I kinda want to replay Undertale

I kinda want to replay Undertale.

Attached: Undertale.jpg (1025x578, 59K)


Why are you telling us?


You guys are cool and I like talking to you, so I shared my thoughts.

Zero replay value

do it nigger

You and me both, brother. I got my friend for the first time, and he's doing it blind, so I already know we're gonna have to play it again to get the pacifist ending. I'm gonna talk him into letting me take the wheel so I can play him back up to the ending and try again.

play it on switch this way you support both undertale and nintendo

I don't believe there's such a thing as a game with zero replay value. Assuming it was enjoyable enough to complete a first time, it's possible that someone will want to play it again. It's natural to want to replay something if it's fun.

Why is supporting nintendo a priority? I don't think the Switch is very practical or ergonomic, so I would recommend it on PC or PS4.

I'm here for my reminder that Son goku is beautiful

It's not that good. The best part of the game is the novelty and after you play through it once there's nothing left.

OP here. i haven't played it since it came out and i never did a genocide play-through. i don't remember too much of the dialogue and shit.

If you didn't do a genocide play-through you didn't really finish the game

It's better to do the good ending then go for genocide,correct?Since you can't revert if you go bad ending first and then go for good one.

>not PSV
Oh no...

Whether the game is good or not and which part of it is best are both subjective. I enjoyed the gameplay and would like to improve, plus I like the characters so much, I wouldn't mind visiting them again. The soundtrack is awesome, too. Of course I can still listen to the music whenever I want, but it's more impactful when you're actually playing, experiencing the story that the music compliments.

i mean i did all the other routes. i told myself i'd play it how i wanted and i got a lot of enjoyment out of the pacifist/neutral routes.

but that also means i definitely didn't get the sans fight so you may be right.

I would argue to the contrary; one plays the end credits, one does not. The ending you get is the one you earn, and you earn the happy ending by displaying the mental fortitude to resist the temptation to play the genocide route.

I kind of want to shatter your kneecaps with a hammer, and as you collapse screaming and immobile, hold your head in place as I force drano down your throat.

i wonder what kind of person you envision me being.

do it and post results

>You guys are cool

N-no we aren't, baka

yeah you are i talk about video games all the time with you guys

Just do it you fag, the game is only 1-2 hours long on replays anyway.