Switching weapons is real time and doesn't pause the game

>switching weapons is real time and doesn't pause the game
>you have to eat in real time, doesn't pause the game
>food is eaten with a longer animation, enemies will target and hit you out of it, make you drop your food, pick it up and eat it themselves.
>Full Recovery/overheal is removed, less hearts are healed from cooked items
>potions/elixers are consumed much faster, link can take damage while drinking, but he won't drop or lose it from being interrupted.
>the trade off is good potions/elixers are tougher to make, requiring high quality monster parts and matching insects/critters to be mixed in along with other ingredients.
>Armor can only be upgraded to two star
>Armor can not be swapped during combat.
>each armor piece has a weakness. The plate mail hylian armor takes double damage from electricity and conducts lightning like metal weapons for example.
>Nerf Champion abilities- Urbosa Fury can only be used once before recharging. Daruk's protection only gets one charge, and Mipha's grace has a much longer cool down. Revali's Gale also has only one charge before cool down.
>weapon swings drain a little bit of stamina, bigger and stronger weapons, like the lynel crusher, consume more stamina per swing. Swinging while stamina is red will cause link to do a slow swing that leaves him open with a bigger cool down.
>flurry rush requires much greater timing than it does currently- it takes about twice the precision as a shield parry.

Congrats, Breath of the Wild is now a balanced experience with more rewarding combat. Please implement this, Nintendo.

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The game would be so much better without weapon durability.

I love these suggestions except nerfing Revali's Gale, that's definitely just masochism.

>weapon swings drain a little bit of stamina

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>Please implement this, Nintendo.
You really think Nintendo reads shit like this? Their primary target demographic doesn't know how to read and write yet. They don't give a shit about your opinion, because you're going to buy whatever they shit out no matter what. Most of you will even defend it for them.


Instead of Flurry Rush activating on a dodge, make it a parry thing.

>I want BotW to be Dark Souls
Some of these are ok, but stamina swinging is a no no

Why is this such an issue for a lot of people? I find so many weapons that I’m always have to toss them and break them on purpose.

Or at least make the champions weapons unbreakable but with lower attack power than royal tier weapons

That's only a problem for the beginning of the game when you don't have a lot of weapon slots. Once you have a bunch of weapon slot, just go to a couple camps and you have all the weapons you need.

Why is having an innumerable amount of weapons (which you couldn't possibly hold all at once) better than just having one permanent version? Having infinite amounts of breakable weapons is basically the same thing as just having one all the time

Played it on pc with modded durability. Had a blast. I played it on heroic mode though.

I like variety of weapons in the game so I don’t really mind it.

In nearly every LoZ game there are appalling pacing issues and will continue to have appalling pacing issues because Nintendo fag praise everything Nintendo does. How many times of Pro Jared saying "best game in the series" is it going to sink in that you deserve the pacing issues. 19 games and 30 years just shows no LoZ fan truly knows what's good for the series.

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BotW doesn't need to be "balanced". All it really needs is more enemy variety and some dungeons you couldn't cheese in the usual fashion.

>weapon swings drain a little bit of stamina
>in addition to having durability
>in addition to having a stamina drain penalty
>It's more like dark souls now guys, am I cool yet
Please never design games

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this, Although I enjoyed the way that you could solve the dungeons in different ways, I needed more dungeons

Yeah we need to be playing more mature and thoughtful games like the Last of us and Bioshock that teach us themes and lessons.
Games are art now guys!

A gay as fuck image to mach that gay as fuck comment. Innovative I like it!

Still doesn't disprove my point. Next LoZ game will have pacing issues as always. You would have thought the water temple was a hint of what they were doing wrong but no, Nintendo and their drones love their pace breaking menu switching.

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I've got this image of you with red pubic hairs stuck between your teeth after seeing that image.

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It's amazing how many casuals can't handle the idea of switching weapons frequently and throwing ones that are about to break. What the fuck is wrong with you? The way it makes the game better is that it creates an atmosphere of improvisation and keeps you thinking about how best to attack enemies, rather than finding The Best Sword and using that ad nauseum. Think Chinese action theatre, where guns are plentiful and reloading forbidden, but with swords and axes and spears.

Nintendo really doesn't know how to balance anything that's even remotely complex, they're better with simplicity.

You're changing numerical values and making menu navigation/use more tedious. It doesn't change core flaws with the gameplay, along with middle school idea guy tier ability tweaks.

> meh, I think sometimes balance can move over for the sake of fun. pic related. it doens't stop you from challenging yourself later on.

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I could actually see BotW benefiting from an eating cooldown like in pic related. The rest of your ideas are literally garbage.

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Switching weapons already doesn't pause the game it just slows time a bit


It's a shit mechanic. I played it on PC and just modded durability out of the game. It greatly improved the experience overall.
I have never encountered a game with "good" weapon degradation. It is always a pointless annoyance that just forces the player to run errands on the side.

>atmosphere of improvisation
No. It just makes me say "Looks like I'll be using boko clubs for a while." whenever I encounter a bunch of bokos I want dead. It also makes me wonder if I should actually fucking bother with this combat shrine because I know it's going to eat a couple of my weapons, and I don't want another guardian spear.

>more rewarding
How so?
I do like what you propose, that would make combat less trivial. Also, limit falling aiming slow motion and remove ability to teleport away in an instant even while falling.
But there is nothing more rewarding about it.

