Gamer fuel

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Premixed alcohol.

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>& cola

Attached: 1305220230787.png (747x443, 50K)

> mixing spirits
> ever


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i literally can't play video games without ritalin anymore

>Drinking perfume
This is why you westerners became soyboys and feminists.

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You guys are a bunch of sad fucks.

thats antidiarrheal medication user
kick your shit habit

Future movie theater shooter detected

but it's adderall

What's the problem?

Vodka and Topo Chico

is it good

i wish i was dead

I wish for you to live a long happy life

> & cola

>whiskey for people who don't like whiskey
No thanks. Buy yourself a decent dram.

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whiskey is disgusting
just give me a shot of vodka and a tall glass of water to wash it down. If I want something tasty and yummy i'll just eat a cheeseburger

fuck you cunt

This shit right here is top tier.

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or save your throat and mix it with diet 7 up instead of burning a hole in your esophogus

I've never regretted a purchase of whiskey more than their 'Tennessee Honey'.
On the topic of whiskey, I need to buy a bottle or two of these.

Attached: japanese-whiskey-set-nikka_1280x1280.jpg (1024x1024, 113K)

polacks am i right

>ITT : Children

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Small doses of opiates are better. You relax, you don't get as tired of sitting, you feel good all over and everything seems happy.

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i don't need that IQ lowering aspartame bullshit

>& Knuckles


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future heroin addict detected

hasn't taken a shit in 2 years detected

and you suck at video games and forget what you're doing
fuck out of here anxietybabby amphetamines are the chad drug

Thanks to the state owned monopoly on alcohol in Sweden I literally can't just go buy Eagle Rare but have to waste money importing it.

Real men drink two 40's, feel like they're about to puke and then eat a sandwich to feel better.


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>drinking anything with copious presence of congeners

Enjoy your hangover the next morning you dumbasses.

*real manchildren


It's cute that you guys start these dick measuring contests over which drinks are supposedly better because you have no one IRL to discuss this shit with

it's nice to snack on

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I said small doses. You don't need to down 5 oxy and play. Just like you wouldn't drink a case of beer or a whole bottle of whiskey and play. Learn how to moderate your usage you plebs.

>This delicious whiskey flavor is something only mature adults can comprehend

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That's what happens when you live in a communist state, user.

you poles are off your gourds

>put top shelf vodka in the fridge for a day
>"this is fucking dumb it probably dilutes it"
>2 drinks later

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You think Fentanyl Franklin started with downing the entire pill bottle in 1 sesh? Don't worry, tolerance builds and recreational oxy popping makes you a literal pillhead

>drinking drain cleaner

Just experienced DTs a few months back, it's not worth it. Trust me.

It actually is
You'll understand if you grow up


you literally just have shit taste

how's your lime-a-rita

>tryhard shit
nah some of us are just alcoholics thanks

Gonna try that grain one next time.


I bet you think drinking is degeneracy.

Artisan secret is placing it in the freezer
It pours like magma and hits your head like it

so fucking good

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You have to take it for weeks straight to get a physical dependency. If you take proper breaks, you don't get addicted and your tolerance doesn't build too much. Stop trying to pretend drinking (which affects your motor skills and social inhibition) is any better. Also I responded to someone taking adderall recreationally. So go respond to him about being a pillhead.

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Drink Rum you children

>tfw only like girly drinks

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That shit is so gross though.

>Just like you wouldn't drink a case of beer or a whole bottle of whiskey and play.

uncultured piggus

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Stop replying to me samefag
*Sips whiskey*
*tips fedora*
*m'lady its an acquired taste*

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For what reason would you do this?

You can drink whatever you like as long as you're not a prude about it

I actually like the taste of some beers

Sake can be pretty nice.

sake tastes like warm piss

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You mean like beer except it doesn't have as horrible aftertaste?

Yeah I guess that's why you implied I was a child for drinking vodka

Jesus you aren't even trying to properly bait anymore. Here's your (You)

Being addicted to stimulants is 100 times better than being addicted to any opiate or benzo. Trust me.

Drawn by underaged. I used to think that too

that stuff is awful
at least just buy some regular JD and a bottle of actual Coca Cola and mix it yourself

No one is drinking it by itself, my fellow uneducated western friends. It's used to made "nalewka", home made infusion steming from traditional herbal medicine.

Sadly this is how I felt throughout college. I eventually reached the point where I drank what I liked without being self conscious, but man. Peer pressure in college is TERRIBLE. All your friends are getting wasted and I'm just there like "Man, I really just want a soda or something because I don't like the way alcohol tastes but I'm afraid of being judged." And trust me they'll judge you hard, especially if you're the ONLY fucking person not drinking alcohol. I shouldn't have to feel pressured to drink something I don't like just to "fit in" and shit. Fuck people who do that. I'm not judging you for drinking alcohol, so why the fuck should I be judged and pressured into drinking it?

stop being such a fag dude

>mix it yourself
Some people just can't be assed I guess, that or we're expecting to much


Vodka is pretty much as basic as it gets. It is entirely based on the amount of times it is filtered. The brand doesn't matter. A 4 time filered vodka is identical across the board. That's the beauty of vodka. If you are paying more than 13 us american dollars for a liter of vodka, you are being ripped off.

>xanaxfags itt
lmao enjoy your benzoshakes

Hate to say it, but Korea perfected the light spirit.
I can get more shitfaced off a bottle of this than I can an entire bottle of American whisky.

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sake tastes just like diluted whiskey tho

huh. what does it taste like

Still need to try the Grain myself, had the Malt a bit back and loved it.
Was gifted a bottle of Suntory Toki recently, which is pretty good as well.

I've had authentic sake and it wasn't that great. I guess it's an acquired taste. It was just really warm and had a really bitter aftertaste, like fucking hot cough syrup.

I've never been addicted to anything because I'm overly cautious with dosage and frequency of usage so I wouldn't know.


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Alcohol is disgusting. How does people even find any enjoyment out of drinking alcohol besides having a ""drunk high""?

There are definitely some folks who will judge you but I'm sure you were just overthinking it my dude.

Well, I don’t have the money to do lines between games of DOTA and League now do I?

Do you really need to reply to me 3 times in a row to make your point? Whiskey is pure fucking swill. You drink it because it gives you an identity. It's purely about "maturity" for you which is why you don't accept that most people find it absolutely disgusting.

can't call yourself true blue without a stubby or can of VB in your hand

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they judged you because you were born a pussy

o b s e s s e d