This is the maker of undertale

this is the maker of undertale

Attached: 10042017133332_Toby-Fox.jpg (432x432, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Would bang desu


looks like fucking Ice Poseidon

this is the maker of nothing of any consequence

Attached: Capture.png (332x65, 3K)

The "and" part is your job

lol ok

His music is pretty catchy, undertale is basically an excuse to make a leitmotif album

Attached: 1516476366842.jpg (788x444, 91K)

explain your post, anonymous poster

*this is the millionaire genius behind undertale

Attached: TobyFox2.png (378x485, 360K)

This is the maker of Battleborn

Attached: 2904815-pitchford[1].jpg (400x400, 24K)

This is the guy who directed Deus Ex

Attached: warren_spector_1280.0.jpg (1200x800, 71K)

Adam Birch is also more famous and wealthy than a majority of Sup Forums posters but people still don't want to be him hmmmmm.

le createur

Holy jew on a stick, this guy is sad.

he looks like a nice guy

anyone remember that image let's play of earthbound that radiation posted? the one were the "t-rex bat" in winters was depicted as a statue of a t-rex fighting a vampire?

good shit

OP hasn't created anything and just makes fun of those who have

i want to make millions of dollars sitting around in my undies making games, tips?

Why does he look so different in both these pictures?

Facial hair and a longer hairstyle.

Make a game Sup Forums hates so they won't stop talking about it

Ah but that's where you're wrong twice, I have created stuff and I am also not mocking Toby, simply bringing him up so that people will discuss him.

Best way to get kickstarter $$$ is pandering to SJWs.
Best way to get sales is to pander to the alt-right.
Go on kickstarter and advertise a casual LGBT romance laden RPG in which you fight misogyny and transphobia.
Wait for the money to roll in, then hire people to build a game about killing feminists for Hitler.

people grow...

This is the creator of Bitcoin.

Attached: a smile for you.png (1024x640, 1.14M)

He's outside in the first one, the lighting in the second one combined with the facial hair makes him look like he's darker skinned.

>I have created stuff
Such as

el goblino

most punchable face ever amiright? ;)

Your dookies don't count as you making stuff m8

>Nobody likes talking to a drunk unless he's buying
Not true in the slightest.
When I was an alcoholic people loved me when I was drunk, but found me boring when I was sober because I'm a introverted sperg.
When I quit they literally told me they were disappointed I wasn't getting wasted with them

heheheh fuck it dood

He looks like the “Ancient Aliens” meme Guy

Nigger we aren't your entertainment.

You can learn to be less inhibited
Not drinking sucks because people think there's something wrong with you. And even if that's true, it still sucks. I order something to drink and then just don't drink it

Thanks, that clears that up. I haven't played it, but now I don't have to and can disregard anyone who praises it.

seems like chill guy

think i got alot of laid after making undertale.

what a tosspot

.... la abomination

Attached: skip.png (765x246, 30K)

Moving the goalpost

he kind of looks like frank zappa

You don't need to make anything, just consume, until there's nothing left.


Reminds me of the cover of PiL's Flowers of Romance.

Attached: flowers of romance.jpg (600x600, 106K)

post the video of him autistically doing an air guitar at a homestuck meetup.
It's kino

Attached: 1518769278699.jpg (249x249, 8K)

Props to radiation on telling that interviewer to fuck off, but seriously, what the fuck is with those questions?

>scene girls are gone and are replaced by SJW landwhales

I want to go back

Attached: 1316992146634.jpg (450x300, 45K)

This is the same person? How in the fuck does that work?

looks like me

>Jeanette Lee
>scene girl

Attached: 1369891650679.jpg (598x356, 57K)

toby is too innocent for this world

wtf I love undertale now

>this is the origin of toby becoming the annoying dog

minsiter you satoshi!

Attached: 1514250385534.jpg (1424x648, 88K)

>he's actually charming and charismatic

Attached: sato.jpg (800x800, 71K)

holy shit it's some dude

he's always been a goofy guy who liked entertaining people, kind of a class clown type of guy. it's a shame he got so big that he can't really do fun shit anymore without a million people getting up his ass about it

tobys magnum opus will always be the
baby was you.

I kinda miss homestuck.



jesus christ I hate saying this but I can't help but cringe at this

>he's actually charming and charismatic
You seemed to have confused charming and charismatic with autistic and cringey.

la creatura....

but can you gay romance Hitler?

How old is this picture? I just realized he was doing The Mouth before it became a meme.

Attached: 1518501059439.jpg (410x396, 32K)

what a badass

>le Sup Forumsfaggot

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Undertale. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Homestuck most of the jokes will go over a typical players head. There’s also Frisk's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Undertale truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Flowey’s existential catchphrase “I wonder... What happens when something without a SOUL gains the will to live?” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Toby’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer monitors. What fools.. how I pity them.


>autistic and cringey
Sorry champ, you must be in the wrong place, r/cringe is down the hall and to the left.

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