>implying Valve isn't just as bad as Blizzard
I reported and bookmarked two profiles yesterday and received this notification today.
The first profile is likely owned by someone that writes cheats for TF2. They blatantly cheated in VAC-"protected" servers while spamming binds to advertise their cheats. Their profile not only contains links to fishy sites on which cheats are likely sold, but they also happen to have tens of screenshots showing off the cheating overlay.
The second profile merely had a swastika avatar.
Despite the fact that the cheater was reported first, the swastika guy was the only one that Steam chose to take action against.
Implying Valve isn't just as bad as Blizzard
Nobody cares. Cry somewhere else.
nobody fucking cares, companies are not your fucking buddies, they will take every opportunity to fuck you over and take your hard earned cash because thats all they fucking care about, steam does not give a single flying fuck about cheaters, and the reason the swastica was banned first is that its easier to advertise shit and sell products that don't have people screaming nigger right under it, any company that exists today is only out for your money and that's the end of it, its the same as its been since the beginning of fucking time.
>make a thread about how eager Blizzard is to punish "toxic" players
>everyone makes fun of Overwatch for being a SJW hugbox and says how different things are in TF2
>meanwhile Valve lets cheaters fly under the radar while punishing players with offensive avatars or names - things that are relatively harmless
Welcome to Sup Forums - Pcbros
>volvo drones is filtered
Interesting. Give it a couple more days to see if anything gets done about the cheat developer guy and if not, just send your findings to some of those shitty game news sites to see if they pick it up and spread awareness.
vac bans are always delayed
They always wait on bans like that to try and catch more people in a wave.
>banning a guy because of a swastika avatar
I'm genuinely surprised Valve gave a shit.
couldn't he just change it back?
That's true and makes sense, but would that also mean that they would let fishy links & cheating screenshots stay up?
The guy wasn't banned, I think unless community bans are still a thing.
His avatar was changed to the default steam question mark.
we live in a world where hearing words and reading them is move harmful then physically harming someone, why would they care about hacks.
VAC does not ban based on reports.
what is HvH?
Because one requires them to actually look into the account and the other is blatantly against ToS and they just have to press a button. Are you honestly surprised Valve is lazy, retard?
What is the point of the report function then? Game bans?
VAC=Valve Allows Cheating
just a couple hours ago i was in casual quickplay
a dude was blatantly cheating, teleporting around, aimbotting, constant overheal
he got kicked with a VAC message in chat and he immediately re-joined
VAC doesnt do shit
That's the reason why I dropped tf2.
Hackers fucking everywhere, Valve doing nothing about it and, whenever I posted about this problem in tf2 threads, people would simply answer shit like "you're exaggerating" or "didn't happen to me lol".
Fuck the game, fuck Valve but most importantly fuck this shitty community that completely ignores the issues because of their blind fanboyism.
i guess they would want retards who are going to cheat to download the ones they already know about so they can get them later on
happens in literally every multiplayer game f@m, settle down
Case in point.
yep, overwatch
Valve always sides with the assholes because they are assholes themselves. This is why I no longer use Steam. Fuck Valve.
im not ignoring your point because im a fan boy, im just saying.. the only way to avoid hackers is to not play multiplayer games
I don't think TF2 has a similar system, or does it?
You can't stop hacks. Even if you ban that one guy he can always make another account, and to actively hunt all hackers down and prove they're fucking with the game is nearly impossible. Even Ubisoft has given up the fight by not allowing you to report such activity.
Swastikas are easy. Just use computer vision to create an object detecting system, train it to detect offensive things in avatars, and have it auto ban anybody flagged by it. Easy moderation of some form that earns you good boy points from journalists and reddit for taking care of the mean old Nazis.
There is some way that they are getting around VAC bans.
It must have something to do with their name/id or whatever it uses to mark them as cheaters because i have seen a couple of hackers that have a different name then the one they actually have in-game.