been declared “the modern public square” by the Supreme Court. A public square is by nature not private property. Thus, legally speaking, perhaps neither Facebook nor Twitter has the right to ban Americans from their services, though that may be up for the courts to decide as this new body of law is interpreted.

even the demoturd SCOTS kike Ruth Ginsburg is motioning towards disagreeing with you

>muh eula

judge will throw it out when
>pay for game
>say word
>money stolen

is brought up

the entire product is on the online servers nowadays you fucking retard

I should've played farmville with my mom when she wanted me to.
I love you mommy.

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i hit a nerve lol

Do these people even know the term of "preaching to the choir"? Because that's what this shit is considering what and where DICE is, how is he urging when these are the people that would already be down with it?

You're an idiot.

That's saying the GOVERNMENT can't stop you from contacting people. Not private businesses stopping you from using their services.

You're a racist moron so I eagerly await the hilarious story about your lawsuit suing Microsoft for banning you for being a racist moron being thrown out.

Yes it can

Since fucking when can you not teabag people.

>I cant read
inbred ashkenazi genes acting up again lmao

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I'm genuinely confused by this statement.


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“Foreclosing access to social media altogether thus prevents users from engaging in the legitimate exercise of First Amendment rights.”

AKA: You can't be prevented from using social media in general. Nothing about individual services banning your idiot anti-semitic face.

Also, an online gaming service is not social media anyways.

>nonsensical reply
lmao sit down you whitoid bitchass. you're the ones crying and getting a mental breakdown every time a woman or nonwhite shows up in your screen. little white dicklets trying to be uppity lmao

How can it if im deliberately censoring myself?

Xbox Live is social media.
>friends lists
>private and public communication forms
>group functionalities

Any form of online communication is at least a facet of social media. Of course, it becomes worse when your money is stolen for legal speech. Even the kikiest sanfran judge won't agree with you here shlomostein.

back 2 wakanda

Someone can report you, and someone at microsoft will see the message then suspend you

it's perfect!
>Xbox has no games
>Xbox panders to people who don't play games

also just saying "i want an end to toxic behavior" won't really change anything without presenting a potential solution, but who am I kidding, this is the same guy that fucked the xbox launch and presentation

What if I just call someone a ******?

did you forget we live in a time period of hypersensitivity? it just takes an allegation. You don't even have to say shit and you can get that ass banned

Saying you want to an end to toxic behavior is basically like saying you want age restrictions on online games. I thought there was already something like this in place?

>it's right for giant far left tech corporations to ban you and steal money for saying "faggot" because it hurts my feelings
>but bake the cake though

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People have been suspended for just saying the word fuck in a party with friends

only reason Xboxone failed is because you fags got too excited about sony trolling every one with game tradin staying put.

literaly one meme video decided this generation. the ps4 sucks the xbone is superior in lineup and power and service however its ultimately shit because no one has one.

Toxicity isn't real, get over your hugbox, fucking lefties.

That was Don Mattrick. Spencer has been trying (and failing) to plug leaks in that sinking ship ever since.

League of legends started this trend

xbox wants to be an entertainment center, not a videogame console.

By games you mean mostly mobile microtransaction laden match three/four style games where the vast overwhelming majority of female "gamers" spend all their gaming time, after that you have sims style female gamers as the second largest group (not just sims, but like titles) and only a minority, an exception, playing games outside of those two predominantly female markets.

That dude dresses like a fucking teenager