Thoughts on this game?
Thoughts on this game?
Sae is bae
Weeb and waifufag bait, and its merits end there.
it's a competent jrpg with interesting slice of life mechanics that attracts the worst kind of waifu fags. Game has plenty of style but lacks the polish in the writing department, mainly focusing on wish fulfillment instead of trying to tell a coherent story or presenting characters with dilemmas to grow with. I feel like the direction Persona 5 choose to take is to blame on the fans, as atlus saw what happened when they pandered to that demographic that they dappled with in Persona 4 and tested with it's extended "sequels." I miss the balance between an interesting plot and a dash of wish fulfillment thrown in, you really can't appreciate one or the other without contrast so overall I feel like while persona 5 was a fun ride, it's not something I would go back and dwell on in the future like 3 and 4 was. In it's own right they upgraded the game to modern standards but at the same time they've settled into a routine, one that unless the new director makes bold choices persona will be like for a long long time
it was ok, gameplay got stale after 40 hrs and dumb characters
i liked it. the gameplay is the best of the serise and SL dose more than give you higher level personas. just wish i could say i like the story and characters. both are pretty bland.
I hated every aspect of this game.
Please elaborate.
4 and 3 are better imo
not to say 5 is bad but its soooo fucking long and the pacing sucks
first non-Mario/Pokemon JRPG I've ever wanted to see through to the end
first JRPG I've ever entered a new game plus on
first JRPG I've ever fully completed every feature in
I liked it. makoto a cutest
Main problem is the writing. The actual plot makes no sense, Yaldabaoth's plan defies all logic and the parameters of his wager/game/experiment change several times. The twist that he's masquerading as Igor is entirely pointless because Igor isn't a character in this story. Also reusing his voice clips because his voice actor died was increidlby stupid and jarring. The whole thing comes across like a by-the-numbers retread of Persona 4's twist, but handled much worse.
The stories in the framework of the plot are individually terrible. They're completely disjointed and the themes they're based on are obvious and ridiculously contrived. Most of them also aren't really motivated by anything, the Palace arcs are strung along by coincidence and happenstance. The premise of being thieves kind of falls apart, your group doesn't really have a primary motivation except for vanity, and plot threads just get abandoned. There's no resolution to Futaba and the conspiracy for example. Kaneshiro and Okumura feel like a complete waste of time.
The dialog itself is really bad. It's hampered by poor localization, but even by itself, the situations and the way characters act is incredibly stupid. I think the best example of Kaneshiro's arc where the circumstances involving Makoto are so dumb it feels like they're pulled straight out of a shitty H-doujin. The characters have a jarring disconnect between how they're written before they join your party and what they are afterwards. It feels like they were doing a P4-style pivotal transformation thing, but without the shadow mechanisms of that game to make it make sense. So for example Makoto repeatedly demonstrates how she blows her cool, rushes into things with no plan, and is completely guileless and retarded. Then immediately after her transformation, everyone in your team is gushing about how smart she is and how she should be your tacitician.
stale pasta
The gameplay also just isn't good. That isn't to say things aren't improved from previous entries, but I don't think P3 or P4 were good either in this department. The combat plays out a lot like P4 where physical skills are completely overpowered and every battle boils down to keeping your buffs up, healing, and using unbalanced multi-hit-all physicals. The game is a lot easier though with lots of mechanics, especially HIfumi's social link abilities, that totally break the game's combat and make it a joke. There's just so many features that felt like pointless unfun additions. Guns and ammo are obviated as soon as you get a single gun skill. Weapons only exist as a beginner's trap. Negotiations are and have always been a stupid boring mechanic. You can now auto-battle and take any thought out of most encounters. Ambushing is guaranteed and the game has the simplest and worst stealth system ever created. There aren't any real challenging or memorable combat encounters at all.
The dungeons are still terrible. The fixed layouts are really only good in Kamoshida and Madarame, and then it immediately devolves into samey hallways and incredibly basic puzzles accompnied by five minutes of Makoto spelling out the puzzle solution for you. The game is so bad about forced hand-holding that it's unreal. It puts Wind Waker to shame in just insulting your intelligence with these totally uninspired layouts with savepoints after literally everything. On top of all of this, there's still a mandatory random dungeon that sucks just as bad as every other randomd ungeon in this series. Or possibly worse because there's even less variety.
