Tfw you missed out

>tfw you missed out

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>tfw you broke yours

>tfw your cat knocked it off a shelf and shattered it

>tfw will never drink steaming piss like a supreme gentleman from a stella artois glass

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I bought one to drink water out of.

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They wouldn't deliver to Texas due to retarded liquor laws so I never could get one. I still have my free mousepads, though. One of them is a bit worn, however.

>Get a super fancy chalice after seeing this (missed out)
>Never use it because it's too fancy for my plebeian customs

>ordered two as gifts
>never arrived

Wonder how many people still have theirs.

Christ, how long ago was that? 2011? I still have my RIP AND TEAR one.

Stella Artois is the best beer prove me wrong

I worked in a casino for 4 years and handed those out like hotcakes
literally buy two stella cans and get one free in circus circus

funny to see people go ape shit over it tho

isn't stella artois the european version of budweiser? shit taste, desu.

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Mine broke in the mail, remembering just now was painful.

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>tfw still got mine after all these years
>manage to get 4 total and gave the rest away to friends and family
I only ever use mine for special occasions, I have a stein for everything else.

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what quote did you put on it?

>don't understand this meme

That's a glass for a porter or stout, not a fucking pils. Stella Artois is retarded.

The difference being that Sup Forums was getting them for free and with vidya-related quotes printed on them.

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I do
I've never used them

>No Gods
>No Kings
>Only Man

I really liked Bioshock at the the time so I just went with that. I'd post a picture but it's under lock and key to prevent assholes from breaking it.

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I do, I got some stupid cringy RPG bullshit on it.

You see, newfriend, Stella Artois had a promotion where if you bought some Stella Artois, then input a code from the packaging on their website you could get a free chalice. However, you could just type in a random string of numbers and achieve the same result. So a shit load of people exploited this and got free chalices.

Can you engrave mine with "loli piss"?

I can fill it with loli piss, is that good?

Attached: good_old_wakachangchang.jpg (480x480, 57K)

It's on par with budweiser. Stella is a scam.

I only got one of mine, and it's a retarded meme one instead of the "What is a man?" one I actually wanted

>That's a glass for
What kind of autist uses certain kind of containers for certain kind of beverages?

>never received mine
God damn

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I had budweiser once.Why does it taste like water?

liquor geeks
they're pretty fucking autistic

fresh glass, stale meme
but at least it's mine

Attached: virgin chalice.jpg (1000x750, 531K)

Because it's water.
>wanting what you're consuming to taste better is autistic

Yeah, alright. I'll take that title, then.

Nothing goes into making it. It's the cheapest beer you can buy in the US. It's mass produced very quickly using minimal ingredients.

I also enjoy severely beating any and all women that enter my life.

I've still got mine, I use it to drink Dr. Pepper sometimes. I had one extra that I gave to a friend but he broke his.