Resident Evil 2 Remake Plans and Some information

I thought I'd let this "slip" since this game has been long time due a preview. I have two sources one which I can say is reliable the other one very likely in my eyes has some out of date information due to their status.
In this case this will be mostly paraphrased, but its to get the message across for what has happened so obviously some stuff is true or just outdated.

So to begin with I was informed with one major issue regarding the development of the remake which is that the initial build from a few months in was mostly scrapped. Apparently assets and resources were simply reused and updated but that many themes or new ideas from it had been completely erased. This was roughly from an 8 month build. While a lot of this is also simply just conceptual stuff the point is that it experienced huge changes between that build and what has been produced now.
The build being made previously was considered quite simply inappropriate for the franchise in regards to the changes it made.

I spent time putting this into words beforehand so grammar wasn't too horrible and so I could post quickly.
Now onto information regarding the build that is being fully developed as we speak.
(Next Post)

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Character designs:
Claire: Claire's design so far is based off of her design in the original game mostly accurate up till now. The upper body is identical to the original game on a design stand point. At the moment the largest change is her lowerbody, while her outfit remains the same her legs are now similar to Ada in the original game thus they are covered, however this change in her outfit is still not finalized due to some other designs in the game as well as a general agreement on Claire's looks not being met.
Her face has went through many changes, with the team having strong mixed feelings as to her physical appearance, she has currently had multiple faces produced for the game and at the moment is the only character that the team have had many struggles with. The team are very divided on what her physical looks should be.
Very early on they scrapped a face scan realistic approach (this applied to all characters) then were divided as to if her face in RECVX was her true representation or if they should approach her appearance with Revelations 2 in mind albeit more youthful due to being a more realistic Claire.
Resident Evil Degeneration has also been considered among the team, many believing it to be the successor to RECVX visually when it comes to Claire's physical looks.

Leon: Leon has had next to no disputes on his design, phyiscally and in attire. There is a huge focus on the creases on his clothes, and the fabric. They want his outfit to feel very real and specifically for him to match it. Due to the way his outfit is formed he has had a little more focus put on his clothes than the other characters especially due to the sewer sequence, the aim is to have his clothes get wet and make them change physically after being in water.

There was a debate over mistake in his original model in RE2 and weather to keep a certain level of accuracy based on the strap on his leg. Due to the way Leon holds his gun it is actually a misplaced part of the design. Thus it was decided to keep in consistancy with Leon's other modern depictions such as in ORC where his strap was corrected. Meaning it will be a correctly placed holster now.
Leon physically has been based on his inventory illustration in the original game merged with his in game model but made realistically. A new illustration has been produced to create what this would look like and his current model is based off of that physically. His hairstyle is entirely based off of his original appearance unlike the changes that were seen in RE4 onwards.

Sherry: Design wise Sherry is technically the same. I say technically because apparently there was a huge disagreement on her outfit from the original because it didn't look "American". Instead they are currently reusing an older unused design of Sherry however her original look has still been created meaning it will probably be an unlockable or it will be returned properly before the game is released. The main focus of Sherry has been based on her clothes and hair very akin to Leon.

Ada: There wasn't much I learnt about Ada except that physically she is based off of her RE4 depiction and sports her orginal attire. The only thing I did learn in particular is that apparently she has heavy makeup

This section is not entirely exciting as most of it is the same. Additional scenes for character development and in general more detail in the story.

Ada Wong is the biggest change, she now has her own scenario which gives insight on her motivations and some information regarding her backgraound as well as the obvious background scenes for when she is not present and her encounters with other characters.

Level design:
For the most part this is most comparable to the original remake. More puzzles, longer sections especially the city to compensate for the time spent in the police station.

