thoughts on Subnautica?
Thoughts on Subnautica?
i wish i could forget it and play it again, shit was fun
inb4 memes
only the first half of the game is good
exploring the ocean with the terrifying feeling of not knowing what's around the next bend is awesome
once you get the cyclops it just becomes a grindfest to go deeper and none of the monsters remain threatening
I'm going to need more lockers
Absolutely terrifying to me with my rampant thalassophobia.
la creatura....
exploring the lava zone without thermal power generator on the cyclops was tense as fuck, those little shits constantly draining the power, the worry that you'll be stranded down there, having to swim back or use the prawn suit, shit was terrifying
Massive wasted potential not doing coop
Probably achieved 1/4 of the sales it could have gotten
pretty fun but very limited replayability. Once I beat it I pretty much dropped it.
This x1000
It was incredible thinking that everywhere I was going could be super dangerous.
Exploring my first cave was intense but making it back to the surface with a bag full of previously rare materials was a great reward.
First time I saw a reefback I pussied out and swam back to the lifepod.
Planning out an expedition into jellyshroom cave and then executing it perfectly was amazing.
Getting tossed out of my seamoth by a reaper and then watching it play with my precious sub like a chew toy was absolutely terrifying.
Making a fully self sufficient base was relieving because I could fully focus on exploration.
But eventually I learned that literally nothing is dangerous if you're on a seaglide. And then I got the prawn and all sense of fear was gone.
Exploring lost river was still really fun and the leviathans in the lava zone brought the terror back for an hour or so. Story was interesting enough too, I was always hyped to find more recordings. I was just kind of sad when I beat it because I knew I could never experience it again like I did at the beginning.
Great game despite the technical flaws but it's only great for the first playthrough. I tried starting over about a month after finishing and put it back down after an hour.
Cool game. Was actually made by Sup Forums users.
It was? Remind me to stay the hell away from it then.
>jsw devs defending multikulti and rapefugees.
Torrented, seeding, probably won't even play it.
El goblino.
Don't read this if you haven't finished the game
can you actually see the children roaming around? I didn't stay long after freeing them and I regret it
it turns out you can just type any words you want in any order you want
Build a series of T-junction halls in a line with a singular straight hall off each side.
Fill the sides of each side hall with Wall-mounted lockers to maximize space.
Or if you want AESTHETIC, build a Multipurpose room below that room you're in and one below that and put a ladder for them at either end of that room.
>get stranded in the lava zone on hardcore
>would have died if I wasn't carrying the essentials to build a base
The protagonist is ugly, even for a nignog
I remember pre-release you could find them, they grew pretty fucking fast. Don't know if thats still the case though.
Yes, you can.
They're friendly I imagine? I'll have to play the game again at some point in the distant future, maybe with some self imposed restrictions
Didn't came to Sup Forums for a while, glad to see it became an autistic memeland
They are
Can you kill them? don't judge me
I didn't check, you monster.
it turns out you can't force your believes on others and get their money too.
Nobody here is telling you to buy the game, user. You are simply fabricating claims to further some argument you want to win, when all we want to do is discuss the game.
Good short experience, SJW devs and no replayability
I was going to buy this game, but then I heard about all the SJW dev bullshit. Completely lost interest. I'm beginning to think that maybe its not a good idea for game developers to even talk to their customers any longer. They can't seem to keep their shitty opinions (yes, opinions) to themselves, which end up hurting them in the long run.
I can't speak for others, but at least two of my friends, once they heard about the SJW stuff, also lost interest in the game and didn't/won't buy it. Of course the devs probably see this as a good thing. "We don't want you toxic white males buying or game! You're not allowed to use our product, REEEE!" Yeah, ok.
Now you're going to pretend I didn't post it?
>force your believes
No coop or no guns, no buy
Whoopdee-shit, now let's talk about the game.
I have no intent of defending the developers or claim you are wrong if that is what you are getting at.
Lmao @ user mad because he's getting cucked by refugees. Stay mad white boi
Hasn't subnautica sold quite well? Even without the support of huwhite males the devs aren't in the poorhouse.
Don't give a fuck about your personal problems, let's discuss the game.
>Go full Sup Forumstard on twitter
>get fired for it
Dude, calm down, ONE dev out of 20 is a raging retard. The real reason there's no guns is because the devs didn't want them in for gameplay reasons because it's not a game where you shoot shit to win. The head dev (the retard) went on his anti-gun tirade AFTER the rest of the devs explained the reason for no guns. And there's also over a dozen other ways to kill absolutely everything in the game aside from the Emperors. You people really need to look at ALL the information available to you before you knee-jerk jump to concolusions.
I think you're the one that needs to calm down. His post wasn't even cringe. Just a simple statement why he and his friends didn't buy the game. Yours on the other hand sure as hell is. I think you might need to go back to neogaf there, son.
The key to successful sub nautica threads is to NOT post his face
I haven't read through the thread yet but I hope you all understand by now that Subnautica is shit and all Subnautica threads should be converted to deep sea horror threads on sight.
Do not disappoint me, lads.
It's an empty-world survival game with no guns, no people, bad graphics about fumbling around on the ground looking for rocks and building a shitty base
>explain the facts
>"lol child go back cringe teehee!"
Is there a way to increase the VR Render Scale beyond 100 for this game? Lots of VR games have the option but not this for whatever reason. Maybe like an .ini or something.
I thought the graphics were pretty good. There were some annoying bugs but stuff like the Reapers look as scary as they're supposed to be.
>ONE dev out of 20 is a raging retard
>The head dev (the retard)
So the most important one, since he's the face of the game.