The lifesim aspect is cluttered and incredibly easy compared to the past games. Fortune telling is stupidly broken and you barely have to try to max all stats and do all links. The links themselves were made massively worse by having them almost universally be finished off with terrible Mementos missions which are pegged to certain dates.
Combat is garbage. The times when you die aren’t based on lack of skill, but artificial difficulty where a monster attacks you once with something your equipped persona is weak to, winds up doing a follow up attack and kills you MC which INSTANTLY gives u a game over. Surprise, go eat shit and restart hopefully that save room wasn’t 45min back.
Wow, you sound fucking terrible.
>hating on demon negotiation
Why is that?
yeah 4 felt better and less phoned in.
You're complaining about status weaknesses. How much of a brainlet are you?
It's a great game.
If you haven't beaten Reaper or twins then your opinion is invalid.
Apparently not as much as you because you can’t read. I simply added my thoughts on a single aspect of the combat because I didn’t wanna sit there and elaborate how easy 95% of all combat is with you ambushing everything and winning flawlessly. I was talking about a specific scenario, but I’m not sure why I’m even justifying anything to a random cunt neet on Sup Forums.
Not him, but the whole thing is random as fuck. Like I could make the same responses to the same demon and sometimes he would take it well while others he wouldnt.
It was never a good mechanic.
The worst thing about the confidants is again the writing. Most of them are the exact same thing and they're terrible: you fuck around for eight ranks doing nothing except introducing some asshole who is hassling your confidant, and then you magically brainwash them. Then your confidant fucks you if they're a girl. It's insanely lazy and repetitive, and it means that most of them are underdeveloped one-note characters with boring interactions like Tae or the reporter chick. Gone are the actual character arcs with development that tied back to the theme of the game like in previous games. Now nearly everyone is as shallow as they come and it feels like you don't have a meaningful role in their lives beyond getting rid of their problems and putting your dick in them.
This also creates a problem with your party member social links, where Ryuuji in particular feels like a completely different character from his social link personality to how he acts in the story. I didn't like how 4 tied awakenings to social links and it's gotten even worse here. Your party members don't develop at all after their introduction arc, and that, coupled with thier incredibly boring group dynamic, loses the feeling of having a big group of friends that P4 had. They're also annoying as fuck with their constant repetitive texting.
I also think the time management aspect of the game just sucks now. The deadlines have the dumbest justification (particularly Kaneshiro) and the between-arc segments have never felt this clumsily separated from the actual gameplay parts. The recurring 100% "go-to-sleep" days are proof of that, where they existed in previous games but now are so clearly conspicuous. You just end up bumrushing dungeons to save time and doing long swathes of repetitive boring confidant ranks without any thought because Fortune Telling is so abuseable.
I think that covers my major gripes with the game. About the only thing I liked were the menus.
The whole calling card mechanic is terrible, and the characters are also really boring.
That being said, I still enjoyed the overall game. 7/10 for me, and yes I beat the twins/reaper. Not really hard when you make custom personas.
play smt. it's better on there.
I dont know what score to give it to be honest. The game is stylish as all fuck and a significant improvement over the other two gameplay wise.
But the writing and pacing are so fucking bad it hurts and it has shitloads of wasted potential at every corner.
Didn't live up to the hype. Maybe my standards were too high, or the group really did have almost no chemistry. 8/10
best persona. GOTY.
People shitting on the writing are brainlets.
t.pancake man
The only good story arc in Persona 5 is Kamoshida. I would challenge you to show otherwise
It's an alright game that could have been so much more
I don't know /cries
Heard a lot of good things about it, so finally dusted off my fat PS3 and bought it. Actually played it tonight for the very first time.
Kinda cool, I guess. The map can be confusing as shit at times and most of the time questions people asked didn't really have consequences. Guess I'll see where it goes, but I imagine it's a bit dumbed down SMT with more social aspect to it. As long as the battles can still be interesting, I don't mind dumbing down and SMT, the few I played, certainly needed some other shit to do than run and fight/catch a new Pokeyman.
It was my first Persona and I genuinely enjoyed it, however it dragged excessively closer to the end.
P5 is interesting in that it somehow manages to be too short and too long at the same time
But the story goes to shit after madarame arc.