Holy Sigmar! Vermintide 2 Thread!

Holy Sigmar! Vermintide 2 Thread!

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>get to boss fight
>20 elites spawn right on top of us
>whole team gets wiped in seconds

the game is fun but they really need to fix some shit


There are classes with press F to kill specials and ranged ammunition is easier to come by than ever.

An old ranger trick... Hehehe

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>Everyone going down
>Snipe a hookrat and a brapnado master
>Kill immediate rats around me and some storm vermin
>Dust finally settles
>About to pick someone up
>Sneakrat gives me a hug

>An old ranger trick... Hehehe

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I think he meant that literally, they spawned right on top of him. I've had special enemies pop into existence right in front of me, the spawning is buggy as hell.

>go to dodge
>some fucking pebble on the ground has collision for no fucking reason

wow just autistically remember where every scrap on the ground on every map is like wtf lol

>not "holy sigmar how heretical"

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>play the game using a controller
>find out about Saltspyre's special pistol attack
>literally no way to use it

What the fuck

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I'm waiting for the day Kruber finally snaps and murders Kerillian.

Honestly surprised how well he took the trip to nurgles garden

whatever floats your rats

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I once got wiped by a black rat patrol spawning on top of me during a boss fight. I think the game is really good and fun but the difficulty has huge spikes due to RNG. Some runs are baby tier and then in the next one, on the same map, you wipe in the first 5 min due to some bullshit.

Saltzpyre bot when?

Look out Dawri! A Rakizharr!!!

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Why do all of the bosses have such wonky hitboxes? The worst has to be who's spinslash goes a fucking mile.

>lvl 28 Kruber doing vets for effortless xp
>host is lvl1 elf
>''hey guise is 30 max level?''
>sound of swarm starts, bile troll arrives
>guise stay here I'm gonna go activate the lever
>''ouch it hurts''



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>ouch it hurts

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Tell what to do to make Kruber fun because he really just seems like discount everyone regardless of what you use. Foot Knight's a worse Ironbreaker, Huntsman is a worse Elf, Default career that I can't remember the name of is the only unique one but it's still low in usefulness once you get to higher levels. I just don't know what I'm doin' wrong.

>Jump to front of horde
>Slide through to back of horde
>Get leached
>Second horde wave comes and kills while first is still alive fighting allies

Old Ranger trick

blunderbuss and halberd. they are very good.

Maybe I fucked up with the halberd but I don't get how it's better than Executioner's or 2H hammer

I use halberd, wide sweeps for crowd control AND has shieldbreaker. You can cut up anything in the game to bits. Foot Knight is useful as you get health with every kill and you have a "Devotion aura" for your teammates. Not to mention a stun for bosses. He's solid and my favorite character so far.

>jump at boss
>accidentally hit a small slope on impact
>uh oh here we go dawri
>get flung across the map and die with grim and tome

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Later levels.
Footknight ends up becoming a better dedicated tank than ironbreaker since it ends up with fucking insane stam regen and extra health and a incredibly short cooldown stun
Huntsman can still have some good burst just not boss melting anymore.
Merc is the epitome of kruber which is versitile, it's good at a bit of everything.

this game is pretty fucking succesful. i hope the devs realize what they have on their hands and will try to keep people invested

Different playstyle for me. My friend loves the hammer but for me, it is too slow and I can be interrupted while charging a sweep. In contrast, Halberd is more spammy and I have no wind-up to use it.

It's really incredible how much it sold without much advertising
vt1 had its fair share of players, but vt2 just sold like hotcakes

>lvl 28 on veteran
kys my man

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whats the best elf weapon?
been using spear so far

Because everybody loves papa nurgle

Unless your gear is all at or approaching 200, there is absolutely no reason to play on Champion regardless of your hero level.

spear is good, but works best on handmaiden. i like glaive and dual swords on waystalker/dual dagger on shade

spear is the best horde genocider, glaive is the anti stormvermin mass destruction weapon, dagger is for shade so you can land as many backstabs to get ammo back

Faster leveling.
Also passive hero level increase effects loot drops to a degree

>people don't want pvp
Did nobody here enjoy l4d? Seems like it would be easy to let the player control hookrats, gutter runners, etc. Would add a lot more variation when grinding and shit.