The sound design for just about all of the creatures really make them a hell of a lot more frightening. If the reaper and ghost screams weren't so harrowing to hear when you've got their attention, I don't think I'd be afraid of them at all. Just hearing that distant groaning roar of a reaper sets me more on edge than actually spotting one. Also the music when you get deeper can be fucking intense.
And the other devs pretty much ignored him when it came to his madness. He didn't want any way at all to harm anything in the game, they put in over a dozen ways to kill everything. They said no guns for gameplay reasons before he later cried about schools. Yeah it sucks that he's in charge but the game isn't some rampaging liberal demon devouring the right wing and raping the guns out of everyone's hands.
>go poltard on private twitter
>boss stalks my twitter and fires me from gamestop
>totally justified as i am not allowed to voice my opinions while a company owns me and my cunt
Go back to neogaf.
>use the fabricator to make a knife
>voiced dialogue from PDA about how the fabricator won't make guns because of a mass shooting that happened
Great game. Shame that the devs fell for the social justice meme though.
Are you going to actually discuss this matter in any way, or are you going to keep being a faggot?
I fucking hate this one, terrible design, hilariously incompetent AI, and the fire ball attack is wholly un frightening
>See someone joking about attack helicopter being a gender.
>Fire him .
>Call him Sup Forums to justify it.
My feelings are the opposite. Fight me.
One of these days a company will get sued and go under for stalking working staff private twitter accounts to fire them for voicing opinions
No no, he got fired over a hypothetical muslim because he said he'd treat them like anybody else instead of giving them special treatment for being lesser people.
Theres nothing to discuss since all you will do is side step actual discussion and apologize and make excuses for SJW behavior. Now go back to neogaf where you belong.
from my point of view it is the sea dragon leviathan that is incompetent
Pretty fun but I don't know what to do now that I got the seamoth and I'm tired of catching fish to keep up my hunger and thirst.
this is my first post in this thread
you need to shut the fuuuck up you autistic faggot
You should be a gigantic man baby like me who has violent flight-or-fight reactions to fear and be spooked by leviathans regardless of how many times I've clawed them to death.
>all you will do is side step actual discussion
I wasn't aware informing people of the actual facts = "not actual discussion.
>and apologize and make excuses for SJW behavior
Please point out where I ever said that. 19 devs ignored the one retard and put in ways to kill shit, guns aren't in for gameplay reasons, those are facts, why does it make you this upset?
Follow the radio
Post bases
It just makes me depressed that it's 2018 and human kind still has not colonized the oceans.
Why'd you kill him? I like to watch him wander around from the comfiness of my bedroom desk.
I thought it was stupid until I thought I snuck by it in my cyclops only to turn my conning tower camera around and see that it had been following me silently the entire time.
It immediately attacked
Doing anything underwater is far more difficult and dangerous than working in space.
Ah, I see another man of taste is here.
I put my base on top of the bridge though
because if you aggro him he'll eventually follow you back to your base and just be outside being an asshole whenever you want to come and go.
Counter-intuitively, it's also much less expensive
I was going to leave him be, but the screaming is horrifying and he was in aggro range.
>that feel when you've beaten the game and launched the Neptune but didn't know you could build two-story bases
muh guns
This is not neogaf. This is Sup Forums. I think you are confused.
Here's your last (You).
Sup Forums would be better if it was neogaf, and I won't go back there until this place has been transformed.
>Sup Forums would be better if it was neogaf
the ((((truth)))) always comes out
>that feel when that feel
that feel when the feel is causing feels and the feels are making it hurt causing more feels to feel...
Its so easy to spot a neogaffer. They're so retarded that they stand out like the sick and diseased degenerates that they are. The fact that they sit around spamming that refresh button means they're absolutely obsessed.
pretty much sum up my experience. I got lucky with base placement. It was the near the entrance of giant cove tree which made my life a tad bit easier.
I would've probably enjoyed this game but you know there's this jewish conspiracy to commit genocide on the white race and what they do is wage a culture war where media like video games are used to brainwash people into accepting values like tolerance and equality with the purpose of making them too weak to resist their own demise. So anyway one of the people making this game was apparently working for ((them)) and so I unfortunately can't play this game.
>Sup Forums in the white house
what a frightening perspective
you got outed already, but you really should be working on better material regardless
Actually quite good. Well designed and polished throughout. Art and sound design are incredible. There are some significant pop-in issues no matter how good your PC is, though not enough to get in the way of enjoying the game. The whole political/firing the sound guy thing is a shame, but the lack of guns works great and they're not being anti-gun in game - in fact it's addressed rather humorously. I'm no SJW so I'm happy to play games made by them as long as they're good. And this is. A downside is that the replay value is fairly low due to exploration and discovery being such a core part of the game.
babies first false flag
it was indeed. I am waiting for the DLC to play the games again. it was such an experience.
Easily my fav game that released this year. Thank god i didn't play the early access though.
Of course it's easy to spot us, we're going to crush you eventually. It's only a matter of time before Hiro sells out to resetera and bans toxicity and language like n*gg*r and f*gg*t.
Ah, Leftypol, another member of our victorious coalition.
I wish Natural Selection 2 wasn't dead
>they're not being anti-gun in game
There's a voice clip that tells you there are no guns in the game because of space sandy hook. It is pretty direct.
After a certain point you just have to wonder, is 'fishing for (you)s' anything more than the modern excuse for an attention whore?
Is dis nigger for serious?
Because of a massacre, not because of a school shooting.
The voice clip wasn't referring to a civilian shooting, but an uprising (presumably against corporate overlords). It makes sense in game since future humanity seems to be largely controlled by corporations.