>It's a shit mechanic
You are a shit mechanic. Mod yourself out.

I thought it would have benefited more from a limited stomach capacity, like Contact.

>>food is eaten with a longer animation, enemies will target and hit you out of it, make you drop your food, pick it up and eat it themselves.

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Do people really like just staring at green bars refilling before they can attack anything?

That sounds better actually

Do people really like just staring at green bars refilling before they can climb anything?

Not him, but it decentivizes you from engaging in combat with anything that you aren't pretty sure will give you a weapon of equal or greater value or something else of greater value than the weapon, which after a point becomes the majority of enemies you will see.


Meanwhile, BotW continues to sweep awards for its Game Design.

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Climbing is a mechanic that needs some kind of limiter that the player has to work within kinda like mario's maximum jump height and distance. Since I've actually played this game I cannot imagine how frustrating it would be to not be able to land blows on an enemy not because I failed to space myself properly or didn't time my attack animations but because I have to wait form some bullshit to refill. plus if you love it so much there is always the charge attacks.

>Climbing is a mechanic that needs some kind of limiter that the player has to work within kinda like mario's maximum jump height and distance

Weird how that doesn't apply to the closest comparison to BotW's style of jumping, Spider-Man.

The stamina meter doesn't actually add anything to the game besides replace heart pieces with "spirit orbs".

BotW's style of CLIMBING* I meant

>make throwing weapons actually do more damage than just breaking it on an enemy's face
>possibly make a system where you can upgrade your own weapons, similar to how FE does it

Yeah, so did every other open world game in the last 10+ years

>SJW game journos like BotW

That's not a good thing.

Some of these would be neat as an optional difficulty option, but a majority of these are hilariously bad and would only serve to make the game annoying to play.

ruins fighting pace when you are constantly having to swap weapons

i really dont enjoy having to pause and fuck with menus while i want to be engaged in the fight

I'm really not sure what you're trying to get at with this? Are you trying to say that Link should be like spiderman lol.

>constantly have to swap weapons
But you don't unless you're a shitter


Stamina meter is there to stop you from literally sliding up/down the tallest mountains from the very start, makes it so you can't just slide up a wall mid-fight and annihilate everything in slow-mo (like I tried to do in the Yiga hideout), gives a choice between heart containers and stamina meter.
Also do you not see enough fucking retarded complaints on here about 'LE NO PROGRESSION', despite the existence of enemy/weapon scaling, arrow types, climbing gear, environmental gear, champion abilities, champion/ancient gear, etc.

This comparison to spiderman is truly baffling

Literally everything you suggested does nothing but make the game more tedious, less fun, and less rewarding, you are the antitheses of a fan of video games and everything wrong with this board

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>those beautiful child bearing hips
why did they have to make him so feminine

Imagine releasing ever drop of seed from your frustrated cock into his warm, welcoming body

What variety? You get sword, big sword, spear and rod. That's it. There is no variety in how you attack with any other weapons. They all fall into these four categories.

Some men have hips like that. Assbro is a good example.

It's because people are analyzing these parts of the game not by what they're actually meant to accomplish in the game overall, but by vaguely equivalent bits from other games. They're not thinking about what combat in 3D Zelda in general is meant to achieve, just what descendant combat systems that have grown beyond those Zelda design goals are like and how to make Zelda combat more like that.

Combat in Zelda is not meant to be this detailed system of resource management and cost/benefit. Those are there, but in extremely shallow ways. It's not meant to punish you for missing, for not pacing out your attacks properly, for not judging whether you should be jumping around less, or not using so many fucking bombs. Combat is never the focus of Zelda, it's just one of several pillars alongside exploration and locked room puzzle solving. In fact, most of Zelda is solving some kind of puzzle, whether its what to do to make your enemy vulnerable or how to get further in the overworld. Climbing is like this too. You need to figure out how to get somewhere and climbing is one of the "items" to accomplish this. You unlock a way to climb more at once, either by boosting your stamina directly, temporarily, or finding a way to reduce the amount of climbing needed. It's not like Spider-Man 2 where you're just meant to go anywhere on the overworld and do quests and locked off parts get unlocked by story progression, rather than figuring out how to get somewhere in the course of the game.

Whether these design focus choices are good or not is another matter. As is whether what they did do works for what they were trying to accomplish. But any polishing of Zelda's combat as a Zelda game needs to be centered around what it is, a kind of puzzle solving, rather than simply making the combat itself deeper with different numbers or balancing of actions in a single fight. It shouldn't be about making a different way to just whack them with a sword.

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What about bows and boomerangs?

No shrine/dungeon/boss/whatever is actually long enough that you need to worry about weapon durability so it's just an annoyance at best.


>No need to remove overheal, just make it so that it ONLY gives you extra hearts while not giving you max heal.
>Keep the 4 star upgrades, just make the defense value percentage based instead of simply subtractive, same for attack modifiers on enemies.
>Urbosas Fury does less damage instead of reducing uses
>no stamina drain on attacks
>Increase current weapon durability values by 4x so the most basic soldiers sword can kill 100 basic bokoblins
>Shield Parry puts you in the same flurry rush slow mo, but you have free control over your attacks

Wait, THAT'S what armor numbers mean?!

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