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>New freindly player doesnt know how the game works while some retard who should be on champ wants to vent about it on the redditchanz

Why not? Should I just go to legendary?

I liked L4D versus but I feel like it'd be tedious to balance versus for vermintide
fatshark already struggles to balance the singleplayer right now

I like glaive a little more than spear unless handmaiden then spear.

PSA": The glaive is not a crowd control weapon similar to the executioners sword and warpick.
Do not fall for the it's big so it will work on crowds meme.
These weapons are for headshot burst damage and light skirmishing.

>no reason
how about to literally git fucking good retard? you will get obliterated on champ and legend, it's a different game on those settings and the earlier you jump in the better.

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>playing any first person game with a controller
why gimp yourself?

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did i say anything about it being a good crowd control weapon?

You should absolutely jump into champ and legendary once you've gotten your gear cap from Veteran, but just saying HURR SCRUBBERS GIT GUD is fucking stupid

I wouldn't mind a PvP Mode. It would only give the game more value. But there is the issue of balancing. I'd rather having the option to play a campaign as the skaven honestly. But that would have to be for another game, another time.

No but I've seen too many shitters complain that those weapons are not good for hordes and decry them as shit as a result.
Better to know now than look stupid later.

Does this game have a decent amount of content? A couple of my friends are playing it religiously but they're the type to play a game for a week and then drop it completely

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you do realize that your entire blogpost makes you look like a fucking retard, right?

git fucking good. no excuse for veteran at lvl 28

Level 5 elf here, should I just be equipping whatever has the most power? Or are there like certain weapons I should prioritize?

ie is a swiftbow better than a shortbow, things like that

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>Aim assist
>PvE game with melee focus

Why wouldn't I use a controller?

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>mage keeps clipping salt with beam
>keeps playing voice clips telling the dwarf to stop shooting him for some reason
>barley even pulled out my ranged weapon yet let alone fired a shot

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Fuck brightwizards

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fuck right of ya mangy cunt

glaive. best crowd control weapon

Buff Bolt Staff right click missile speed, for a supposed sniper weapon it doesn't hit a fucking thing that's moving without some heavy calculations.

talk about booty blasted


Actually no, I found L4D extremly bland and not even with mods and friends could I play over 24 hours.

Vermintide 1 got me 700, instantly hooked since the reveal of the game.

PvP still not belongs in this game simply cause of balancing.

You switch sides and the winner is the side that does better

How is that difficult to balance

Maps are not in mind with that, skills arent made in mind with that, abilities would obliterate enemy players(namely homing ones), some specials have cooldowns like the Ratling gunner and how can a Warpfire Thrower come nesr them without getting shot instantly?

You just cant balance this with so much shit. The game wasnt designed with PvP in mind and nothing builds on it.

It works only in such simple games with no features like L4D for example (KF2 doesnt count since it failed horribly).

I would rather see them delievering more Warhammer stuff to us.

>gutter runner spawns in
>you hear it in some cliffs behind you
>you turn your control stick and begin moving at the speed of molasses
>gutter runner jumps on your asshole and starts piercing it while you still turn around slowly and wait to be helped
Gee why would you??

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You betta bloody watch it drongo fuck i'll glass ya

I'm just saying the only thing that makes the nurgle wizards balanced is that they have the same retarded ai as everything else, if a player had a leech, whats to stop them from doing the telepunch nonstop, or a blightstormer from using their storm on a necessary path out of view from the players.

She just wants you to admit that you love her.