Very much comparable classics including fixed camera angles, identical to the original which was the intention. New enemies have been introduced, boss fights have specific mechanics and a new herb type.
Zombies now have more abilities, if a Zombie grapples Claire or Leon a second one can also grapple on to them, this includes a third if its a crawling zombie. Three zombies is considered critical for a grab, two is considered dangerous. Grapples now have a fight back mechanic along with self defense items which are useless in a grapple with multiple zombies.
Some cutscenes have became interactive in terms of prompts. Randomizer mode has made a return as have most of the other modes from the past.
The game has the same inventory managment with the item box with the exception of the added interactions from RE0 also being present. Meaning the item box is useable as well as disposing of items when wanted. Some sections of the game will force a partner mechanic akin to RE0, while there aren't many of these they are present and they aren't purely between Claire and Leon, this includes things like Claire and Sherry or Ada and Leon. It was intended to have this game be a proper sequel in terms of gameplay.

Extra note:
Based on the success of RE2 there are plans for a remake of RE3.
The game is not in any stage of production at all apart from concepts and some writing. The game has a particular theme of choices and consequences followed by regret including different routes and escapes as well as the status of other characters being dead or alive. RE3 remake in its very early form at the moment is meant to be in support of the idea of variety of choice as well as taking a liberty on the writing and is meant to be a lot less linear and is so far intentionally meant to stray from the original story due featuring alternate escapes as part of the consequences and choices.

At the moment a rewrite that is planned is Rebecca to be the second playable character in RE3 by making her have a story in the city unlike Chris who is not present. Rebecca is a separate story from Jill entirely and will also play a part in who lives or dies. The theme of regret is meant to be strongly depicted in this game and choices between Jill and Rebecca could kill or save characters including the likes of Brad.

With RE3 the plan is for the remake timeline to takeover the spot of the Revelations spin off and keep the main series in production as it is. RE3 is not being developed whatsoever yet, these plans have all been made conceptually and are based on the idea that if RE2 Remake succeeds the series will continue this path.

That is absolutely all I have and some information may be outdated due to one of my sources.

Nice blog, faggot.

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I dont know what kind of feeling I have right now. Let's say Im hyped and conserned at the same time.

tl:dr stop lying faggot

to be fair its Sup Forums, everything is a grain of salt here

Wow really, is this le epic Sup Forums? OMG I only come here because I browse r/Sup Forums haha!!!! 4 Chan is so weird xD
Btw where is the up vote button?Thanks for the tldr xD

>when you're so starved for information on a clearly abandoned game you resort to Sup Forums level LARPing and fanfiction.

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Better than the over the shoulder rumor and the crocodile removal rumor.

I guess this one has substance at least?

Also big words ++
A* on fake post.

Hope its real though... Kinda.

>thus they are covered

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Get ready for ready for relentless youtube leak videos on RE2.

Thank god Stylosa wont be covering this one.

It'd be 50% about how its true and then 50% how its not true and how RE2 will change the meta.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Who gives a shit about youtube? Video Games, nancy, get with the fucking program or fuck off.

Overwatch players.

If Resident Evil Code Veronica Survivor can happen then this isn't so far off, we know Capcom goes all over the place.

I might have believed you until you posted this.
Shut the fuck off kid there will never be a RE3make. At this rate the fucking remake of 2 won’t release for another 5 or 6 years

Lol you got one thing right, RE3 Remake wont happen, everyone's over the remaster. The japanse act smart but I honestly think they are kind of slow. They should stick hello kitty.

RE2 is probably gonna flop anyway, you're right regardless of this "leak".

Better than the first 'leak' i suppose.

I dig the aspect that they're trying to ground the characters and give them more westernized appearances.

Actually... Why the fuck was Sherry dressed like a Japanese school girl?

Its not fucking Tokyo. What were they thinking?

didnt read lol

William was secretly a weeb, part of the reason why Wesker left is that he didn't want part in making cute loli BOWs.

This should have been 0.
If we get 0.5 we'll get the full story to that dumb fucking outfit.

Fuck you Sherry.

Ada campaign sounds good. She is such a fucking flat character with nothing to do other than pose and use a grapple hook to leave in a gown.

Ada nurse costume?

leon in a jockstrap?

Claire in a warrior outfit that her brother wore in RE5?

It kinda was, I mean Eveline was a loli BOW before going old from not taking meds, nothing really stopping them from making her based on some old notes Birkin hid in a Hello Kitty lunch box that Sherry took along and stuff happened.