Have you played any games that have helped your depression?

have you played any games that have helped your depression?

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stop trying to

>having a full time job
money is nice
>engaging with society
sure, sometimes
>getting married & having children
no thanks, im good
>playing video games and watching anime all day
i like this
>for 10 more years
sure why not
>then killing myself
no thanks, im good

any good horror game can replace indifference with strong emotion and make you more alive

Depression is a serious medical condition and if you think you suffer from it please get medical help.

No. Most of the time the depression keeps me from playing games.

Beginner's guide. What remains of Edith Finch.

Now how about you just man the fuck up and read a book instead. It's a ton more helpful user. Dostoevsky and Camus. Ya fucking pussy.

i think i'm depressed and the only cure is if you suck my dick user.

you don't want me to suffer do you?

temporarily, yeah

I'll think about it if you are cute.

>be depressed
>read Dostoyevsky
>find out the reason I'm depressed is killing jews


If a video game "helps" you with depression, then you don't have depression, you have Munchausen Syndrome.

Just wanted him to read The Idiot so he can calm the fuck down.

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Well, i haven't got depression but went through a time where i felt like i had it and games i enjoyed like Overwatch and Titanfall helped me get through that and i am now alot happier

When you eventually get around to it, which gun will you be shooting yourself with? Please stream it.

You mean, I played them and didn't feel depressed while playing, or they made me no longer depressed afterwards?

Escapism can definitely help with depression if your depression is an existential sort and stems from life being intrinsically shitty. Though I suppose a "real" depressed person with a legitimate chemical imbalance wouldn't be able to feel anything at all anymore, not even angst.

unironically played Skyrim without mods or DLC for 792 hours when I had no friends, quit my part-time job, and flunk all my classes.

But now I learned how to never settle for shit games and I have a good job.

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Am I the only one getting a creepy vibe from modern conservatives pushing the "have children" stuff?

Games exacerbate my depression by taking up time I could use to be a productive human being but the instant gratification I get staves off the impulses.

getting help is weak and embarrassing

What a stupid comment.

>tfw so depressed you beat a pokemon game in 2 days

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Doesn't sound terribly depressed to me

only stupid people "need" help.

Just propose already, queer

It is though?

You are going to someone and opening your feelings up. its just too embarrasing

I've done it in one, beating a Pokemon game takes like ten hours, they are not long games by any stretch if you just mean beating the pokemon league

So wallowing in your feelings and eventually killing yourself is a better option?

id honestly rather do that, yes

My depression went into overdrive ever since I made video games my main hobby. I was fit. I used to play sports almost everyday. I would go out with friends and socialize with girls. Then I discovered this place and was convinced to stop being a dudebro and play Jap games. Now im fat and broke with all my money going to video games and toys. Thanks alot.

>So quietly going out and not having to ever worry about anything ever again is a better option than going way, way out of your comfort zone to a complete stranger in the vague and feeble hope that they'll "fix" you?
Try to put yourself in the mindset of the people you're trying to give advice to before you go ahead and say dumb things user

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That's not Sup Forums's fault. In my worst days I was just on /r9k/ all day and shit like that definitely worsens it, but you're the only one who can stop yourself. And don't wait until you find some garbage inspirational greentext, they're always pessimistic as fuck.

Millenials are pathetic

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threads over reddit has arrived folks.

depression was invented by reddit

The latter is how I feel now. It's really not so bad, since you never feel pain and the days pass quickly, but life is really empty without emotions.

Reading only intensifies the deeper darker void you push yourself into from anyone ever empathizing or finding a common ground with you. Doing stupid but non-selfdestructive shit is unironically the closest you'll ever feel happiness from external validation, which let's be honest is the only healthy mental validation any humanbeing can get.


This shit sounds like something out of an edgy shonen anime. Please kill yourself.

I do this and I'm not depressed. I'm just apathetic and unable to care for myself.

>look at me i am so cool for telling depressed people to commit suicide

Reddit tier """"""""""""""""""humor"""""""""""""""""

Yes, Drepession Quest. I don't know if any of you ever head of it but it's an incredibly powerful game, me and 4 of my male friends played it with it's developper, Zoe Quinn, and it was one of the most intense experience of my life, 10/10.

uh okay

People choosing to live with their depression because talking to others is "too embarrassing" are too much of a waste of valuable oxygen.
Either help yourself or off yourself.


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>way out of your comfort zone to a complete stranger in the vague and feeble hope that they'll "fix" you?
But this is the typical, uninformed caricature thinking that does no good, I've been there myself. You don't go to a stranger that fixes you. You go to someone with more knowledge about certain things that can help you expand your own very limited perception so that you can grow whatever amount and start fixing yourself. I swear the worst enemy of anxiety, depression and basic being on the outside of normal is the warped and limited view we get which we in turn take for absolute truth or some highly intelligent actualiy that the sheeple with their degrees haven't understood. Have some humility and just accept that maybe there could be answers or solutions somewhere you might didn't expect.

Cunts like you are the reason they are hesitant. People with mental health problems are generally ashamed of it and have a great deal of difficulty expressing how they feel. Especially males.

Id rather not do anything and just leech off my rich parents ty

I'm in the process of getting help and I still do feel like this but since it's not the norm and suicide is bad I have to get help. Unfortunately I care too much what everyone thinks of me so I'd rather get everything straightened out before people only remember me for the depressed nobody who offed himself. A doctor is one person. Coworkers, family, friends (haha) are multiple people.

>getting help is weak and embarrassing
No, they think they're too fucking good for help.

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>wow, you're such a pathetic loser, depressed person, you should kill yourself
you're kinda handing him the argument there y'know

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I didn't tell him to kill himself because he's depressed.

Uhmmm can you believe how rude this guy is? *rolls eyes*