>not jumping down with the rest of your group

>wanna level up my Saltz
>friends not online
>go with randoms
>first match fail cuz fuckers let horde pounce of them during horde
>second match failed cuz fuckers dont follow my instruction how to get boss stuck in in to the nest
>third match kicked out mid map because I was bullying slayer for jumping in to horde of enemies and dying

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early on it doesn't matter at all, give the different weapons a try.
Later you will be prioritizing at dealing with special and elites with your weapons, with some form of abilities to mob

playing with randoms before champ is awful. After champ is still awful but they are usually pretty good sports about it so at least you can make some friends.

Speak for yourself.
I've run into hardly any solo pubs on champ who are worth spitting on.

It has decent content but it's hardly the type of game you really play long term. If your friends already played a couple dozen hours there's a good chance you will get left behind shortly if you get it now.

it just pisses me off that they don't listen
I told them three fucking times how to get boss stuck during in to the nest and they still didn't follow, and the boss was almost dead which pisses me off a lot

It is entirely possible to not be iLevel 200 at level 28 but that would make you a shitter and that's even more of a reason why you shouldn't be playing Champion+ at level 28.

So no, there is not "literally no reason"

Really? In the pubs I've been in if someone has a good idea everyone usually goes for it.

Have you ever considered that maybe they want to play the game normally without shitty exploits?


Block canceling after the first light or charged attack allows you to tear through hordes, while the other attacks delete stormvermin easily, while Chaos warriors are dead in two light attack combos. Get either a swift slaying halberd to blend through hordes or a crit reduces cooldown to spam that charge or morale boost.

>spawn in as gutter runner or any special
>get instant sniped by pyromancer's skull ability or waystalker's trueflight arrows

>let's just fail a mission because we are stuckup faggots

>im a faggot that needs exploits to win because i lack the mental capacity to be good

>im such a faggot i won't use an opportunity that was given to me
this is why you still live in your mom's basement faggot
>actually getting booty blasted over exploit
what Sup Forums has come to and from where these shitters came from?

What would happen if Fatshark goes insane and makes the 5 heroes to actually defeat Archaon and stop the end times.

GW shuts down the entire thing because no one is allowed to be stronger than Archaon.

>Not realizing exploiting exploits is a way of protesting inefficient, or unfinished gameplay mechanics, or if only to inform the developers that their chosen idea of what makes a game fun is not, in fact, fun
There's a reason people exploited so much in V1 and it was because grinding for loot was a nightmare. The amount of exploiting got the Devs to not just fix the exploits, but to give the loot system a serious overhaul from what it was at the time.

I don't think the bosses are implemented in a way that is wholly fun by any means, but can be.

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Jesus christ why does this game take 5 minutes to launch? Fix your fucking game devs, jesus.

I need a Kruber guide or something, taking purple drank and perma stunning bosses is obvious but his weapons feel like shit and shields seem like the kind of shit you'd only use with real players instead of randos.

ur bad.
Never mind the fact that fatshark fixed the major exploits in the first game.

>5min to launch
>get in game
>select quick match
>loading screen
>have to restart computer

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Retconned that Saltzpyre was Sigmar the whole time, Sienna is literally Aqshy personified, Bardin is the new incarnation of Grimnir, Kruber is Taal's herald, and Kerillian was secretly the Pheonix King.

Halberd all the way, use it before they nerf it, and they will.

I'm gonna admit user I legit have no idea about the lore of Warhammer. I only know about Archaeon thanks to some quick read about the end times. Why GW has a boner for the guy anyway?

They made a guy whose motivations were to kill chaos, and then made him the biggest chaos man. This contradiction made them very certain that they made a very interesting character, regardless of how uninteresting he actually is.

fuck off fagshark and fix you shitty game, plenty of talents don't work and some of them are outright trash not even worth looking at
fucking BH tallents
>level 10
>get temporary health on crit
>level 15
>get temporary health on crit
tell whoever designed this shit, should kill themself and to that too, you faggot

>i'm sharing a thread with these people

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He's the head of GW's Chaos wank recently

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