Game ends with a cliffhanger

>Game ends with a cliffhanger
>Sequels don't follow up on it

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>game ends with a cliffhanger
>there is no sequel

>games ends the a sequel
>there is no cliffhanger

bowser had an "interesting" portrayal in this game

>game ends on a cliffhanger
>sequel is a reboot that ends on a cliffhanger
>there is no sequel to the reboot

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>game ends with a cliffhanger
>developer shuts down

>game ends with a cliffhanger
>DLC follows up on it

Sunshine would have been amazing if it had 2 more islands to explore, ran at 60 fps (probably not possible due to the water though) and the blue coin autism was toned down.


Complex motives

how dare you ruin my family vacationRAAAAUUGHH

>>Game ends with a cliffhanger
>>Sequels don't follow up on it

MGS2 was like this for years

Sunshine would have been amazing if it never existed.

>show ends on cliffhanger
>they brink it back 10-20 years later and it's so bad you want to kill the world.

Looking at you, reboot.

>dlc ends on another cliffhanger

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Kek bad writing is always some 2deep4u bullshit that never ends. This is why good writing is always a story that wraps things up nicely.

>bad writing is always some 2deep4u bullshit that never ends

that's what MGS2's ending felt like

he takes the brush and paints the castle paintings in mario 64. he uses the time machine from Mario's Time Machine

>game ends on a cliffhanger
>sequel ends on another cliffhanger
>third game is shit and ends on yet another cliffhanger

>Game ends on a cliffhanger
>Unlock secret paths
>It ends on a separate cliffhanger
>No sequel or mention of the series ever again

Fuck you sega, where’s my rhythm theif 2, I want to fight reborn Napoleon

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>Game end with a definitive ending
>A prequel is made and ends on a cliff hanger that retcons the first game.

One day user... one day.

>Game ends on a cliffhanger
>All following games are prequels

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>game retroactively destroys and shits all the over the previous entries with retarded story retcons

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>game ends on good note but leaves room for sequel
>Sequel is way better
>ends on a cliffhanger
>Sequel getting made to wrap up cliffhanger
>Sequel gets cancelled
Legends 3 will never die until Capcom goes under and takes the source with them